Friday, May 3, 2013


     George Mason (1725-1792) known as the original father of the movement for a Bill of Rights for Americans stated before the General Court of Virginia: "The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth." George Mason's phrase as used by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence was "the laws of nature and nature's God."
     After having acted as President of the Convention writing the U.S. Constitution to be submitted to the people of the states for ratification, George Washington commented on May 10, 1789: "If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed by the Convention, where I had the honor to preside, might possibly endanger the religious rights of any ecclesiastical Society (church), certainly I would never have placed my signature to it."
     Since the American people have never ratified any change of the national contract called the U.S. Constitution to a new national contract, any attempts by Wash., D.C. to change itself to a corporation not bound by the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution are automatically null and void and not law as they have received no legal authority from the American people to put us under a different national contract than the U.S. Constitution. We can arrest them for high treason and make it stick as they may be an imposter government in Wash., D.C. not loyal to the U.S. Constitution but pretending to obey it while constantly writing and decreeing laws and policies clearly in violation of the terms of the U.S. Constitution as originally ratified by the American people through their state governments or by state conventions. In original American law, what Wash., D.C. would be legally defined as is " a de facto" government meaning in power but not "a de jure" government meaning a lawful government obeying the legal terms to grant it lawful authority as a national government or the national government of America in this case.
     When Wash., D.C. passes 1,000 page or 2,000 page so-claimed laws, this is automatically a con job in law as such huge versions of so-called law are written so you will never know what is in that claimed law. Normally it is packed with legal fraud, payoff of political contributors by this claimed law, and may well be 1,000 to 5,000 laws in reality but all grouped together and then claimed to be just one law.  Obamacare grants to the federal government all the police state powers it wants and flushes down the toilet seat all of your U.S. Bill of Rights or nearly all. The U.S. Bill of Rights were written with a preamble to them ratified along with them at the same time. The preamble says in legal language that the U.S. Bill of Rights are higher in legal authority than the rest of the U.S. Constitution and so statute law or treaties made by authority in the rest of the U.S. Constitution cannot cancel, nullify, modify, or in any way overturn the 10 U.S. Bill of Rights in current national authority as national law as ratified long ago by the American people.  Wash., D.C. is very much an imposter government as they are trying every line of con they can come up with to not obey the original U.S. Constitution as ratified by the American people back then nor the U.S. Bill of Rights later ratified by the American people as being higher in legal authority than the rest of the U.S. Constitution so the U.S. Bill of Rights by legal language can never be overturned by authority of the rest of the U.S. Constitution ratified before the U.S. Bill of Rights were ratified. Law tends to be a bit boring as you sometimes have to repeat a legal statement but from a different angle to make sure that the legal issue is nailed down that you are driving home as a legal point.
     As I recall when the Treaty of Peace was signed between Great Britain and America granting America its national independence, they invoked the name of the Holy Trinity of God in the signed treaty that America was truly granted its national independence and was no longer a vessel state or territory which Britain had further legal land claims on. Some claim that America never really gained its legal independence from Great Britain but the issue was legally double-talked as presented to the public. However, the treaty papers I studied seemed obvious to me that America was granted its legal independence from Britain and end of matter except America would help in collection of debts owed to British, etc. the same way as India and Britain pledged goodwill and cooperation with each other after each went its own way as an independent nation. And when the British left Israel, it was stated by Israeli leadership that they should go their separate ways as independent nations now but Israel wanted to treat Britain with goodwill after all British soldiers left Israel after the UN vote granting Israel its national independence. 
     Under the legal authority of the U.S. Bill of Rights, the UN Charter and later treaties bind America under treaty law but on a lower level of authority than the U.S. Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. If the two levels of law should clash with each other, the U.S. Bill of Rights will prevail as binding law of America over any claimed authority for the UN Charter or other treaties that Wash., D.C. has signed. And when Thomas Jefferson was Secretary of State under President George Washington, he wrote the official legal memorandum for President George Washington stating that the right of survival for a nation was a God-given right and higher than any laws made by man. If a treaty and the survival of a nation clashed with each other, the right of survival granted us by God was a higher law than a signed treaty and so America was not bound to obey a treaty it had previously signed which afterwards threatened the survival of America as a nation. 
     Wash., D.C. does not want to even hear what the Founding Fathers of America said was the legal intent of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776 and then later legal intent of those who wrote the U.S. Constitution to be ratified by the American people through their states. The reason why Wash., D.C. does not want to hear what legally the Founding Fathers of America said is that Wash., D.C. has no legal integrity, no code of honor, and is pure larceny throughout in character and will pull off every con of law that you the American people will tolerate and permit them to do. Being of lower legal authority, UN treaties cannot outlaw the legal right of American citizens to own guns in America. Wash., D.C. tiptoes around the truth in important issues, but the Founding Fathers of America said the 2nd Amendment to protect the gun rights of Americans was written so the people would have arms to resist tyranny and overthrow the government in power in the future if it wanted to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and be a tyranny in law as a government. A tyranny was basically a Big Brother government which does not want you to have any legal rights. Of course you could say,  "Yes Sir, Boss! We know that you spy on us all day long seven days a week, but that is because you love us so much! You are trying to protect us! We understand! And we know we have no legal rights unless you give them to us! We love you so much as you do all the thinking for us as we are unfit and unworthy to think for ourselves!" And then they rattle their chains to show how free they are under Big Brother government of Wash., D.C. Thomas Jefferson once commented, "Criticism of the government is the highest form of patriotism."
     But Wash., D.C. has its own concept of government. Silence before government your "God" is patriotism! Anything else is high treason if you dare to think for yourself or do what  you morally should do instead of blindly always doing what Big Brother government tells you to and never dare disapprove of what the government tells you that you are allowed to think or do or not. Thomas Jefferson once said, "The entire art of government consists in being honest." In scorn and disapproval, Wash., D.C. answers back, "Thomas Jefferson, you idiot! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest!"
     America can be annihilated any time by a natural occurrence. For reasons of national security, I will not state what the problem is. A few years ago I had access to a piece of technology which would have defused this threat so America would never be annihilated by it. Wash., D.C. had recently stolen $525,000 from me so I would be blocked from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America at that time. I contacted Washington sources and bluntly said I needed at least a few thousand dollars of the money federally stolen from me by Wash., D.C. so I could buy the private technology while I could get it which would protect America from potential annihilation later on as a nation and continent. Wash., D.C. thought it a funny joke and never responded back nor returned any of the federally stolen $525,000 to me.Now if I have the money, it no longer matters as the technology can no longer be bought by me. To help cheer up other nations also, if this natural event occurs, it may kill off much of mankind or else all of mankind on earth. To Wash., D.C., this was all a funny joke as they had stolen my $525,000 from me and "what the hell could I do about it?" Pass the Omni Law, arrest the traitors in government, and let the American people speak loud and clear what the law should do to those who thought it a funny joke to see if they could kill off all Americans or not! They are fanatics and lunatics in many secretive circles of Wash., D.C. and not sound nor patriotic Americans as the average American assumes they would be.
      We have freedom of press on the books of law. Now if I or others clearly identify that we found a natural cure for cancer that will likely work in most or all cases and we offer to sell the people the supplies for the natural cure we found that worked, Wash., D.C. treats this as a very criminal act to try and save the American people from cancer they already have or will likely get soon. As Dr. Lorraine Day mentioned a few years ago on national Christian TV, the medical field predicts that 100% of all Americans will have cancer or have had cancer by 2020. Wash., D.C. loves the American people so dearly that they want 100% of all Americans to have cancer or get cancer by suppressing the information on maybe 3 dozen cancer cures that already worked but Wash., D.C. suppressed in order to make sure that you would get cancer and potentially die from it in your life. There have been some cures for diabetes that appear to work, but to protect you Wash., D.C. suppresses these answers so maybe you can have your foot cut off later on or else die a horrid death from diabetes out of control and destroying all your body by then. 
      We have a high gas mileage system that really works and want to build the system that will deliver this for the cars and trucks of the people, this is a highly criminal act in the eyes of Wash., D.C. Like two mechanics in Salt Lake City, Utah who invented a transmission system that got up to triple gas mileage before me and other witnesses flown from all over America to witness the tests, these two auto mechanics were threatened with astronomical federal fine or many years in prison if they accepted finances to put this high gas mileage system on the market. Do you notice that you never see stock offers from inventors even though the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights legally forbids the federal government and state governments from ever licensing, registering, or regulating stock and bond offers in America? The inventors are threatened with savage fines, prison terms, etc. if they offer you stock in their inventions so industries can be founded off of the involved inventions. And they force you to use such stiff, formal language if you try to make any kind of offer with the invention that no one is going to ever find out what the good points of your invention are. You know what the invention can do, but you are not allowed under federal version of law to state what you know to be the truth.
      The legal wrecking crew running Wash., D.C. does not believe in the freedoms promised in the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. That is why your national economy right now stinks and they misrepresent economic statistics to make the economy sound better than what the reality is. Wash., D.C. is owed enough money to easily pay off the national debt, the state government debts in America, and maybe even give a nice chunk of money to all Americans 18 years of age and older, but government being bought off by the corrupt, this will never happen until an honest government is established in Wash., D.C. Only passage of the Omni Law can make Wash., D.C. behave itself and become an honest national government instead of the corrupt, maybe totally criminal government that it really is in truth.  
      We have a monkey based culture in America created by our totally dishonest national government. The suppressed scientific facts and arguments overwhelmingly show that the Theory of Evolution is not scientific, not reality, and never happened. But this monkey theory is pushed by Wash., D.C. in order to destroy belief in all moral values in America. Then America has a monkey based culture as that is what the Theory of Evolution is and Wash., D.C. wants to make the American people monkeys in action and no more brains than these animals have as what they want you, your children, and all of us in America to be if we let them form our minds instead of sound education as America used to have but not now!
     I have just covered in capsule form but hopefully you get the point when I say, "If Wash., D.C. Believed In Freedom And Honesty, Our Economy Would Be Booming Now!"
     I have gotten very good feedback from people who have read my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" and think other Americans should read this also. To start the serious campaign to win America back to God, here is an offer to help America return to its historic roots of Christian values in 1776 and that America as a nation should honor God, not try to divorce itself from God as it is doing now. Through May 10, 2013, if you order the book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my pen name), I will see that you also get a $25 credit in my loan program which is to help finance the passage of the Omni Law and reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed food process as a world food industry for America to create millions of new jobs in America and help America regain its lost industrial base engineered by bad policies from Wash., D.C. Per terms already stated in April reports, you get a pro-rata share of 10% of the royalty in profits to be earned for the first 30 years of selling the food product across America and across the world. We secure a good national and world market, this could be heavy money coming back as regular income and many times bigger than any $25 credit represents in original loan money. Order the book from my website and give an email address to send the book to. It is a good looking book with several pages of religious scenes, some classics in color, and the book is 242 pages in big type easy to read. It will be sent out in PDF format with the software included so you don't need other PDF format software to see the book clearly. You give us an email address to send the book in PDF format with software included so it will work on any computer or internet service you use to read things sent to you and we will send back to your email this large book which is formatted to be the equivalent of an 8 1/2 by 11 size sheet for the pages of the book. Also, give us your regular name, address, the usual, etc. so when the Omni Law is passed as I predict it will be now or soon, and when the food industry is fast set up, then we know where to send those checks to you for up to 30 years afterwards. 
     Our website is . You can order direct from it with PayPal or follow instructions how to send us an order by mail as our postal address, etc. is there if you wanted to send in your order by check made out to NIFI and sent to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 USA. Our email address is . We have other interesting product offers on our website and they are in health lines of products.Also the DVD movie Wash., D.C. tried so hard to stop from being released to the American people as it exposed deadly scandals in our nation.  All these products were set up to help finance our Omni Law drive. We are already seeing repeat orders now from people reordering our facial cream within a week or so after getting the original order from us. Apparently they liked the results very much!   
     We make Christianity spectacular by showing overwhelmingly evidence of God probably no one can argue against, show what early Christianity taught as mainline positions and getting good feedback from both Protestants and Catholics that all Christians should see what is in this book. We show economic answers needed by America. We show more material on the Omni Law and how it is based on the first teachings of Apostolic Christianity among other things. We have worldly answers such as how to get higher gas mileage on cars, how to raise ten times more food per acre of farm land in America, and other surprise answers. I tell how I knocked off two tumors on me in 4 days flat using natural God-given supplies and knocked out advanced Colon Cancer in me in 7 days flat once God by inspiration showed me what would work which was God-given and natural in food products. I had three friends who died and later came back alive. After seeing the hereafter, it is too late to make them atheists now. They know what we face after death and as the Bible says, "Only the fool says in his heart that there is no God." I once many years ago had apparently a heart blockage and this triggered off a brief death experience with me which matched in details what my three friends experienced for much longer than me. It is also too late to make an atheist out of me when I already know what death is. The writing of my book was to fulfill a promise I made while dead what I would do if given back my life. As the Bible says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then all these other things shall be added unto you." Once the book was written and released, now events are starting to speed up and I see how we can win the nation.
      One apparent Satanist leader went into panic when I contacted him yesterday.  Apparently my reputation is fast spreading among Satanists as the Christian leader who potentially can give Christianity back the cultural leadership of America once more in history!
      Show this report to others. Time to win America back from the radicals and nutcases in Wash., D.C. 
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the Christian leader who like Joseph of ancient Egypt had worldly knowledge which governments needed, so he could influence the outcome of nations by worldly knowledge while not selling out his integrity to God in the process.)

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