TONY-- All is great today and I am excited
this is about to end... go and listen to Dan's cc he talks about the Wells
Fargo banker and it is good... they caught 14, then 41 terrorists today ... a
US congressmen called and said this should go anytime in the next 2 weeks ...
the tv screens are still scrolling... merchant in Baghdad did not get release
date, the ones in Kurdistan did... looking to get the streets under control so
they can see their riches... last year I got a call from a guy in a
congressmans office and the fact that he just talked to him, (there is a
personal connection to help a life long friend) HE DID GET A SKR FOR HIS DINAR BACK IN JANUARY
SKR (safe keeping receipt) issued 220 something mil usd, you should be able to
figure out his rate close enough and I dont think his rate will be dif than
ours unless its less but I dont think so... (~nk about $4.40) Talked to Chase and WF and both are on the
same page and expecting it today or tomorrow..
both say for sure BEFORE the end of the month.. they are all ready for this...
a great piece of the puzzle, the bank laws exchange for currency takes effect
May 13... Wells Fargo added 18 more locations for foreign currencies dept in
atlanta and they know its for dinar... I don't think we have to wait til monday
for the its good, its all good... too remember they wanted to
have this all done yesterday over there on the 7th they wanted to see some
resolution over there, so I think this will be a super fantastic day myself
The banks and forex were compensated for that time when they were told it was a go before and didnt so that should tell you something... when its down to this level we know its real... we know some tellers were trained for just dinar and they cannot disclose what they were trained on to other employees... when it happens they will just tell the others we know we did not want to be involved in it in the past but we have to decided to do so now...
Oh get this funny rumor, the Admiral has to have his own code put in for all of this... oh my God.... OK the big deal about Reno is that it was the currency dept but its now in SanFranciso but their head quarters is in NC
Now as far as the DFI funds being extended they could but it does not matter if they did, Iraq may want the protection of their funds even with the rv... so IF we go past the 22nd we must have gotten the extension but I do not see us going past the 23rd and my personal op we will not go past this Friday
The USD will loose value unless we bring manufacturing back to our country... we could do that
the number I am hearing from the congressman is the same number I am hearing from the banks...
caller-- said VIC on his call said if the DFI is extended and he said the amount of money involved is meaningless compared to the money they get everyday from oil... it would not impact the riches of this country and not to be concerned about it... it gave me comfort to know that if it is extended I dont have to worry about it
Tony-- yes it is just to protect those funds there and lawsuits would ensue if they were rv'd they could afford it... but without the rv their oil money is at the same price it is now... it just protects them while the rv is not done...
caller-- I am just going to say this could go off any hour now...
tony--The bank people did tell me that you are to call it a Currency Exchange and NOT and investment, they will treat according to how you present it to them...
its done its done we are just waiting is all ... I THINK OUR TIME IS NOW... enjoy your day!
The banks and forex were compensated for that time when they were told it was a go before and didnt so that should tell you something... when its down to this level we know its real... we know some tellers were trained for just dinar and they cannot disclose what they were trained on to other employees... when it happens they will just tell the others we know we did not want to be involved in it in the past but we have to decided to do so now...
Oh get this funny rumor, the Admiral has to have his own code put in for all of this... oh my God.... OK the big deal about Reno is that it was the currency dept but its now in SanFranciso but their head quarters is in NC
Now as far as the DFI funds being extended they could but it does not matter if they did, Iraq may want the protection of their funds even with the rv... so IF we go past the 22nd we must have gotten the extension but I do not see us going past the 23rd and my personal op we will not go past this Friday
The USD will loose value unless we bring manufacturing back to our country... we could do that
the number I am hearing from the congressman is the same number I am hearing from the banks...
caller-- said VIC on his call said if the DFI is extended and he said the amount of money involved is meaningless compared to the money they get everyday from oil... it would not impact the riches of this country and not to be concerned about it... it gave me comfort to know that if it is extended I dont have to worry about it
Tony-- yes it is just to protect those funds there and lawsuits would ensue if they were rv'd they could afford it... but without the rv their oil money is at the same price it is now... it just protects them while the rv is not done...
caller-- I am just going to say this could go off any hour now...
tony--The bank people did tell me that you are to call it a Currency Exchange and NOT and investment, they will treat according to how you present it to them...
its done its done we are just waiting is all ... I THINK OUR TIME IS NOW... enjoy your day!
You know ..the up and down...the back and forth, of this exercize is certainly sad to watch. Is there no one who has the correct info on this disclosure? We have all been duped so many times by the Gurus....and still it goes on!!
Well Done John. Now this is some information that doesn't come across as a doozie that you normally post. Frank26 mentioned on his call that his congressman source stated that the US feds are involved and when their involvement ends, we will see the increase in value of the dinar. He further stated that in his honest opinion, that when the Executive 13303 order is not extended, that will be a great thing. Let's hope and pray that the EX 13303 is not extended and that this ride finally comes to an end.
Tony, Sounds very good, pray that it is not another false alarm. May 10 afternoon EST time Jack Lew will be interviewed on CNBC, hope he will take the opportunity to break the public announcement, please post again when you receive the next H R call, thank you
"tony--The bank people did tell me that you are to call it a Currency Exchange and NOT and investment, they will treat according to how you present it to them"
Absolute Malarkey.
Tony, I thought you were more intelligent than that.
It's ludicrous to think that a bank employee will handle the exchange as anything other than what it is... and in any way other than how they've been trained.
All bank employees will be, or have been, trained to process your exchange in the exact same way, from start to finish, and from coast to coast. There will be no gray areas, and no room for any employee's personal interpretation of your transaction.
Whether you call it "exchange", "cash in", "cash out", "investment", "winnings", or "meatloaf", you will not change the nature of this carefully planned process.
Your transaction will be treated in only one way, by the new and specific laws that have been framed for it, and the bank will not be trying to "trick" you, or they risk stiff federal penalties. We are transitioning to a NEW banking system with FULL transparency.
There is no need for this terminology paranoia.
Also, if the exchange is taxable, then taxes will most likely be deducted from your final rate in order to streamline the process and speed things along. If it's not taxable and the Fed/IRS are gone (as I suspect), then this whole issue is moot anyway. But rest assured, by the time your exchange occurs, the criminals in the banking system who could have pulled any fast ones on us (like "misinterpreting" the nature of our transaction, will have since been removed, IMHO.
that as long as nothing happens like 9/11 or the bosten bombing to that would over ride a public announcement
We always hear about these arrests, but I have yet to see any names, charges, or warrants and who is doing the arresting?
Anyone have any answers to these questions? Please enlighten me.
Well, well, well, here we are and still no RV....
Don't listen to Tony and his crap. He does not know when the RV will occur and neither do his "Contacts".
When the Global Settlements are released, then the RV can occur. Not before.
The RV does NOT come first. Anyone saying so is either lying or listening to liars.
Nuff said.
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