Monday, November 19, 2012

Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Secession Movement Ready to Take Hold
Posted By: SARTRE [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 19-Nov-2012 06:33:45

All the buzz in the aftermath of the last election is that secession is in the air. Despite the improbable prospects that the globalists, that control the federal government, would allow the upstart masses to leave the dominion of Disunion States, it is promising that the country builds critical mass for dissolution. Secession in this day is not your call to arms in the defense of home. "Honest Abe's" version of despotism caused many politicians to "Wave the bloody shirt", but today's crop of brave leaders just asks you to sign a petition to beg for a cordial severance. Just imagine the response from the unprincipled governmental career class. The re-education FEMA facilities are ready to become today's "Camp Douglas" detention centers.
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