Saturday, May 18, 2013



05/17/2013 10:17pm
After all we've been through. Coming out in double digits feels like only a dream. If it were to happen, I would have to wait until the fog cleared before doing anything.....the fog in my head! Yes, double digits will be a blessing far beyond my expectations. With enough left to secure professionals, secure family, secure income and render assistance where it's sorely needed. A chance to do "the right thing" only on a much bigger scale. Finally, the opportunity to be that model for my adult children in doing for others on a grand scale, they will see and learn...and doing so anonymously, without need for accolades. Yes, I'm ready..........I'm ready.
05/17/2013 10:03pm
Hey Blu! Just got off from a hard day's work, jumped on the site and delighted to see your awesome post brother. Like Jorge messaged above, it IS great to "hear" your assertive tone. We continue to pray that those called into deeper ministry due to this blessing have all their ducks (and plans) in line. Brother, I believe in my spirit that this event is going to be HUGE and will go down swiftly. Thanks so much for the update. P.S., How's Okie doing in the air? Is he mid-air refueling? :) I appreciate you, Okie, TK, Deb, 12th Man, and other heavy hitters for all of your diligence and hard work. Blessings abundant! Peace, brother Jesse
05/17/2013 9:48pm
Now Bluwolf, you just made our day complete!! Thank you, thank you.

So many people are needing hope just to make it through another weekend. Hang on folks, your waiting has not been in vain and even though your faith is barely existent - you made it!!!

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

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