Sunday, May 12, 2013

All Illness Begins & Ends In This Organ

All Illness Begins & Ends In This Organ 

Before I begin, I would like to wish a very Happy Mother's Day
to all mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, step-mothers, foster mothers, God mothers and even mothers of canine and feline "babies!"

And I would like to thank Danielle and Mickey for giving me two very wonderful reasons to celebrate today--I love you both.
OK, onward...
If I asked what is your body's #1 "hot spot" for creating health and avoiding all types of disease, what would you say?
"My stomach?"
"Oh, my colon, right? You always talk about how important the colon is."
Wrong again.
The answer is: your small intestine.
In the big scheme of things, there is no other system that is more important.  With all the systems in our bodies, all the functions, all the actions going on every second, the small intestine is almost always where all health and all disease begins and ends.  Viruses notwithstanding. What you habitually put into your mouth can help you fight off viruses...or invite them in for a backyard barbeque.
Tennis anyone?
The small intestine is only called small because the "tube" is not as wide as the large intestine (colon).
The inside wall of it is covered with thousands of little finger-like structures called villi and each villi is covered with hair-like microvilli--this is where your nutrients get absorbed.
End to end your small intestine is about 20 feet long! (Versus the "short" 5-foot large intestine.)
And if you opened it up and spread it out flat with all the little villi and microvilli lying individually on their sides it would cover the surface of an ENTIRE tennis court!
Somehow I doubt Roger Federer has that mental picture when he's volleying for the win...
Where the action is
The small intestine is where the real digestive action is. Although your mouth and stomach are responsible for the initial breakdown of foods, the crucial point is just AFTER this.
The vital functions of your small intestine are to:
1- finish the digestion of your food and
2- absorb nutrients

Here's the process how it does that:
When your food leaves your stomach, ideally it should be broken down to a thick, pea soup-like mass called chyme--pronounced 'kime.'
As the chyme drips through, digestive enzymes are secreted by your small intestine, plus bile from the liver (thanks to the gallbladder) and digestive juice and enzymes from your pancreas.
At this point proteins are completely broken down into their amino acids, fats are reduced to fatty acids and carbohydrates become simple sugars.
In other words, your FOOD is ready to become YOU--nutrients that your body can use for cell energy and growth. You are quite literally what you eat!
Then your small intestine absorbs the nutrients through tiny blood vessels in its microvilli.
The small intestine is a GENIUS--it knows what nutrients you need the most and absorbs those first. Then it will take up any remaining carbs, proteins and fats last.
The nutrients are put into your blood, sent off to the liver to have any toxins filtered out, and then transported all over your body.
Once digestion and nutrient absorption is done, the food (now just some fiber, waste and water) moves to the large intestine where fiber is broken down, water is absorbed and...
Your next bowel movement is created.
Don't screw up a good thing
This is a magnificent process that is vital to your health and life. Your body needs nutrients to function and, well, to even exist at all.
So why would anyone want to screw up this crucial process?
But that's what millions of people do every single day.
You see, the hard to digest, acid waste-creating diets that most people have put a tremendous strain on ALL of your digestive organs and can lead to illness, disease and death.
It ends up being a domino effect--here's what I mean:
The domino effect of disease creation
When your stomach has trouble breaking down what you've eaten, it has to repeatedly secrete acid. This is how it attempts to jump-start digestion that has been halted or slowed.
All that acid production causes many or all of the nutrients in your food to be destroyed, and makes for LOTS of excess acid that can come sliding up your throat.
Also, that means that your chyme is not the "pea soup" like it should be when it leaves your stomach. That causes instant stress on your small intestine and pancreas to do more of the work than they should have to.
It also means that your body's ability to produce enzymes is pushed to the limit, since SO many are being used up trying to digest the mess inside you.
The large amount of acid and toxins in your chyme also ruins nutrient absorption--instead of just nutrients, the microvilli end up absorbing LOTS of toxins, which then sail on to your liver.
So now your liver gets stressed out by filtering more toxins than it's supposed to. It can only do so much, and eventually toxins end up staying in your blood and getting transported everywhere.
That leads to inflammation all over your body. Since your blood vessels go everywhere, your entire body is fair game.
And you become the perfect home for obesity, sickness and chronic disease to flourish.
Keep things running smoothly
It's essential to keep ALL of your digestive organs running smoothly, especially the all-important small intestine.
Your health and your life depend on it.
Luckily, it's also easy to do. It takes just 2 steps:
1- Eat foods that are easily digested together, and concentrate more on alkaline foods that come with their own enzymes.
2- Give your body a little enzyme help.
The Great Taste No Pain health system can help take care of step 1Check it out here.
In my #1 best-selling digestive health system, I show you which foods are alkaline vs. acid forming and how to mix and match ALL foods in order to make your whole system work the way it's supposed to.
That means just the right amount of stomach acid and other enzymes being secreted, foods broken down like they should be, less toxins to strain the small intestine and liver, and more nutrients to help make for a healthier YOU.
It also means that your body will get some enzyme help from your foods, so your organs don't have to do ALL the work.
And for step 2:
If you're someone who has not been kind to your system (be honest) and has likely taxed your enzyme-making ability, Digestizol Max can help give your digestive system a much-needed enzyme boost.
Digestizol Max's 14 plant-based enzymes help to break down all the different foods you've eaten and conserve your body's enzyme supply (or pinch-hit if your enzyme making ability is already impaired).  Click here to learn more.

Don't wait until you're sick and in pain to do something about keeping your digestion smooth. By then it might be too late.
Respect your digestive "hot spot" (your small intestine) as well as ALL your other digestive organs and they will work exactly as they should for many years to come.
Because, as you now know from this brief biology lesson, you literally ARE what you eat.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Looks like Jeanette avoided having a scope down her throat!
Hi Sherry,
I have been following your Great Taste, No Pain plan as close as I can as well as taking the Digestizol Max and I haven't had any pain!
I have had digestive pain for so long prior to this that I held my breath thinking that it is going to start hurting but it hasn't. I'm amazed!
I was told last week that I need to have the scope down my throat but I'm thinking that now I may not need to!
Thank you Sherry from the bottom of my heart.
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