The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader, link: NYPost - "Billions in bearer bonds could be lost due to Hurricane Sandy: sources"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 20-Nov-2012 17:41:32
Date: Tuesday, 20-Nov-2012 17:41:32
Gee: 55 Water Street!
Isn't that where everybody's Original Birth Certificate is stored?
You remember...the Birth Certificate on Bonded Paper, which represents that we are the Bond Slaves of whomever owns the paper!
The same Birth Certificate that is marketed by the US Government as an International Securities investment titled MUTUAL FUNDS?
So all of the Bearer Bonds are actually based upon human collateral and that is what has been damaged and valuated as a lost?
Yes, A Deadly blow to the Cabal. These were the straw man accounts that were held over our head in commerce and in the court rooms. Game over Cabal. You no longer own us!!!
The math. The math.
1.3 million bonds and stocks hardly reach the over 300 million here where potentially a certificate of some kind is created.
1.3 Million is not even a ding in the 300 million.
It would be nice if the 1.3 Million were the certificates of the 1%. The demise of that value makes them worthless and unable to be of any 'credit' to society.
So it is really true. I saw an article on here last week about this from someone called Sananda. So, now what do we do to enforce this and not let any of the corporations trick us again?
These are the birth certificate bonds and their value is I'm sure much closer to $70 trillion than $70 billion.
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