Conspiracies: Understanding the All Seeing Eye & The Brotherhood of The
Published On May 16, 2013 |
Apparently my disagreement that Al Gore is not responsible for this global conspiracy means that I’m on his payroll. He is nothing more than a pawn in the greater cog of the machine.
So how does it work and who are the members?
Very Top of the Pyramid
When looking at the
picture of the all-seeing eye, many researchers will point to the eye
symbolizing the “Illuminati”. As discussed in Jupiturn: The Real Secret
Ancient History of the Illuminati, the real Illuminati was just a group of
scholars who had to go underground in order to hide their scientific pursuits.
Since then other groups have used their tactics of secrecy in order to
drive global luciferian agendas.In other words, the “Illuminati” isn’t the true capstone of the pyramid but a popularly promoted distraction to keep you away from the true rulers.
When you trace the clues through history, a resounding fact appears again and again. Those at the top of the pyramid remain behind there front men. Anyone who tells you “this person or that person” is part of this brotherhood, be very leary.
These bloodlines change names and move with time. They have existed since the days of Babylon and continue to manipulate the world with money and ancient secrets and while their true history is shrouded in myth & legends, you can find their fingerprints all over history.
We look to the “great” men of history like Hitler, Churchill and Stalin as being the movers and shakers of the day, but then we fail to see that these men wouldn’t have been powerful without the help of someone behind the scenes.
At this point, a lot of researchers stop point as these power brokers as being the main culprit behind the power structures, never seeing how deep this rabbit hole actually goes. These power brokers need financing, connections and resources in order to give this power to these figureheads. This is where names like Brzezinski & Kissinger appear, but who controls them?
Astor Bloodline
The original founder of
the Astor fortune was John Jacob Astor (1763-1848). John Jacob Astor was born
in Walldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany) from a Jewish bloodline. The Jewish
origins have been hidden, and quite a number of various ideas of the Astor’s
heritage have been put into circulation by the Astors. John Jacob Astor was a
butcher in Walldorf.In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless–and that may be true–he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City. (This Holland Lodge is a prominent lodge in that many of its members have good connections to the Illuminati elite. An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 – 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).
By 1788, Astor was a master of Masonic lodge#8. This is rather interesting considering Astor could not speak English when he arrived in America, and supposedly was very poor. John Jacob Astor was always very famous for being coldhearted, anti-social, “a man who didn’t have charm, wit or grace.” (This quote comes even from a relative of the DuPont family who wrote a sympathetic Biography entitled The Astor Family.) If this man lacked social graces and was so cold, and was so poor during his first years in the U.S., why did he rise to such prominence in Freemasonry?
Certainly not because of his social graces. For instance, one time later in life at a meal given for elites, when his hands got dirty at the table he reached over and used the shirt of the man beside him to wipe his hands. The original financial break came by carrying out a series of shady and crooked real estate deals in the N.Y. city area.
The next break came when two men who are now known to have been in the Illuminati gave John Jacob Astor a special government privilege. The two men were Pres. Jefferson and Secretary Gallatin–both Illuminati members. The United States government had placed an embargo on all U.S. ships from sailing with goods in 1807. But Astor got special permission from these two men for his ship to sail with its cargo.
His ship sailed and made close to a $200,000 profit in that day’s money. Astor strangely profited greatly from the War of 1812, which crippled almost all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a British secret agent.
The Thirteen Families have very intimate roles with the American and British intelligence cults.
Prior to 1817, John Jacob Astor entered into the fur trade and remained the biggest player in the fur trade until he got out of it in 1834. Over the years, he had managed to build up a monopoly. How he managed to push everyone else out is a good question.
Read more about the Astor Bloodline
Bundy Bhe Committee of 300 had to step aside, if his position in the
hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that
originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor. One result
of his fur company, was that Astoria, OR was created.
Today, perhaps in honor
of the family that originally took interest in it, Astoria is a real hot-bed
for the secret Satanic covens in Oregon. John Jacob Astor did have a few
helpful connections. Three of his relatives were captains on clipper ships. He
had connections in London to the Backhouse family. He married a Todd, a family
frequently associated with Satanism. His wife, a Todd, was also connected to
the influential Brevoort family. And finally for some reason, John Jacob Astor
was also on good relations with the politicians of the day, perhaps because most
of them were Freemasons too.
more about the Astor Bloodline
Bundy Bloodline
Who and what kind of
family are allied with the top 13 llluminati bloodlines? The Illuminati seeks
to capture the occult power of powerful occult bloodlines around the world.
They have intermarried with American Indians to gain the spiritual power
resident within the leading spiritual American Indians. Various Indian
reservations are used for llluminati rituals. They have been doing this type of
thing for thousands of yearsPowerful families around the world participate on different levels with the Illuminati. Some participate on a business level- such as the various crime (Mafia type) families around the world. Mafia families might not subscribe to the occult philosophy but they do recognize power and business. Some powerful families around the world participate simply on the level that they have been sucked into the world’s system and are dependent upon going along with the flow of the world’s system. An example of this would be the King of Nepal. The King of Nepal rules aver a poor Hindu kingdom. The British empire has done a great job in trying to make Nepal dependent upon them. Nepal was given British protection, their leading families were given British educations, and their leading tribe of warriors, the Gurkhas have been serving as British mercenaries. Should the King of Nepal break loose from his advisers and take an anti-NWO track, his throne could be taken away via revolution, or invasion. The NWO has the capacity to arrange for the Indian Congress Party to invade or some other destablizing factor. The British MI-6 and the American CIA have also stationed assets (agents) in the country. However, the trump card in sucking nations like Nepal in, is to create conflict like the Cold War and then apply Hegelian dialectics. Many nations around the world have been forced to cosy up with the British and Americans, because of the cold war. Secretly manufactured and secretly controlled international conflicts are a great way to take away the independence of some of the smaller nations. The King of Nepal has for many years feared invasions from either India or China.
However, Switzerland has been afforded the luxury of not having to take sides in the Illuminati’s secretly created wars, because the bloodlines have had such total control over Switzerland for so many centuries. There is no need for Switzerland to participate in Hegelian dialectics.
If families are powerful but not in the Illuminati’s clique, they can be destroyed such as Howard Hugh was. An example of this is how the Rothschilds progressively destroyed the Romanovs (the Russian Imperial Family). But the Romanovs were also an occult bloodline, and so the Illuminati secretly took children of the Imperial family to serve as breeders for the Illuminati so that the Illuminati could channel in the Romanov’s occult blood into their bloodlines.
The families that control Switzerland go back to Venice. Some of the Phnariot families of the Byzantine have had enduring powerful lineages. The Venetian and Genoese banker/international commerce families have produced some enduring powerful lineages. Families from these groups have tended toward Satanism (Gnosticism) or cults that are not Christian. In this category, we can mention Darius Socinus of Venice. Note also that the Warburgs, who work so closely with the Rothschilds, are descendents of Abraham del Banco, an old banker in Venice. The Warburgs in turn are related to the Rosenbergs of Kiev, Russia. Some of your old aristocratic Russian occult bloodlines were the first to financially help Hitler’s fledgling Nazi Party.
The powerful bloodlines diversify into different last names, but some of them still have enough visibility that they can be halfway tracked by their modern names. For instance, the Cabot Family of Boston are descendents of Sebastian Cabot who was born in Venice. Sebastian Cabot (whoe Collins Bloodline
Your ruling families in Western Europe tie back to William of Orange. There is a powerful arabic connection to the Illuminati. Men like Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah are very knowledgable about arab magic and occult practices. Sirdar Ikball Ali Shah has written at least 70 books on magic and occultism. These families keep track of their genealogies, and certain members of these occult families know the histories of these families.
Read more about The Bundy Bloodline
Collins Bloodline
The next family in our
series of articles on the top 13 Illuminati families is the Collins family, The
first two have been the Astor family and the Bundy family. The first two
articles were fairly straightforward. Both the Astor and Bundy families have
been written about by others, and I had more information on both families than
I needed for my articles. In fact I left out worthwhile details in both
articles in order to keep the articles to a comfortable length. In this Collins
article, there will be some padding.” In terms of research on the Collins
family from a scale from 0 to 100, I’m about at 10. There are some hard
connections that will be presented and some soft connections. Joan Collins is
what I’d call a soft connection. She has associated with a long list of key
Illuminati men and at least a few known Satanists, but this is only the barest
of dues that she might have anything to do with the Illuminati herself. Let me
give some of the hard connections first.The following is a description of a highly secret high level Satanic meeting. It comes via an ex-insider who is now a Christian. If any other ex-hierarchy person is reading thice, was small in stature, and was very powerful. She was decked out on her throne with a great deal of jewelry. One of the first things done was to lay before her feet small gold bricks (shaped like small bricks and made of pure gold). Two boys, who were taken to be her sons, one of whom was Tom Collins, (Tom was later gunned down by the Illuminati) were near her throne. As only the most honored and powerful dared be in thethis Collins family does something financially, such as deal with the exchange of money. I’ve noticed that numerous Collins have been Insurance Executives, and although I haven’t exposed the connections between Insurance Companies and the NWO, there is a book out which shows how they most insurance companies are connected and under the guidance of the NWO elite. The Grande Mother Collins dressed in black has an ebony and gold moon shaped throne that she can automatically rotate by pushing a pedal with her foot. Behind her sits the Grand Council with 13 members –this might be or might not be the Grand Druid Council that you will read about further on. The difference between this council in 1955 is that it was all males, while the council in 1978 has several women on it.
The Grande Mother, a Collins woman was thought to be in her middle 50’s at the time of this meeting, she had a deep dictatorial voice, was small in stature, and was very powerful. She was decked out on her throne with a great deal of jewelry. One of the first things done was to lay before her feet small gold bricks (shaped like small bricks and made of pure gold). Two boys, who were taken to be her sons, one of whom was Tom Collins, (Tom was later gunned down by the Illuminati) were near her throne. As only the most honored and powerful dared be in the vicinity of her throne, this showed that these two Collins boys were powerful. The boys passed out papers, which had time tables written on them of things that were to happen. A great discussion was carried on about what had happened in the world to bring in Satan’s One-World-Government during the last six months and what was prepared to happen in the near future. Things that had not gone according to plan were discussed. The Ark of the Covenant was discussed, where it was hidden in Africa, and a ritual mocking the Ark of the Covenant was held.
Seven children in white were brought in from generational Satanic families and presented before Grande Mother Collins. They laid prostrate in worship of her. She would move her scepter with a snake up and down striking the floor to show approval of a child candidate. Then 7 other children were sacrificed for the 7 approved children, one for each child, whose name would then be written with a quill using the sacrificed child’s blood. The children were given oaths. The Grande Mother rotated her throne and faced the Council of 13 and declared (speaking in English) “This is tomorrow’s generation, a chosen few.” The John the Baptist of the Anti-Christ put in an appearance, but the anti-Christ at that time was not born or only a tiny baby. Was this Benjamin Creme? The ex-insider didn’t learn the name of this John the Baptist forerunner of the Anti-Christ. However, the descriptions of this occult John the Baptist do match Benjamin Creme. Benjamin Creme was born in 1924, and was deeply into the occult and witchcraft even when he was a boy. (See the official newsletter of Tara Center Emergence, Jan 1982 Issue.) He claims that in 1959, he telepathically received a message from his Master, a member of the [demonic] hierarchy.
Read more about the Collins Bloodline
DuPont Bloodline
Sitting down to write
about the du Pont’s reminded me of two other families.Recently, John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark he had discovered that the royal danish family was slipping away secretly from everyone and they were going to Satanic rituals. It is also noteworthy that 5 modern kings of Denmark have been the leaders of Freemasonry in Denmark, and the Danish royal family, princes etc. have been active Masons.
John Dale wrote a book The Prince and The Paranormal which goes into the secret occult activities of the British royal family, especially Prince Charles, but also many other royal family members too. Besides the secret occult activities of the British Monarch, they have been openly leaders of Freemasonry ( see the Appendix of Be Wise As Serpents for a detailed chart on this.) The du Ponts are similar to these families in that they too are a dynasty, they too have a very public image, and they too have a totally hidden life. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the press’s coverage of them than the British Royal Family.
One of the clues that the family is a top Satanic family are the frequency of marriages between relatives of the du Pont descendants. Few people are aware of the immense importance bloodlines play in the upper levels of Satanism. Blood is believed to carry the occult power. Unless a person has the correct blood he or she will not rise to the highest levels of Satanism. The du Ponts have intermarried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other families are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism.
For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. George W. Ball is also a member of CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Eliza Cazenove (Gardner was a sister to a du Pont.
Dorsey Cazenove (Gardner was a distant cousin. Will Gardner and Bessie Gardner duPont were cousins of the duPonts. John W. (Gardner is a 60 Illuminatus and in charge of the Rockefeller Bros. Fund. I have found the (Gardners in the thick of Satanism and witchcraft.
Read more about the DuPont Bloodline
Freeman Bloodline
The amazing thing about
this family is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as
being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and
the Satanic hierarchy, the name pops up with surprising frequency. For
instance, Stephen M. Freeman runs the Legal Affairs Dept. of the Civil Rights
Division of the Anti-Defamation League (which is a daughter of the B’nai B’rith).
The ADL is a dangerous organization controlled by the hierarchy. The illuminati
drug money to fund this organization. Another Freeman is Walter Freeman who
introduced the lobotomy into the U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal
lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that has been permitted to be
done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. Then there
was Simon Freeman an important intelligence officer. And the list goes on of
people that are in key places with the Freeman name. But the most important
position of all which removes all doubt that the family is at the top is that
the late Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion was Gaylord Freeman.
discoverers of The PRIEURE DE SION
What is the Prieure de
Sion? Are we sure it exists? How does this relate to the hierarchy? The Prieure
de Sion (Priory of Zion) was unknown to the general public until 1982 when a
book co-authored by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln came out.
The book was entitled Holy Blood, Holy Grail and it offered historical proof
that an organization called the Prieure de Sion was powerful and had existed
since the time of the early crusades (1099 A.D.). In 1991, I came out a little
more information on the Prieure de Sion. The organization is so little known to
even my readership, that we need to stop and really examine the Prieure de
Slon.In trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding this organization, Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent’s research led them to conclude that the holy bloodline that the Prieure de Sion guarded was the bloodline of Jesus. This immediately made all their research anathema (condemned and disliked) by the most of Christendom. I watched to see if Christians would refute the unbiblical parts of their research, but besides a couple of short articles (Christian Century, 9/1-8/82, – “Raiders of the Lost Grail” and Christianity Today, 9/3/82 – “Holy Blood, Holy Grail – holy mackerel”) in Christian periodicals (in addition to this was a small book in England- The Holy Grail Revealed) which simplistically claimed that the book was of no value because obviously it was erroneous, no one even pretended to try to refute the book (as far as I know except for that English book which did pretend but didn’t refute anything.)
The authors went on to write two more popular historical exposes concerning the Prieure de Sion and Freemasonry (The Messianic Legacy and The Temple and The Lodge). Actually to be fair to the Christians, if I hadn’t already known from my research that much of the European information in Holy Blood. Holy Grail was correct, the wild religious speculation about Jesus in Part 3 may have caused me to doubt the book too. The first Christian author to pick up on the Prieure de Sion was J.R. Church who wrote Guardians of the Grail which built on Holy Blood. Holy Grail’s research in a constructive way and put more pieces of the puzzle together. At last a book was out that challenged some of the false ideas of Holy Blood, Holy Grail without blindly throwing their excellent research. While the public at large had never heard of the Prieure de Sion until Holy Blood. Holy Grail came out, the organization was written about in high level military intelligence briefings years before the book. Some of the men in high level intelligence have become concerned with the direction this nation is going. It is through such men that independent confirmation had leaked out even before the book. The information did get to some researchers. I came out with my Be Wise As Serpents book in 1991, which among other things covered the Prieure de Sion, after I had concluded that the evidence verified its existence.
I approached the issue from my own angle of research. In researching the Illuminati it became clear 1. that bloodlines were very important, 2. that the people in high level Satanism believe they are descendents of the House of David, 3. the Illuminati’s activities tied in in many ways to the Prieure de Sion. One startling tie in was that the Freeman family was, according to an informant, one of the top 13 Illuminati families. The ex-Illuminati people I received information from were not familiar with Holy Blood, Holy Grail nor Guardians of the Grail. Even if they had, which they definitely hadn’t, neither book mentions the Freeman family. It wasn’t until the researchers of Holy Blood, Holy Grail wrote their sequel The Messianic Legacy that was published in 1987 that the name Freeman came out as the leader of the Prieure de Sion.
In short the way the research of mine and others simultaneously from different angles came up independently with similar conclusions using totally different sources confirms beyond a doubt that the Prieure de Sion exists, and that the Freeman family is indeed a very powerful family. I have never spelled out in detail nil the proofs about the Prieure de Sion and the Freeman family, and even now I am not going to. To me the basics are facts, and I don’t want to get bogged down trying to prove the obvious, when there is so much more to learn. There are stubborn people whose minds will not come along no matter how much proof and encouragement. They will just have to stay where they are.
Kennedy Bloodline
To be a researcher and to
be informed that the Kennedy family is a top 13 llluminati family is akin to
being told a needle is in a haystack. Someone has estimated that there are
200,000 Kennedys in the United States.1 And on a list of the most populous
surnames of Ireland in 1890 Kennedy ranked 17th.2 And a recent book listed it
as 16th most common today. Fortunately, there is information that allows me to
identify at least part of the Satanic Kennedies from all the rest of the
Kennedys. You will learn some of this later in the article.
Again the ties between
various Illuminati families is very involved, and a long unraveling process,
similar to untying a set of bad knots confronts the researcher. The Kennedy
family abounds with marriages to names such as Anketells, Baileys, Booths,
Buckleys, Collins, Hatfields, Humphreys, Freemans, James, Phelps, Reagans,
Russells, and Smiths.3 The Kennedys that we will look closest at are related to
the Fitzpatricks, a powerful Irish family whose coat of arms has 3 fleur-de-lis
with a dragon and a lion. (The Fitzpatricks may tie back to France, and they
may possibly part of the Sang Royal (Sangraal–Sang Raal is the term used in the
older manuscripts which can mean both Royal bloodline or Holy Grail.) Jackie
Bouvier Kennedy Onassis who married John F. Kennedy was tied to the
Auchinclosses via her sister’s marriage into the Auchincloss family.The Auchinclosses are Scottish bloodline of the Illuminati. “One can fairly hear the woof and tweet of history whistle through the names of the ramified Auchincloss tribe: Bunt, Grosvenor, Rockefeller, Saltonstall, Tiffany, Vanderbilt and Winthrop among others.”5 For instance, Hugh D. Auchincloss, Sr. married Emma Brewster Jennings, daughter of Oliver B. Jennings, who co-founded Standard Oil with John D. Rockefeller. As for the numerous Kennedy intermarriages with notable names, for instance, Bernet Shafer Kennedy (1798-1878) married Phebe Freeman in 1820.6 But then the question arises–were either of these people secretly part of the occult? Andrew Kennedy married Margaret (Penny) Hatfield (1824-1989). The Andrew Kennedy family is allied with the Hatfield, Bailey, Collins, and Mullins families.8 Again a person is confronted with a great deal of clues, but precious little time and resources to try following up the numerous leads.
There are several
versions of how the Kennedys got started, but when one goes in and examines
things, what turns out is that the origins of the Kennedys is Ireland are very
clear. They are descendants of Brian Born (also known as Brian Caeneddi) and
his nephew who spelled it Cinneide. The name thereafter was O’Kennedy. They
originally were a Dalcassion sept, and were in the area near Killahoe, and
Killokennedy parish is a reminder of that ancient fact. The O’Briens and
MacNamaras forced them into new territories where they became the Lords of
Ormond–what is now north Tipperary. Most Kennedys in Ireland today are still
found in that area. The Kennedys remained powerful into the 16th century.
Li Bloodline
In writing about the Li
family and Chinese secret societies, I am like the man who wakes up in the
middle of the night while everyone else sleeps and then gropes around in the
darkness trying to feel his way. I can share with you what I’ve learned, but
undoubtedly there is a great deal more that can be learned.When the year started I knew only a little about the Li family, and that only from what I had heard. I didn’t even know how to spell their name right. I was spelling it Lee (Actually the Li family name is spelled Lee in some areas such as Hokkien, Teochew, Singapore and by some chinese Americans.) Because I knew so little about the family, it was one of my primary areas of focus when doing.
A Chinese is name is made
up of a family name (surname), which is written first, and then comes the
personal name. In the Chinese way of things my name would be Springmeier Fritz.
Family names are usually of one character each, although there are exceptions
like Ouyong and Situ. There are over 6,000 Chinese surnames for about I billion
Chinese.The more frequent Chinese surnames in English speaking countries such as the U.S., U.K., & Aust. are Chan, Lin, Li, Wong, Huang, Mei, Yang, Chin, and Fong. In mainland China the 5 top families are Chen, Li, Zhang, He, and Huang.
The chinese surname Li is
a very popular name in China, perhaps not as widespread as Smith in this
country, but certainly used as much as the name Brown is in America. Chinese
who have the same surname have much more loyalty to someone else who has the
same surname. For instance, two Chinese with the Li name would consider
themselves relatives even if they were total strangers.Even if two people knew no blood ties, if they had the same surname it has generally been considered incestuous to marry each other in China. In the U.S. if two Browns without any apparent blood ties met each other, they would not feel as if they were close relatives which two Chinese with the same surname would. The Li surname has a long history which goes back to a specific person named Emperor Zhuanzu who was the first Li and lived before 2000 B.C. This is according to the Xing Zuan, the chinese dictionary of surnames.
The Li family has a long history in China with many stories. During the Tang Dynasty about 15 different surnames were given the honor of having the Li surname. Li Yuan was the founder of the Tang Dynasty which lasted from 618 to 906 A.D. His son who ruled after him was Li Shimin.
In their dynasty, printing and paper money were introduced to China. (It’s interesting that the Li’s are connected the introduction of paper money.)
Read more about The Li Bloodline
Onassis Bloodline
Understanding the forces
that are shaping our lives, on the one hand is Jesus who aches to save us, and
on the other side is Satan who laughs at how he continues to put deceptions
over on us. God has made provision for us. God has offered us the understanding
and wisdom of what is going on- We do not have to remained confused as to how
world events are happening or what they are planning to do. The Bible says the
wise shall understand. This series of articles is offered to help people
understand the real movers and shakers of the world, the men and families who
control politicians and preachers like puppets.
Aristotle Socrates
Onassis — named after two Greek philosophers, went from being totally broke at
age 21 to being a millionaire at age 23. His father’s first name was Socrates.
Aristotle was an Illuminati king, a shipping tycoon, an intelligent ruthless
hard-driving man, a man of the world who spoke a number of languages such as
French, Spanish, English, Italian, and Turkish. He married JFK’s widow. His
ever-present sunglasses made him look like Al Capone to a number of people.Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis-Her father was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, the American equivalent to the Order of the Garter. Her father “ Black Jack” was corrupt, what is known as a womanizer. He worked at making a living from the stock market. Jackie’s “step-father” was the Auchincloss family, an elite family. Her step-father’s second wife before Jackie’s mother was Senator Thomas Gore’s daughter. Her step-father was in Naval Intelligence. Jackie went to the schools that the children of the elite go to. On the anniversary of JFK’s assassination, Orville & Jane Freeman were the only ones to remember the date to say or do something about it. Jackie went that day to Central Park and had a good cry.
Stavros Niarchos-Aristotle’s brother-in-law and Ari’s business competition. Stavros’ parents came from Sparta, Greece. His relatives were rich. Stavros went into shipping and after W.W. II broke out, left Greece to avoid having to fight for Greece. He was a close friend of Colgate, Roosevelt and Bernard Baruch, who he would invite to his house on Long Island. He rented his Long island house from Harry Hopkins who was the man who told Pres. F.D. Roosevelt what to do. Even though he was a millionaire, he had a difficult time avoiding have to serve. Eventually, he managed to get himself situated as a naval officer in intelligence for Greece in Alexandria, Egypt. Information sent into the ’69-70 Who’s Who reference book about his war time exploits are fictitious. Niarchos and Aristotle were friends from 1934 onward, but also at times enemies trying to outdo each other. Both frequently went to St. Moritz, Swit., a ski resort. Stavros also frequents an old Medici family Palace/estate near Turin where the Duke of Edinburgh and Baron Elie de Rothschild like to go and shoot birds. The estate has many and it isn’t unusual for them to kill a thousand a day. Stavros is an important leader of the Bilderbergs and a billionaire. He married Henry Ford II’s daughter who was 38 years younger than he was, and divorced her shortly afterwards. He worked closely with David Rockefeller.
Aristotle Onassis died in
1975. His son and heir to his throne died in 1973. My inside information about
the Onassis family being one of the top 13 goes back to the 1960s and 70’s. Is
the family still powerful? One big clue that they still wield power within the
Illuminati is that Stavros Niarchos, Aristotle’s brother-in-law, is a powerful
Bilderberg. The executive committee of the Bilderbergs are the equivalent to 9°
of the branch Illuminati. Is the Onassis family still one of the top 13 Satanic
bloodlines? I do not know. The answer lies in doing genealogical work to find
out what the core satanic bloodline is that curses through the Onassis family.One whistle-blower on the Illuminati was Dennis Brunnelle, a Grand Master of an OTO lodge, who became disillusioned with the OTO’s Illuminati program. Some of his information touches on the Onassis family. My understanding of the Onassis family is limited in terms of their Satanic activities with the Illuminati, but I will attempt to give my readers a better understanding. My inside knowledge of the occult side-that is the secret satanic ritual activities of the family is sparse, because my informants have very limited knowledge of the Onassis participation. However, there are certainly plenty of tracks in the sand which indicate who the business friends of this family have been, and they have been very clearly those within the Illuminati or with connections to it.
Read more about The Onasis Bloodline
Reynolds Bloodline
The Reynold’s family is
not one of the 13 primary bloodlines, but they are such a prominent Illuminati
family within the 13 bloodlines that I have decided to single them out for
another article on Illuminati bloodlines. Although the Reynolds are allied with
many of the major Satanic bloodlines, including the Rothschilds, the DuPonts,
the Rockefellers, the Graces and the Grays, they are especially close and
intertwined to the Duke and Cullman families. (One example of a Duke/Reynold
joint project is the Research Triangle Foundation.) It should be remembered
that The Temporary National Economic Committee of Congress in 1937 which
studied the super rich found that the Dukes and the Reynolds were among the top
13 wealthiest families in America. Further, my research at one place or another
has shown that the Reynolds of the Illuminati variety have interacted with all
of the other major Satanic bloodlines. These elite birds of a feather all flock
together.During the course of putting out this newsletter in ‘92-’95, I have had repeated opportunities to include various members of the Reynold’s bloodline in my exposes. It must always be borne in mind that a large share of each of these bloodlines are hidden behind other last names.
Within this area, my newsletter has exposed Reynold family members of the Illuminati from Astoria, Oregon (such as Scottish Rite Librarian/Mortician Reynolds) and Bend, Oregon (such as Mayor Paul Reynolds who also runs a mortuary, and his son Mark). One of the first Illuminati Monarch slaves in the Portland area to seek her freedom was Mary D. Reynolds. She was from the Mother of Darkness level. She wanted to find treatment for the programming that goes with the Niother of Darkness level, and since wanting her freedom it is anybody’s guess what happened to her.
Read more about The Reynolds Bloodline
Rockefeller Bloodline
One of the 13 Satanic
bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are
around 190 members of this family with the Rockefeller name and of course some
others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate
the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of
the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the
Christian denominations.This article keys in on just one family, the Rockefellers. To understand the full extent of the Illuminati’s control of religion, including Christendom, would require perhaps several books. The Illuminati itself draws its lifeblood from around 500 very powerful families worldwide. This article will not attempt to explain their networks and the many organizations of the Illuminati. It will not even try to do this for the Rockefellers. In fact, no one knows how many trusts and foundations the Rockefellers have.
They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways:
1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United States need to operate.
2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Education influences the religious values of our people.
3. They provide large grants to various religious organizations.
4. Their influence and control helps determine who will get publicity in the major news magazines, and on television.
5. Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up.
6. They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust.
The Rockefeller’s influence is both subtle and not so subtle.
In the book The Unholy Alliance details are given on how the seminaries, church boards and Christian colleges have been captured. Much of the money for this came from the Rockefellers. One of the principle large Foundations that was instrumental in controlling religious institutions of various kinds was the Sealantic Fund. (They have now shifted to other channels.) This Foundation which was incorporated in 1938 and was headquartered in New York City (50 West 50th St.) gave enormous sums of money to manipulate Protestant concerns. In 1964, according to the Russell Sage Foundation’s book The Foundation Directoy the Sealantic Fund gave away $681, 886 in grants.*
In 1969, the Fund gave $1,889,550 in grants.**
By 1984, the Sealantic Fund was not being used. But a look at another Rockefeller non-profit untaxed Foundation the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund shows a revealing grant pattern. Many people would not be able make any sense out of what seems a random pattern of grants without the broad picture of what the Illuminati is doing today. My book Be Wise As Serpents should have clarified how those various groups who receive grants are related and helpful to the Rockefeller agenda. Although these other Rockefeller Foundations are not specifically geared toward religion such as the Sealantic Fund was, it is clear these other Foundations still impact religion.
Read more about the Rockefeller Bloodline
Rothschild Bloodline
Two neighbor horse
farmers came together one day to talk business. The first farmer sold his horse
to the second for a quarter million dollars, and then bought it back for about
$20 more. He could now advertise his horse (actually worth $20), as a horse he
that he had paid over a quarter of a million dollars for.We can laugh over such schemes. And perhaps we should laugh at ourselves for having been fooled, for if there is one area in life that exceeds the religious in deception, and touches all of us it is the financial. What else can we do about it except laugh? The famous poet Lord Byron describes the archetype of our two farmers in 1823, Who keeps the world, both old and new, in pain Or pleasure? Who makes politics run glibber all? The shade of Bonaparte’s noble daring?
Jew Rothschild and his fellow-Christian, Baring. You’ll learn about some other ,,neighbor horse traders” in this chapter too.
Lord Rothschild in his
book The Shadow of a Great Man quotes a letter sent from Davidson on June 24,
1814 to Nathan Rothschild, ,,As long as a house is like yours, and as long as
you work together with your brothers, not a house in the world will be able to
compete with you, to cause you harm or to take advantage of you, for together
you can undertake and perform more than any house in the world.”(1) The
closeness of the Rothschild brothers is seen in a letter from Saloman (Salmon)
Rothschild to his brother Nathan on Feb. 28, 1815, “We are like the mechanism
of a watch: each part is essential. (2) This closeness is further seen in that
of the 18 marriages made by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren 16 were
contracted between first cousins.
In 1974, in the summer
after the Yom Kippur War this Author toured Israel, and got the chance to
personally visit many of the buildings like the Knesset that the Rothschild’s
money has built. The Knesset is the Israeli equivalent to our Congress’s
Capitol building. One of the Rothschilds in his will left money for ongoing
building projects in Israel, and the Rothschilds are honored with a Street
named after them in Jerusalem.The people of Germany and Turkey have been very close. I can recall meeting Turkish “Gastarbeiter” (guestworkers) in Germany. The reader will remember that Turkey fought on Germany’s side in W.W. I. A few powerful Jews, including the Rothschilds were responsible for the wording of the Treaty imposed on Germany that ended W.W. I (3) The treaty gave the Rothschilds the German owned railway rights in Palestine (which had been part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire), thus paving the way for the Rothschilds to have a sure leverage to dictate policy concerning Palestine. The Rothschilds had made loans to Turkey which amounted to almost one hundred million pounds. When the Turkish government collapsed after W.W. I because they were on the losing side, the Rothschilds had a claim on Palestine because of those unpaid Turkish loans.4 The British government followed the dictates of the Rothschilds. The British were given a mandate over Palestine, and the Rothschilds were able to through their proxies in the British government, to create the steps that led to the nation of Israel.
Read more about The Rothschilds Bloodline
Russell Bloodline
Last year in the Jan. ’93
newsletter I wrote an article about the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society.
Recently, on Dec. 10, ’93, Texe Marrs interviewed me over international short
wave radio about the 1990 book “The Watchtower and the Masons.” Having got a
good response from the short wave radio interview, it is only appropriate that
this newsletter starts off the new year with another article on the Watchtower
Society and the Illuminati. Because of numerous problems within the
congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Satanic Ritual Abuse, the Watchtower
Society put out an article in the Oct. 8, 1991 issue of the magazine. Lee
Waters of Bethel Headquarters kept a file on his computer of Jehovah’s
Witnesses who were reported to be victims of SKA. It is possible headquarters
has told him to delete the file. Another man who was at headquarters who is now
believed out of the Society was also well informed of SRA among the
congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In fact, two J.W.s who had actually been
in the Illuminati while J.W.s but had broken free, confronted the Governing
Body and headquarters with their evidence of the Illuminati operating within
the membership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.What was the response of the WF leaders?
To simply ignore and coverup the evidence. The actions of the Governing Body in squelching any serious action against the high level Satanism secretly operating within the Jehovah’s Witnesses shows what my Be Wise A Serpents book revealed, which is that very secret high level Satanism has long been controlling the Watchtower Society. One of these 2 eyewitnesses to Illuminati activities within the higher levels of the Watchtower Society realized that something is seriously wrong at the top, when the WF leaders do not really care for those people in the congregations who are becoming the victims of SRA. One elder in good standing lost his position because be warned the WT Society of satanic infiltration. It is obvious that the Watchtower organization is more interested in public relations than it is in having a clean organization. In examining the families that are involved with the Illuminati who use the Watchtower Society as a cover, we find a continuation of the same pattern as I noticed before: there is a large contingent of Scottish and a large Jewish bloodlines. For instance, one J.W. Illuminati family was the Udell family (Scottish name) who married Picketson Milliken (English maiden name with Jewish first husband).
This type of combination typifies so many of the elite who I have researched. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 1.11 discusses how the Satanism within the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society could be tracked by an understanding of Enochian magic. Readers may want to refer back to that chapter after reading this paragraph. The Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society use the Enochian Language which has its own language and its own Enochian alphabet (letters in boxes).
According to eyewitnesses who have left the J.W. part of the Illuminati, the Enochian alphabet is known and used as the cult language by those Illuminati operating in the high levels of the Watchtower Society. In other words, their ceremonies are done in this ritual Enochian language. Sir William Sinclair in the 16th century was one of those who introduced Enochian Magic to Scotland. The Scottish connection in the Watchtower Society is overpowering. Both the Russell and the Rutherford families came from Scotland as well as MacMillan and many other key eariy Watchtower leaders.
Read more about the Russell Bloodline
Van Duyn Bloodline
In 1626, Peter Minuit
traded some trinkets to the Canarsie Indians to purchase Manhattan Island.The history books like to report the value of the trinkets as $24. The purchase was supposedly a good deal for the Dutch. The Canarsie Indians didn’t own Manhattan Island, it belonged to other Indians, so it is debatable who got the best deal that day. That was the beginning of the Dutch colony of New Netherlands, and its capital New Amsterdam, built beside Ft. Amsterdam, all three later renamed New York.
The Van Duyn family (also spelled Van Dien, Van Duyne, et. al.) was one of the Dutch families to come over to the Dutch colony of New Netherlands which was connected to the Dutch West India Company. Other early important New Netherlands families from the Netherlands include Van Sise, Van Cleef (also spelled Van Cleve and Van Cleave), Van Coorn, Van de Water, Dooren, and Stoothoff.
In 1649, fifteen years before the British took New Netherlands from the Dutch, Gerret Cornellissen Van Duyn immigrated with his older sister from Brabant, Netherlands (Brabant is a district so. of Eindhoven in southern Netherlands, but at the time Van Duyn came over it included Belgium.) to New Amsterdam.
(This date is according to Claypool, Edward A. Descendants of Dennis Van Duyn and Alice Tunison Chicago, IL. In contrast to this The National Cyclopaedia Vol. 4?, p. 258 states that he came over in 1640 which is a mistake because that was his date of birth.)
For some reason, Gerret Cornelius Van Duyn returned to Holland to Zwolle on the east side of the Zuider Zee, although he had originally lived in Nieuwkerk in Zeeland before going to New Netherlands, America. Gerrit C. Van Duyn was a coarse, non-spiritual, ignorant man who did carpenter work. His lack of interest in Christianity seems to have carried down through quite a number of generations. After coming to the New World again, he moved away from New Amsterdam fairly quickly to New Utrecht. (Now I believe that is where Greenwich Villiage is.)
In the long run his descendants (some related to the Castello family) moved to Michigan, Illinois, Kansas and elsewhere. In the next century however, his descendents moved and created 5 branches- one in Queens Co., NY; one in Kings Co., NY; one in Dutchess Co., NY; a fourth in Somerset Co., NJ; and a fifth in Morris Co., NJ. It is possible a few other Van Duyns also immigrated from the Netherlands to America; information on the family is scarce.
In Germany the privilege to use the title ‘von’ was a special noble privilege. I believe the same applied in the Netherlands, which would mean that the Van Duyns were a prominent family when they came over. The low profile of the family didn’t end when they arrived in the New World, it continues. The extremely low profile of the Van Duyns makes one wonder if they could really be one of the top 13 families.
Still Mona Van Duyn was the first woman poet laureate, a Pulitzer winner (1991) and got a good review of her book in 1990 by the I have found that such awards take a combination of both talent and pull, especially in a field as subjective as poetry, it helps to have pull.
Read more about The Van Duyn Bloodline
These are the families that keep coming up over and over again as being the real powers behind the world as we know it.
The one thing they all seem to have in common is the love and respect of an entity known as “Lucifer”. They are literally the high priestess of the Brotherhood of the Serpent.
If “Occupy”, “We are Change” or any other trendy movement is ever to make a difference they must focus their protest on these families and removing their power over the world. Until then, not much will change.
Thank you for and informative and educated article. We don't see many on this blog.So late into this game some people have not understand that "The Cabal" uses different individuals in order to push their agenda. You get all the ones crying every time Obama passes a law. We should be sending petition after petition to end the IRS, instead we are following some dinar guru that promises tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow I think people should focus in the motivations of such people maybe their job is to keep us hopeful and don't see what really is going on around us,
THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY DON'T LET THIS CRISIS GO TO WASTE!!!! you really think a petition would help? It would be duty to do one and support it, but do you think it would do much?
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