Monday, May 13, 2013

Scalar Energy - Source of Divine Power Generation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Scalar Energy - Source of Divine Power Generation
Posted By: patwin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-May-2013 09:24:55

by Tom Paladino
In the past, I have principally focused my scalar energy research in order to abet human health. Today, I have embarked upon a new application of scalar energy in which I will be able toilluminate objects with scalar energy at a distance by way of a photograph. My intention is to introduce scalar energy to mankind as a relatively inexpensive, clean and infinite source of power generation. In so doing, scalar energy will finally be acknowledged and embraced as a superior form of power generation that will finally put an end to the present-day, global energy crisis.

Our Lady of Clearwater Florida

Scalar Energy All-Pervading Source of Energy

First, a greater understanding as to the nature of scalar energy is in order. The Sun in our solar system as well as the stars of the universe are the origin of scalar energy in the universe. Scalar energy possesses a divine character as it is an eternal form of energy that can not be interfered with and never attenuates over distance. Furthermore, all objects in the universe are connected by way of scalar energy thereby facilitating an instantaneous communication amongst these objects. Hence, scalar energy is an all-pervading, eternal and perfect source of energy of a divine nature.

Continue reading Scalar Energy - Source of Divine Power Generation if you resonate with this information . . .

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