Creator Tells His/Her
Point of View
My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator.
It is your first chance now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies. You have been a race of Beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure. You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground.
Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings; You are down when you feel sad. You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps, when things go against you. When life deals you a disappointment, it’s all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain. Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up.
I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies. It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only Planet in the Universe which could sustain life.
You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your Planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold. You go about your lives as if you created your own Planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your Will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever.
This is what you would call a syndrome - an Ego problem. It makes you Ego-tistical and Myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words.
Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable. You love your own kind - however you define that - and you vilify and abuse others. You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own Human females.
You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you.
am not.
I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices. You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so. You must admit, you love blowing things up. You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.
Now, that is only the darker side of humankind. You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love. Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.
Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.
You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care - your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves. In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.
All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your Clever Slangsters called “a hot mess.”
And now, Young Gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the Exquisitely Ordered and Peaceful pleasures of Higher Dimensional life. In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3-Dimensional Human Bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.
Your Souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving. You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of Humankind. You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire. Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of Human Being-ness.
What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will. You are the Hearts of my Heart, the Dreamers of my Dream, and you are your Magnificent Unique Selves. You begin each Incarnation as calm and resolute Souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow. Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you Graduation to Higher Levels. Your Mother Planet has been elevated, and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.
I will grant you your Fervent Prayers, not because of their intensity alone, but because they are now so generous of Spirit. You pray not for yourselves, but for your Civilization, for Peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies. It is you who will lead in the building of a New Civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic Family.
First, you will be tested. The Ships of the Ashtar Command, will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the Planet. The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era. Are you ready for that? Will you each sustain your Faith, and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?
It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age. You have earned the opportunity to try for the Highest Timeline you can reach for.
I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.
Prime Creator
Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.
Notice, there are no dates given. - K
I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices. You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so. You must admit, you love blowing things up. You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.
Now, that is only the darker side of humankind. You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love. Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.
Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.
You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care - your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves. In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.
All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your Clever Slangsters called “a hot mess.”
And now, Young Gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the Exquisitely Ordered and Peaceful pleasures of Higher Dimensional life. In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3-Dimensional Human Bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.
Your Souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving. You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of Humankind. You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire. Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of Human Being-ness.
What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will. You are the Hearts of my Heart, the Dreamers of my Dream, and you are your Magnificent Unique Selves. You begin each Incarnation as calm and resolute Souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow. Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you Graduation to Higher Levels. Your Mother Planet has been elevated, and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.
I will grant you your Fervent Prayers, not because of their intensity alone, but because they are now so generous of Spirit. You pray not for yourselves, but for your Civilization, for Peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies. It is you who will lead in the building of a New Civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic Family.
First, you will be tested. The Ships of the Ashtar Command, will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the Planet. The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era. Are you ready for that? Will you each sustain your Faith, and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?
It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age. You have earned the opportunity to try for the Highest Timeline you can reach for.
I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.
Prime Creator
Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.
Notice, there are no dates given. - K
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
This is condescending, critical and I feel like I just watched a spanking. When you mention faith, you lose me. This is the favorite tool of the many religions that are responsible for so much death. Speak of love and kindness, yes, but speak of proof and evidence, the genuine appeal to reason and common sense. This is Dratzo all over again, the same pancake with a different syrup. Blow it out your ass.
Poor demon possessed Kathryn.... PsyD mean psycho delutional
well said anonymous...pure drivel
satan comes as an "angel of light"...the only being that brings messages from our Father God is the Holy Spirit (or angels). God sacrificed His Son, Jesus, so that ALL our sins would be forgiven..Jesus took them all for all mankind. Jesus gave Himself up willingly, so that when we believe and receive Him as our Savior our sins are forgiven and our dead spirits are born again unto zoe life. He loves us, desires a relationship with His creation and desires to fellowship WITH us. He would never say any of the things this "entity' is saying. This guy is sitting in judgement and wants to rule, put us under his feet- and that is just what satan wants.
Beware, In the last days even the elect (Christians) will be deceived and I believe the whole issue of aliens and spaceships will be the means satan will use to deceive. Where we came from as a race and where the Christians went will all be a great deception in these last days.
When the rapture occurs and God's church (His body of believers)is taken by Jesus when the time of the gentiles is fulfilled...they will attribute "mother spaceships" as the means that they "help Jesus" rapture the church. The audacity of satan is astounding. Like Jesus, the Word, who was with the Father in the beginning of creation and created all things, needs their help. Really? I don't thinks so. This very thing has been stated in Ashtar's writings word for word by him in the archives at He embraces the truth of the rapture but deceives as to how it will take has satan's name all over it.
All these people who are "tapped in" to the 4th of 5th dimension are tapping in to the wrong sources in the spiritual world if they don't know Jesus. The Holy spirit, one with the Father and Son, is the only way He communicates truth to His people by His Spirit and He can't work through someone's dead spirit that has not been born again unto life-a new creature in Him that becomes a citizen of heaven when they are born again.
so beware of these channelers that are becoming more and more prevalent that seek to deceive the unwary. Even the government can manipulate these people to try to deceive and control the sheep, or steer them in the direction they want them to go.
Common now! Five days of, so called, disclosure hearing aren't enough to get them to show up. Mother/Father God says we didn't want it bad enough, Zorra says to show we really want them to show themselves we need to sacrifice more and now Prime Creator says we're not responsible enough to be trusted with their higher knowledge. We have to graduate first. Graduate from what? These "cousins," they're cousins now, need to get on down here and mentor (share with us) their higher knowledge and truths, so we can graduate (evolve) into higher dimensionality. I'm getting a little fed up with excuses. I believe that they are there but I will know they are there when I see them and not before. Believing in something doesn't make it so. Experiencing something makes it so. So seeing is more than believing; it is knowing. I'm tired of all of these, so called, chandlers saying that they have the scoop, straight from the horses mouth, They're coming tomorrow, etc. Well they haven't shown up yet, have they? I haven't seen any significant increase of videos of craft anywhere in the world during or since the 5 day disclosure hearings. So, if that wasn't enough for them I'm not counting on them anytime soon, whatever "soon" means. I see Zorra's little experiment in sacrificing, for them to show, worked well, didn't it? Do I believe that they are out there and even here? Yep! But I will know it when I see it. It's kinda like all these RV Gurus saying, tomorrow, today, any minute now, imminently, etc., etc., etc. Believe it when you see it for yourself.
These comments sound like a bunch of wining toddlers.
Man-up. Only a mature person (light being) can take constructive criticism.
We as a people on Mother Gaia have put up entirely TOO LONG with the mistreatment of Her as well as her inhabitants. We should have noticed something was NOT QUITE NOT RIGHT A LONG TIME AGO.
None of you would give your children something that they are not ready for, so what makes you think that Father/Mother God would not do the same thing.
The sooner we get OVER OURSELVES, the sooner the fireworks can begin.
I have had this creepy feeling for a while that the " Aliens " ( be they Satan or ET's ) have a twofold purpose, to ' take ' whatever energy we have ( soul, mental ) and turn the rendered carcass into Human McNuggets, perhaps in the ' Light Chambers,' aka microwave/cooking/preserving devices. The decades old show " V " appears to me a prophetic scenario, complete with ' Reptilians.'
At this point John, I thank you for presenting both sides ( at first I thought you addled ), but you have given us the two sides of the coin so we could figure it out FOR OURSELVES. THANK YOU for being wiser than some of us at first thought. Damn, I believe I now owe you a 18 year old bottle of Aberlour ! TYJM frj
"prime creator", eh? Well that's a good one... The big cheese, VIP, big enchilada, head honcho, the big kahuna, boss, big wheel, chief, top dog - and, just so's I understand, we're talkin' about the one who made "EVERYTHING!!!"?
And now you tell me that the P.C. has chosen to speak to us through Kathryn from High Falls, New York??? No fire in the sky? No burning bush? No parting seas? Not a single "special effect" for those of us in the cheap seats??? Wow, the creator business just isn't what it used to be, but everyone's having to cut corners - recession and all.
So, what do we do with this? First, I think, we stop and have a good laugh. Perhaps not at Kathryn, for she may truly believe that she is the handmaiden of the Almighty working his wonders in the world (and Lord knows we need all the wonders we can get right now). But perhaps we should laugh at ourselves for getting worked up over this kind of silliness. Does God need a Blog to communicate with us? Does he have a Facebook account? Does he Tweet (actually he does, as any bird will be happy to demonstrate for you)?
It is heartening to see so many of you that understand exactly what this is - It fills me with hope for all of us. By the way, I humbly disagree with you anonymous 11:33am, it's not worth the blow...
Peace Brothers.
Love; give ,do and Enjoy.
It is kinda true, you are egoist in the fact that you think so little of others that you hardly take anything into consideration if it isn't what you want...yes we can rule...together as a way to go in our highest good for all...what's so hard about that..we are the one's we've been waiting for...becoming all that we can be, only then can all that come back to just want to celebrate yey..yey..!!
I can accept harsh discipline words from my Father Creator. I know I'm far from perfect but I am so eager to be all that I am capable and more. I am ready to meet Ashtar and greet the star fleet. I am so ready for a peaceful planet. Thank you.
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