Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Could this discovery change the vision of the history of mankind? Yes, it could change everything."

"Could this discovery change the vision of the history of mankind? Yes, it could change everything."

Perhaps overshadowing the discoveries of the tomb of King Tut and Troy is the discovery of Atlantis. Now two bold scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, say they have found it. They discovered the ruins of the ancient city submerged off the coast of Cuba. In the distant past the region was dry land, but now only the island of Cuba remains above water. The ancient city is 600 feet below the ocean and the team of researchers led by Zalitzki Weinzweig and is convinced that is Atlantis, the city lost by more than 10,000 years. Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba in a submersible robot, have confirmed that there is a huge city on the ocean floor. The site of the ancient city – including several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids and other structures – surprisingly is within the boundaries of the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

According to a report from Terra Forming Terra Arclein, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence suggests that the city was flooded simultaneously with the rising waters and land subsidence in the sea. This corresponds exactly to the legend of Atlantis. The disaster could have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic ice sheet melted catastrophically caused the sea level will rise rapidly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. The coastlines changed; land was lost islands (including the island continent) desaparecieron.Al end of the last ice age sea level was lower than today’s levels of nearly 122 meters. Once the waters began to rise, it grew rapidly. Theoretically, any technology then or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave. The evidence that the earth, in what is now the Caribbean, also sank in the sea concurrently seems pretty certain.

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