Subject: Re: The People have
On Fri, Nov
9, 2012 at 12:49 PM,
The People have spoken:
You were warned: Obama’s
layoff bomb goes BOOM!
Pray for those who will be
out of work soon.
the past 48 hours, the following companies have all announced layoffs in the
- Westinghouse
- Research in Motion Ltd.
- Westinghouse
- Research in Motion Ltd.
- Lightyear
Network Solutions
- Providence Journal
- Hawker Beechcraft
- Boeing
- CVPH Medical Center
- US Cellular
- Commerzbank
- Iberia
- Momentive Performance Materials
- Brake Parts
- Gameforge Berlin
- Vestas Wind Systems
- Husqvarna
- Ericsson
- SRA International
- PerkinElmer
- Majestic Star Casino and Hotel
- Center for Hospice NY
- Bristol-Myers
- Lower Bucks Hospital
- Oce North America
- Corning
- United Blood Services Gulf
- Atlantic Lottery Corporation
- Welch Allyn
- Dana Holding
- Stryker
- Boston Scientific
- Medtronic
- Smith & Nephew
- Abbott Labs
- Covidien
- Kinetic Concepts
- St. Jude
- Hill Rom
- Darden Restaurants
- Kroger
- Caterpillar
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Umatilla Chemical
- Rocketdyne
- Providence Journal
- Hawker Beechcraft
- Boeing
- CVPH Medical Center
- US Cellular
- Commerzbank
- Iberia
- Momentive Performance Materials
- Brake Parts
- Gameforge Berlin
- Vestas Wind Systems
- Husqvarna
- Ericsson
- SRA International
- PerkinElmer
- Majestic Star Casino and Hotel
- Center for Hospice NY
- Bristol-Myers
- Lower Bucks Hospital
- Oce North America
- Corning
- United Blood Services Gulf
- Atlantic Lottery Corporation
- Welch Allyn
- Dana Holding
- Stryker
- Boston Scientific
- Medtronic
- Smith & Nephew
- Abbott Labs
- Covidien
- Kinetic Concepts
- St. Jude
- Hill Rom
- Darden Restaurants
- Kroger
- Caterpillar
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Umatilla Chemical
- Rocketdyne
Welcome to Obamaville: Pepsi looking to layoff 4,000 workers

In an effort to boost its bottom line, PepsiCo (PEP) management is reportedly contemplating laying off about 4,000 workers and putting a stop to its 401(k) match.
By eliminating its relatively generous 401(k) match, the food and beverage company would save $75 million immediately, the paper reported. PepsiCo could cut the match for employees who are senior enough to be eligible for the pension.
Re-elected Obama Pushes Anti-2nd
Amendment Gun Grab
Nov 09 2012 00:00:00 E A14_ISSUES
Posted 11/08/2012
06:54 PM ET
Read More At IBD:
Friday, 09 November 2012 09:36
Hours After Reelection, Obama Green Lights UN Gun Grab
Comment From Erasmus of America. Will probably release today or else next week how U.S. Justice Dept. pulled legal strings so Obama could win White House by massive voter fraud. Obama has not been elected President. Mitt Romney won! And with Republicans required to pass Omni Law to get Mitt Romney in as our next sworn President, we will irrelevant of even where Mitt Romney would stand stop the new tax of $5,000 scheduled to hit all Middle Class families in America starting January 1, 2013. Obama is a slick boy how he set up $5,000 in new taxes for all Middle Class families of America while saying he would not raise any new taxes on people under $250,000 income. Will explain in report how he pulled swindle on American family hidden until days after national election. He would have lost by national landslide if Middle Class had known he with fellow Democrats schemed how to raise federal taxes on all Middle Class families starting January 1, 2013. But with help of news media refusing to report on this until national election was over plus mass voter fraud committed by Obama camp, it is claimed he won the election. However, under the U.S. Constitution, all votes for him are automically null and void, don't count, as he legally could not run for President under terms of the U.S. Constitution. Mitt Romney was firmly committed that no new taxes would be raised on Middle Class families of America, so if we put him in White House three months from now, he has to keep his word! With Omni Law, we the people of America will now control Wash., D.C., not corrupt politicians. By the way, the Democrats have hid from you how with con tactics, they want to tax away 100% of all your money annually deposited in your banks starting in 2013 and with slick politician words, you are not intended to know how this federal tax con game of the Democrats will work on you! I intend to put Mitt Romney in the White House starting in January, 2013, but with the Omni Law passed, he can't be controlled by secret power elite if he had even intended to as he will have to serve your will as the American people instead because of the Omni Law. The Omni Law breaks the corruption and treason now going on in Wash., D.C.
Folks, pass this report all over
America! The American people have been had by the super con artist Obama and
his fellow con artist Democrats. And they could have pulled this off without a
totally corrupt and criminal U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder, U.S.
Attorney General. I call for the U.S. Justice Dept. to swiftly return to me now
$4,400,000 of my federally stolen money and no legal double-talk!
Look up my 80 or so national reports
I have posted with Nesara News over the last 7 months in their search box at
the upper left side of their website and put in my pen name of Erasmus of
America. I roast federal corruption and treason with these national reports.
That is why I have received 4 national murder threats publicly posted over the
internet in the claimed name of Obama and federal sources such as the U.S.
Justice Dept. since they did nothing to stop this man called deep knight
threatening me with federal murder in the name of Obama. Personally I think the
Obama Administrattion was so dumb to be so open and obvious with these 4 murder
threats publicly display over the national internet when each count of murder
threat is a felony under federal law and state law also. Just showing you how
crooked and criminal the Obama White House with the U.S. Justice Dept. covering
so Obama does not go to federal prison for life or worse if convicted of high
treason. Also, look up in the search box at Nesara News Omni Law to see my
legal proposal how to end the corruption and high treason now going on in
Wash., D.C.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus
of America (pen name for super patriot the corrupt and traitors in Wash., D.C.
hate and wish they could murder as these 4 murder threats show if they could
get away with it!)
When Obama says through his spokes people that the Democrats are trying to save the nation and Israel is responsible for everything evil, these can be very slick words that are meant to seduce.
Don't let yourselves be seduced by Obama!!
Both parties are crooked, but, as bad as ISRAEL has been the word of ISLAM is even more insane...and ISRAEL has been actually taking all these security actions to sift through felons around the world who could be the Jihad described in Revelation 12:13 & Psalm 4!!! Not to just steal your right to privacy, as some claim.
What they don't tell you is ISRAEL's training the US military to use the PATRIOT ACT, was not really to attack you Americans, but to attack/detain anyone associated with the Islamic Antichrist Jihad whom is set to entirely destroy America should this group of Imams not be found in time!
Now he and his cohorts has been found! He was raised in Chicago with Al Nassir and Abu Nidal, his name is evidently Barack Obama & he has contacts everywhere. Why didn't the Homeland Security arrest OBAMA & Nassir ages ago you will ask, because no one knew a thing back then!
The wool has been pulled over your eyes, wake up before its too late. Romney could have stopped this, bringing Ron Paul in there as treasury secretary. Now he's reshaping the entire UNITED STATES, now were too late!
Now OBAMA is proving just how seductive (and twisted!) he is! By blaming the whole NWO on Israel, getting you to agree wit him, passing laws which will allow the Mullahs to kill Israel off and at the same time suspending the Constitution in Washington D.C. for anyone who criticizes the religion of Allah!
What did you think, this was not real??! Obama is passing laws that will soon make the ability to criticize Islam ILLEGAL!!!! A religion that proudly does honor killings for a living, whom slices the hands of non-believers, who was in control of Israel 2000 yrs ago, only to return.
Watch very carefully as this madman blames Israel for everything...because now the news is claiming Islam is a religion of peace. Keep one eye on ISLAM, that is the most dangerous lie!
As long as you take sides, you anchor yourself here.
If you remain neutral to conflicts that others put in your face, you leave yourself free.
Imagine one day getting your 'wings' and finding you can't rise off the ground because you have a lot of baggage. Imagine finding out that others like you are stuck the same way. Butterflies that can't fly.
Suppose you ask why? Why did this happen to me? I've been good! I did what was right!
Imagine the answer was, you are the reason you can't fly. You are holding beliefs and hatred, and discrimination that were fed to you, and you consumed them. They are the weight that holds you down.
By the time you try to figure out all the things that you are holding you back and keeping you down. The world has changed. The people you are discriminating against have moved on, the ones you hate didn't hate you in return and have left, the beliefs you had, all those that shared the same beliefs are here with you. Everyone else is gone.
How wonderful is your world then. The one you helped create. Everything you told the universe you despised, hated, disliked, and wished was destroyed is gone, and Universe needed you to learn Love and Acceptance, so it took those things away and left you with mirrors of you all over the place.
What you projected out as the world you wanted, is left and you can't fly in it. It's too dense, not enough light, not enough freedom. You wanted freedom for some is not freedom for all, so without all freedoms it carried over to everything allowed. Flight is complete freedom to go any direction you want, including up. Having limited the freedoms of others, you've had your freedom to go up, limited in return. What goes around comes around.
There are no enemies because there is only One. Self acceptance, Self Forgiveness, Atonement, is key.
Time is a creation of man, and man's creation is ending it's rule. Watching it self destruct you will want to blame one man. It's a trap if you do, but you can do as you choose. Free Will reigns supreme here.
There is much to learn that so you can catch on to the other lessons presented to you.
I prefer to move on and test my wings
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