Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress (Updated)
FBI, CIA and Foreign Intelligence
Agencies “Leak” Romney Files
(See Addendum for
updated critical material)
for Romney or Else!!!
by Gordon
Duff, Senior Editor
It started with a photograph. Mitt Romney in Cuba with a woman named “Maria XXXXX,” (also known as…Maria Perez, Jane Maria Perez, Jane Mary Swift, Maria Andropolun or Maria Anapolov)_ Cuban mother, Russian father. The year, 1999, a flight to Vera Cruz, then on to Havana.
The source, a top level FBI official managing counter-narcotics in Mexico, along with L3 Communications, gained access to the Romney file held by Mexican intelligence.
The information below is
the result of years of investigation including two years undercover, inside of
one of Mexico’s biggest drug cartels. Files include wire taps, documents,
photographs, including documents from Cuban intelligence which include photos
and recordings, secured at extreme risk.Romney, spying for Cuba and Russia, Romney running terrorism in Africa, this is what the FBI, CIA and the files state. Documents outline several meetings between Romney and Castro. FBI officials now indicate that Romney’s travels were done under diplomatic passport supplied by the KGB.
Notes in the “Romney File” indicate the following: Based on the number of trips to Cuba and reports from our intelligence sources there, Romney was considered a top intelligence asset for Cuban and Soviet/Russian intelligence.
His psychopathic and narcissistic personality disorders tied to gambling addiction and obsession with physical security (physical cowardice) made him, not only easy to manage but highly motivated to use his strong ties in Washington to access whatever intelligence his handlers desired. Romney’s “world view” is that he sees himself as a molder of world history, above “ordinary people” and obsessed with power and personal safety.
Nothing here is new to anyone but the public. The media had been approached to run this story.
ABC has it and is sitting on it, the US government has all the documents, only the public has been kept in the dark, kept from one of the larger coverups in the past couple of years.
We have so many, one can’t use the term “major” without risk of overstatement.
The story begins at Harvard and ends in South Africa, drug money, blood diamonds, spying for Cuba and Russia, a story offered to ABC News, a story documented to Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers and Harold Simmons, warning them, a warning they chose to ignore. They were told they were supporting an organized crime figure, told by unimpeachable sources.
Video Largely Confirmed by FBI and CIA
What I was told began at Harvard, Romney was a
couple of years behind Carlos Salinas, former president of Mexico,
now in exile, whose father established the drug cartels.While at Harvard, I am told, the two established a “clandestine relationship” to build a money laundering empire, using Panama, Cuba, banks around the world, servicing the network of cartels the Salinas family controlled. Over the years, meetings would occur in Miami, Guatemala and Honduras that we know of, others, we haven’t documented.
This is the official biography of Carlos Salinas, the “sugar coated” version of Romney’s long time associate, one of many of this ilk Bain Capital is the financial arm of all crime “south of the border.”
“college chum,” Cartel Boss, Carlos Salinas
Carlos Salinas
was a Harvard-educated neo-liberal technocrat who became the youngest president
in Mexican history. He won the first contested election in years for the
notoriously corrupt Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) through massive
electoral fraud against his rival Cuauhtemoc Cardenas.
He is best known in Mexico as a disgraced politician, and throughout North America for being the Mexican signatory to NAFTA.
As President of Mexico, Salinas worked to open up Mexico to foreign investment, including the privatization of Mexico’s national banking system (which was sold at below market rate to his political allies). Salinas’s continued work to repeal the social contract resulted in the rebellion of peasants of Chiapas under the Zapatista Army, with whom he later brokered a ceasefire.
After his term as president, Mexico sank into an enormous fiscal crisis due to Salinas’ economic programs, ultimately resulting in a devaluation of the peso by 200%. Salinas attempted to blame the subsequent administration of Ernesto Zedillo for this recession and was so vilified by the Mexican press and people that he was forced to leave the country.
While Salinas was exiled, he wrote a thousand page book explaining exactly why all of Mexico was wrong and he was right which was released to universal horror in his homeland.
One of his brothers was murdered, probably by federal police, and another of his brothers was jailed for murdering a rival politician. His entire family has since been the target of numerous international money laundering investigations.
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