Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cops Disciplined For Being Oath Keepers

Cops Disciplined For Being Oath Keepers

There seems to be a disconnect between some nationwide law enforcement and their superiors, that these officers actually believe the Constitution is null and void. Uh, I didn't receive the memo!
In 1803, The United States Supreme Court ruled in Marbury vs Madison, that ALL laws repugnant to the U.S Constitution are Automatically null and void! Obama wouldn't know that of course being BORN IN KENYA...The law hasn't changed since then folks! it's funny how when draconian laws and regulations get passed, no one in congress questions them, why? Because these laws aren't passed for them to keep, they are meant for us; to keep, to keep us in check. As far as they're concerned the Constitution is used to protect them and has no bearing on Americans, but God forbid, We The People complain, we are demonized as lunatics and are not entitled to any of the protections afforded by those
Amendments. Henceforth, we now have a tyrannical gov't out of control that are not about to reveal what they know, they say they have no answers about what happened in Benghazi, The IRS and the illegal wire tapping of AP and other journalists seeking the truth. If these hearings don't produce what they are designed to produce, jail time for these clowns, then, we can forget about trusting Congress, the Senate, the House of Rep's Democrats and republicans alike to grant The American People justice of any sort now and during the years to come from the tyranny that they themselves created because they are so worried about us and what we think as a nation. – Jackie Blue

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