Sunday, May 19, 2013

Barack Milhouse Obama

Nixon, "I am not a crook"     Obama, "It was a video"   Hillary, "what difference does it make"? Reid, "Romney didn't pay any taxes for ten years".  Biden, "just go out on the porch and fire a couple shots from a shot gun". Holder, "I don't know" !


Anonymous said...

Congress will never impeach Barack Obama because he is black. If they tried to impeach him, he would cry discrimination along with all the other black "African" Americans in the United States. If the blacks are so proud of
being "African", let them go back to Africa. With Obama running all over the constitution, having 13 czars in place that are not vetted, and 3 new scandals that have just come out, being Kenyan born, getting a foreign aid scholarship to go to school, I can not understand why he has not been impeached. The people and congress would have gotten rid of a white man quicker than anything, what makes this guy so different, oh yes, I forgot he is black so they can do anything they (black) want to do. Wake up America, it is time to take it back and get rid of the NAACP and all this reverse discrimination that is going on.

Anonymous said...

Excellent pic! I luvs it! It needs to go viral!
Copy and save as a .jpg and send to all in your contact list!
Alfred E.

Anonymous said...

Mr. O is not the President of the united States of America, as under the Consitution for the United States of America, the union of States (50).
He is the President of the United States Corporation. The the U.S. House of Representatives and U. S. Senate, (since 1859 and the civil war)have
not been a legal Congress, due to the real process of Law (in law)under the Constitution for the United States of America (1789-1791). There are
changes coming in government, finances, and life in the uSA, We the People have been fed lies about everyting from the beginning, but Praise the Lord
that He is making it possible to make the changes necessary for the People to rule World wide.