The Actual Transcript!!
Foreclosure Flyer: Real Conversation with Royal Bank of Canada
Foreclosure Flyer: Real Conversation with Royal Bank of Canada
Wed, 8 May 2013 15:31:51 -0700
Subject: FF script for Lisa… for real!!!
Hi D,
I would like to relate an actual conversation with an assistant manager of the local Royal Bank here and if you could pass it on to Lisa that would be fine as she was asking for scripts for just such events.
Though this is a small town the umbilical chord stretches to the top.
I went to the local Credit Union to talk to the branch manager but had to leave the flyer with an assistant manager and told her she and anyone else can read it and left my name and number.
I went across the street to the Royal Bank and again asked for the branch manager but was directed to the assistant manager. I introduced myself and this is how the conversation unfolded. M. is me AS. is the assistant female manager
M. although this is not my document I would like to leave it with you and get your thoughts about it in the near future.
AS. Sure ..ok what is it?
M. its some information i came across last Dec. about the foreclosure of the banks and governments.
AS. (looking at the flyer she starts to read it out loud the asks) where did you get this?
M. Off the net.
AS. (smirking like most people when you mention the net) Oh ya I see. so what are you concerned about.
M. I’m not concerned in the least. but I thought it might be something you might be interested in in your professional capacity with the bank.
AS. Why would I be concerned? it has nothing to do with me. are you worried about your money or investments?
M. actually it has a lot to do with you in your job here and as a member of our community because I traced the the UCC filings to the Washington portal and they are documented.
AS. I don’t know what UCC is and if this is from the U.S I don’t see why I should be concerned about it. who is this OPPT
M. (I explained UCC financing and how all governments,banks and major corporations are governed by it… its their system of doing business with each other and apply it to the ordinary person also and how after an in depth investigation into fraudulent bank practices.. then I asked) you do know about fractualizing mortgages don’t you? ( the smirk is now a smile of applied patients)
AS. I have several mortgages and make my payments and I’ve built up equity but I’m not worried about foreclosure…
M. This is not about you being foreclosed on its about the banking system being foreclosed on. we’re actually standing a building of an institution that has been foreclosed on.
You are making payments to a foreclosed entity and that is illegal for them to take payments did you know that?
AS. Yes
M. The mortgages you have with the bank have been resold to make millions of dollars for the bank and yet they still want you to make your payments with interest and if you don’t they foreclose on you, sell your property and start the process over again.
Here is where it could be a difficulty for you like toothpaste that can’t be put back into the tube as this knowledge spreads and your friends, neighbors and family find this stuff out they may be asking you about what and when you knew about it. So this really is a courtesy call to get some feed back from you and your colleagues. to give you a heads up.
Please pass this on (about to make a copy… no smile at all now) my name and number is there for further info if you like. I’d be happy to contract with your branch for a mortgage or loan that would be open and lawful and beneficial to both parties..
AS. (looking somewhat shell shocked now)… Thanks
It is interesting to see how seriously involved people are in believing this system is so real and how in just a brief conversation with some legitimate back ground knowledge their world can be so easily shaken. I will not mention the info coming from the net but from an investigative team into bank fraud next time… hopefully alleviating the smirks.
I hope to hear back from either or both banks but I am holding back from going to the local RCMP detachment as I just don’t have the confidence in the moral make up of most of these individuals … especially after following Deryl’s situation.
I’m picking my wars! Peace and sunshine in your day.
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