Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Wednesday May 1, 2013
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that it was the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that ordered Katherine Russell, the wife of the late Boston bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, to destroy the laptop computer that is now in question in regards to the three Facebook students from the nation of Pakistan that were arrested today and charged with obstruction of justice.
Note: These three students did nothing except to have a friendship with the Tsarnaev brothers and put nothing of substance concerning this case in their trash. The laptop computer contained phone numbers and emails of DHS contacts and Russian FSB colleagues and Israeli Mossad assets in the nations of Chechnya and the Republic of Georgia.
We can now divulge that Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, as well as her late husband, and the younger brother of Tamerlan Tsarnaev were all Russian FSB Intelligence agents and employees of the Department of Homeland Security.
The phone call made by Katherine Russell Tsarnaev was actually made to the highest level of the Department of Homeland Security who then gave her her marching orders to destroy the computer.
P.S. At this hour we can report, reference CBS News, that the computer was not destroyed and that Katherine Russell Tsarnaev turned over the computer to U.S. Provost Marshals who are now in possession of 'smoking gun' evidence that fingers the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security for unabashed HIGH TREASON against the American People in the Boston FALSE FLAG Black Op attack on U.S. citizens on U.S. soil.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens!

Senator Lindsey Graham, (R-SC)
Reference: Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, is currently in possession of the evidence.

photo NBC News
P.P.S. Senator Graham of South Carolina is also in possession of overwhelming evidence linking the Boston FALSE FLAG Black Op to a terrorist team out of Chechnya and the Republic of Georgia to the same terrorist team financed by the American-Turkish Council (ATC) and the U.S. State Department that coordinated the attack on the unregistered diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya that led to the assassination of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three Americans.
In closing, the conspiratorial TREASONOUS privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve has now cross-collateralized $78 TRILLION of worthless Deutsche Bank derivatives to $234 TRILLION of worthless Deutsche Bank derivatives with now 90% of the derivatives tied to the Central Bank of Japan and naked short positions in the Japanese yen currency.
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated natural born REAL President of the United States.
Wednesday May 1, 2013
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that it was the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that ordered Katherine Russell, the wife of the late Boston bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, to destroy the laptop computer that is now in question in regards to the three Facebook students from the nation of Pakistan that were arrested today and charged with obstruction of justice.
Note: These three students did nothing except to have a friendship with the Tsarnaev brothers and put nothing of substance concerning this case in their trash. The laptop computer contained phone numbers and emails of DHS contacts and Russian FSB colleagues and Israeli Mossad assets in the nations of Chechnya and the Republic of Georgia.
We can now divulge that Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, as well as her late husband, and the younger brother of Tamerlan Tsarnaev were all Russian FSB Intelligence agents and employees of the Department of Homeland Security.
The phone call made by Katherine Russell Tsarnaev was actually made to the highest level of the Department of Homeland Security who then gave her her marching orders to destroy the computer.
P.S. At this hour we can report, reference CBS News, that the computer was not destroyed and that Katherine Russell Tsarnaev turned over the computer to U.S. Provost Marshals who are now in possession of 'smoking gun' evidence that fingers the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security for unabashed HIGH TREASON against the American People in the Boston FALSE FLAG Black Op attack on U.S. citizens on U.S. soil.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens!

Senator Lindsey Graham, (R-SC)

photo NBC News
P.P.S. Senator Graham of South Carolina is also in possession of overwhelming evidence linking the Boston FALSE FLAG Black Op to a terrorist team out of Chechnya and the Republic of Georgia to the same terrorist team financed by the American-Turkish Council (ATC) and the U.S. State Department that coordinated the attack on the unregistered diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya that led to the assassination of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three Americans.
In closing, the conspiratorial TREASONOUS privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve has now cross-collateralized $78 TRILLION of worthless Deutsche Bank derivatives to $234 TRILLION of worthless Deutsche Bank derivatives with now 90% of the derivatives tied to the Central Bank of Japan and naked short positions in the Japanese yen currency.
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated natural born REAL President of the United States.

Duly elected, non-inaugurated natural born
REAL President Albert Gore Jr.
Protect Defend YOURConstitution Bill of Rights

This guy sure is hung up on Gore, aint he?
Gore has $200,000,000.00 in the bank cash and gets $125,000 a day setting on various boards of directors. Duly elected my arse heneghan! He's part of the crime cabal. And a filthy arse PIG to boot.
Tom Heneghan, The time for U S military action is right NOW, the entire cabal must be taken down, and that includes serial pedophile and CIA front stooge Warren Buffet, [lease get thiis word to you military and intell sources. We need the IMMEDIATE implementation of the full and complete NESAR program all of it
You CANNOT BE The "Reuters" HEAD Religious reporter covering the Vatican that Satan is Worshiped at when Reuters is owned by ZIONIST Lord Rothschild and
Believe that "The People" are going to BUY what you're "Selling". Gore well may be the guy who has the "Right" to the CHAIR at 1600 Penn, However,The
Entire Government WAS & WILL Be shut Down as TREASONOUS for being a Corporation just like the other 195 NATIONS Which have operated most since the 1950's
as CORPORATIONS!!! It's considered TREASONOUS for CORPORATIONS to Run Sovereign States!!! Therefore OPPT Closing & Foreclosing ALL 195 Corporate GOVT'S
on Planet EARTH is the ONLY LAW STILL STANDING!!! ALL "CORPORATE DICTATORS" are OUT, NOW! just waiting on The WORLD'S Provost Marshalls in ALL 195
"Member Countries" to ARREST THESE CORPORATE CEO'S Posing as Presidents NOW! Once they're OUT in ALL 195 we can Institute TERM Limits (2Years)
ON WHOMEVER IS Elected Worldwide so they won't have enough time to do anything but what "The People" want. DEMPSY GET BUSY ZIONIST ISRAELIS & Their
Sabbatean "MASTERS" Worldwide worshiping the Devil have got this Planet in PERIL, SO JUST.......ACT!!!!! Keep the peace until new elections are had and
EXPLAIN WHY NO TALMUDIC Preaching Hate Mongers are to ever be elected again!!!! Their AIM is for the whole world to die!!! You Command the greatest
Military on earth, Your Corporate Treasonous Boss is NOT Your Boss "The People" ARE PUT Jack Lew & Lagarde & Rothschild & Bernanke in Jail FIRST!
Help me out here: why is Heneghan supporting Gore? That's the big news. The rest of it is old news (last week). I thought Boehner was the real president and Ron Paul is the VP. Did I turn left when I should have turned right?
On another note: the PP's have not been funded yet according to my deep inside source. There are and will be 100's of banks closing down real soon due to their exposure and participation in various illegal activities.
The PP's will get funded, just need to clean out the rifraf first. This info is from human intel NOT the internet. Keep your hopes will happen (just not as fast as I and others would like).
To John MacHaffie: Cheers to you and your team for posting (even if its not what we want to read) the articles.
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