Sunday, May 19, 2013

Common Law Trusts & Asset Protection

 Show will start at 4 EST/3 CST/2 MST/ 1 PST  on talkshoe 99043  

Common Law Trusts & Asset Protection - Frank Ozak & Gwenn Wycoff 

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Hi Seekers of Knowledge:

Gwenn and I have been invited to a talk next Saturday, May 25, 2013, at 4
pm EST. We need your questions. We will try to answer them in some kind of
organized manor and may not get to all of them. There maybe some call in's.

The talk will be at:
will be posted there for listening at a later time and be posted on: in about a week.

*So, please send us your questions and we will do our best to get them

Kindest regards

Frank Ozak
Charles Arthur Enterprises
Trust Consultants
Tele: (818) 574-6122
Skype: fcoz2003

*To help you gain confidence that your privacy can be increased by the
proper use of a Trust, consider the implications of the following opinion
of the U.S.Supreme Court, handed down in Hale v. Henkel:*
*“Power to contract is unlimited, and the Citizen may refuse to open
his **books
to the State.”   Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 74 (1905). Ref. found in The
Art of Passing the Buck, Vol I*

 or dial in options are Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 99043

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Common law trusts are great providing they are complete. They are also called pure trusts.

All of these common law trust packages, except one do not have the complete components to fully protect the individual both in asset protection and privacy.

There are five parts to a pure trust or more precisely a contract trust. This is a contract in trust form.

If the common-law trust does not have the five components in them, then do not buy it. Stay away from it as you are not fully protected.

Those five components are: 2 trusts, 1 LLC, certificates and a UCC1 filing

You MUST have all these in the trust

There is only one contract trust, on the market, that provides the protection that the rich, like the Kennedy;s Rockefellers, etc. have. IF you wish to know what that is, contact me at
