Thursday, May 16, 2013



     There is only one book in the world loaded with prophecies that have come true against odds of millions to one to even 2 1/2 billion to 3 billion to one against names, dates, locations, events, etc. being listed there just by random chance. That is the Bible! The Jewish Talmud doesn't have this track record. The Koran of Islam does not have this track record. And we could go through an endless list of books and nothing even remotely matches the Bible for accuracy in prophecies that have come true. So maybe we should treat the Bible with respect since the evidence by prophecies fulfilled shows that the Bible is supernatural in nature and origin and sound logic says it has to come from God our Creator.
     Sir Isaac Newton, the brilliant founder of modern science, spent half his time studying Bible prophecies as it intrigued his scientific mind to find out the secrets hidden in the Bible. God blessed me with a curiosity filled scientific and engineering mind to see if the Bible was the key given us by God to understand God in our daily lives. My father invented a trade secret food process the Vatican endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. After my father invented this, he found it was shown in the Old Testament but in Bible Code so the average person could not read it and realize what he had read. My father forced me to be a scholar by telling me that it was in the Old Testament but forcing me to find it on my own which I finally did! My big advantage was I knew what I was looking for. But in finding it I also spotted it said in Bible code that this great food discovery would not be given to the enemies of God but only to those who are loyal to God and are, in effect, God's people on earth. And I found myself listed by first name as the one who is supposed to end up with this secret food answer of God. I was surprised that I was in Bible code there too. Frankly, both in Old Testament and New Testament Bible Code. The gift of survival of the human race hangs upon this gift from God for our good health and survival on earth as the human race is not even remotely as smart or brilliant as God is. The food answer in Bible Code is incredibly important to the survival of mankind on earth. I am just the messenger boy and don't have the foggiest idea why God picked my family and not some other to end up with this the greatest secret in the Bible in Bible Code for the survival of the human race. I am no fool and understand worldly affairs well. This great food discovery is world power to the government or cause I have it back on earth. My father was a great man. He wanted this for the good of mankind. So do I. However, there is one difference between us. I want it to be the power base that Christianity needs to regain true worldwide religious leadership on earth. Through Christianity will mankind have this God-given food answer and not to make the U.S. Republic stronger, Masons stronger, Jews stronger, Muslims stronger, Communists stronger, Satanists stronger, and we could go on with this list of those who could acquire world power through this very powerful trade secret food process listed and explained in Bible Code.  
     This is the power base I give to Christianity and only through Christianity will I allow this God-given incredibly important health food to be given to mankind for its health and survival on earth. If this were a money game, I could easily sell this to the Muslims who would quickly pay me a fortune and with that Islam takes over the world. Joseph Stalin sent word to my father that if my father would sell the Soviet Union the trade secret how to make this food which they said was the greatest food discovery in human history, then Communism would shortly win the world to Communism by solving the food problems of the world with it. The Vatican recognized the importance of it is why Pope Pius XII gave it several stunning endorsements of it the Vatican has never given to anything before on earth. 
     For those not familiar with how far Bible scholarship has progressed now, Israeli mathematicians and Christian Bible scholars found the Old Testament mass loaded with incredible Bible prophecies written in mathematical Bible Code and list maybe all the leaders and events we know of in human history and much more besides. These mathematical codes spelling out names, dates, events, etc. are so brilliant that they defy mathematical odds of even 2 1/2 to 3 billion to one odds of them being there in the Old Testament by random chance. I was curious and found the New Testament in original Greek words had these mathematical Bible Codes in them also. The Old Testament was based upon Hebrew words. The Book of Revelation was loaded with these Bible Code prophecies in math code and Wash., D.C. got clobbered in these Bible Code prophecies. If not stopped by the Christians, Wash., D.C. will end up wiping out the human race on earth. Wash., D.C. is utterly insane before God according to what I read. But when Wash., D.C. is worshipped as the "god" of too many Americans instead of the God of the Bible, the only way I can establish my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America if the U.S. Republic as it presently stands is allowed to remain in power is build my proposed Camelot Project. They will not run this world food industry from America. The Christians and Christianity will run it worldwide, not the corrupt political demons from Wash., D.C.  
     And because most people do not follow through on questions of serious scholarship, yes Jesus and the Apostles by name were twice named in Old Testament prophecies and Jesus Christ was listed as the gift of God to mankind. That would logically mean that the Christianity founded by Jesus Christ is the covenant that God has offered to mankind on earth if mankind wishes to live with God for all eternity and not just a few short years here on earth. Even if I loved evil and not good, I have too much brains to get on the wrong side of God so would behave myself while on earth. Now as it is, I strongly approve of the moral code that God has offered to mankind on earth and I overwhelmingly prefer a moral world to live in rather than a hell on earth world created by corrupt man who can't do anything right once he rejects God out of his life. Good religion turns mankind from barbarian to civilized as history shows. Bad religion and paganism both believing in evil turn man from civilized into barbarians on earth.  
     Now that the message comes across that I will not abandon Christianity and let anyone else or anything else take over my father's great food discovery, here are the terms that you have to accept or no world food industry founded in America. The Omni Law has to be passed. Only through it are my terms going to be met to establish this Camelot Project in America which will be the world headquarters for this great food industry. Where the food industry is established should probably make that nation the richest and most powerful nation on the face of the earth. If Wash., D.C. allows Monsanto Chemical Co. to mess with the wheat and turn it into a GMO food, I will call for a constitutional convention to promptly abolish the U.S. Republic and set up a new national government for America. I can use more than wheat but wheat is the basis for the super health food I will give to the American people and all races on earth. If our wheat is ruined by the corrupt food policies of bought off Wash., D.C., then I will turn on this government with full fury as I will not let Wash., D.C. wipe out the human race on earth.
     I want the churches to stop being professional victims who will never stand up for Christianity. I will stand for Christianity with or without the churches. I have a powerful report which wins people to belief in God and the atheists cannot answer it. It is my "Miracles of God" report carried on my website and in my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America also carried on my website. If the Christians pushed my "Miracles of God" report all over America, this would nearly annihilate the atheists in America and divide America into two camps of those who care for God and those who don't like God and want God to not interfere with their rebellion against God on earth by how they live. God in existence would not be the issue then, but rather would America want to be under God as a nation or else basically divorced from America as America is trying to be right now. 
     Christianity has the answers that mankind needs on earth. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. I found what the Bible scholars did not know that 4 times people practiced the economic teachings of Jesus Christ on money and their economies skyrocketed rapidly into prosperity each time wiping out poverty and unemployment each time until banking interests overthrew it not liking the people being so prosperous and rich, the businesses so prosperous and rich, and the governments so prosperous and rich. With so much prosperity created by the teachings of Jesus on money, money lending did not make as much profit as before! So they overthrew it so everyone would go back to colossal debt again to shackle theirs lives with. Jesus Money would help the poor by practicing what Jesus taught. So far most Christians act like they do not understand that the poor would join the middle class if Jesus Money was restored to power again. But Jesus Money is censored from your history books as a way for banking interests to control you through enforced ignorance. The basic Bible teachings on contract and property give you a great legal system to run free enterprise on and so the Founding Fathers of America thought. They were right but Wash., D.C. has overthrown the legal system of 1776 based upon Bible teachings as the Founding Fathers of America said back then. Christian economics solves the economic problems of America, but Washington godless economic principles create the economic problems of America, not solve them! 
     My book both openly and in subtle ways pushes a lot of the economic concepts of the Bible and Christ directly which will boom the American economy once practiced again in America! Jesus in 3 words basically told how to boom the American economy, yet I bet not one Bible scholar in America can tell me what Jesus said on this subject. They read and understand not. They hear and understand not. Maybe that is because they think they are smarter than God as recorded in the Bible so their minds and souls are closed to the wisdom of God offered them. 
     My book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America is called "The key to understanding the Scriptures." Once you hear the explanations of early Christianity on key parts of the Bible, suddenly you know what the Bible is saying and the door is opened to boom the American economy among other blessings to America. Listen to God and we will be blessed. Ignore God and we will be cursed as ignorance is not the way we solve our problems in life. 
     I have received very strong endorsements and support from first readers of this book. It crosses lines so both Protestants and Catholics are glad that they read it. I kept the book in language you should be able to understand pretty easily and not hit you with $50 words in effect. Practicing my reward approach, let's see if I can persuade many of you to get this book and see how much it can open up your mind and heart to what God offers you, America and the world if we will let God into our lives instead of evil. The book is listed on my website for basically $25.00. Order it and I will give you a credit for $25.00 in my loan program which will help finance the passage of the Omni Line in America and do some other good things also. Also, you get a pro-rata royalty on profits once the food industry is set up in America lasting for 30 years per terms listed previously in posted reports. Also, I will copy for you one copy of the 20 page report which shows you the basic principles to the free energy systems which are being reported have worked for others. They operate through loopholes in the laws of physics and not really defying basic laws of science in the process. This report I am legally only allowed to make one copy for you for research purposes and powerful sources would wish that I did not make available to you this report which could shift the balance of power in the world in certain ways if too many people catch on to what this report is showing the people. I have charged $25.00 previously to make one copy for any customer, but the report is a free bonus for now. I also include with the 20 page report the answer one aide  told me that the engineer told him who got cars to run on electric motors without visible fuel being added to them. Even Ronald Reagan praised the engineer who did this. The auto engines did run on a fuel, but you couldn't see it with the naked eye. I step on powerful toes by letting you get a copy of this report. I have dealt with brilliant engineering and scientific brains for many years and know many answers that the power elite do not want you to know about.  
     This will be a 7 day offer of the bonuses with the book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity." My website is . My email address is  .Book is listed on this website. Or for mail orders, make checks, etc. out to NIFI, write what the payment is for and you can send it to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Offer ends after May 23rd, 2013. 
     By the way, the list of those who bought this book will be a prime list for me to later offer jobs with at our Camelot Project, offer for business people who would like to set up businesses there, and people who would like to live there once it is built. I will use an old Walt Disney engineering tactic how to fast build a large community like this. He showed good common sense how to get quality construction done and not waste time in building it. He was the first one I had ever heard of using this engineering tactic to build very fast a huge community. Our world food industry will be there. Also, the finest research and development center in the world. A great tourist attraction to visit in America with huge shopping facilities but with a Camelot theme to the appearance of this huge community we will build. You order this book now and you will be among the first to be offered the chance to get a fabulous apartment there once built or build your own home in the area this Camelot will be located in. It always takes a man obsessed with a dream to build something huge like this. This happened before with building of the Suez Canal, building the Panama Canal, building Hoover Dam, building Disney World, etc. Even building of the Manhattan Project took extreme dedication by one or more leaders who saw this could be done and committed to do it as it was a huge project once it was committed to. It will be a strong Christian community but all branches of Christianity should feel very comfortable together as Christ would want us to be. We will make Christianity strong throughout the world once built. Early Christianity predicted the building of this giant community but you do not know the early Christian writings such as Lactanius and Tertullian and St. Augustine who predicted this for latter day Christianity as the final golden age of Christianity and then the Antichrist according to them once man got too corrupted again. 
     So if you want to join the winning side, order the book and pass this report around if you think others should see this. By the way, foreign orders for this book are welcome also! For example, I want us to win Europe back to serious Christianity again once we are ready! And in fulfillment of Matthew 24, the Gospel of Christ will be heard effectively throughout all the world. The world food industry will insure this. It is like a prophecy in name. Jesus was born in Bethlehem which means "House of Bread!"
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who is not going to surrender the legal rights of Christianity to its enemies in Wash., D.C., but defiantly stand up for Jesus Christ in America and we will win because even the not-so-religious will know that I can deliver on the economic booming of the American economy, so they can tolerate a little extra honoring of God in America while America booms with super national prosperity and plenty of money for all!)

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