Subject: Seniors dumping AARP
over pro-gay liberalism
dumping AARP over pro-gay liberalism
Part of
membership fees and profits used to advocate same-sex marriage, homosexual
adoption, repeal of DOMA and special rights for immoral behavior.
May 15, 2013
![]() AARP membership cancellation information provided below. Click here to send your email to oppose AARP's LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) advocacy. In its bulletin, AARP promoted an article titled "Pride Is Ageless" which announced AARP's plans for "advocacy efforts in the LGBT arena." ![]() Above photo posted from AARP pride page. The article stated "AARP has created a new online home for the older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community." The page links to news stories on such hot topics as same-sex marriage, gay adoption and the Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act, as well as articles on personal finance, travel and other issues of interest. In addition, the site clarifies AARP's positions and advocacy efforts in the LGBT arena. You may read this AARP section for yourself by clicking here. Take Action Please forward this article to anyone that you know who may be an AARP member including friends whose parents or grandparents may be members and encourage them to consider cancelling their membership, otherwise their money may be used to promote the homosexual political agenda. AARP members who would like to cancel their membership and receive a refund for their unused membership time may do so by:
There are several alternatives to AARP for Christians to choose from. While AFA does not endorse any particular one, you can find them by doing an online search.
What do you expect? A lot of gay and lesbian baby boomers are reaching retirement age and want to make sure they're recognized. AARP is a left wing liberal group. Don't join!
Anyone who dumps AARP for being LBGT friendly is a sad piece of shit. Period.
AnonymousMay 16, 2013 at 12:29 PM
Everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, religion, and thought as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. This is a free market and people have the RIGHT to make decisions based on the principles of these corporations that are expecting to extract funds from the people.
Listen to what you said, and the judgment and name-calling in your statement, what is it based on really?
I am prolife, family, and the ability to naturally procreate and I support those corporations that exhibit the same principles and it is my right to do so without being slandered. Your statement IMO is based on nothing but propaganda and tyrannical ideology that seeks to control the thoughts and spending of its people for its own agenda. This ideology is falling because the people have awakened and see the lies that have been perpetrated against them for several decades... God forgive us and SAVE OUR REPUBLIC <><
Seniors should dump aarp because the organization sold out to obummercare. Not because they are marketing to gay demographics. Everyone should have decent medical care.
Back to my point. aarp ( I refuse to capitalize their acronym, I despise them so much for the betrayals) joined the evil globalists when they endorsed the death panel, rationed medical care illegal unconstitutional plan shoved down our collective throats by that pretender in the White House.
The betrayal was disgusting and anyone who maintains or joins aarp deserves what they get.
Join AMAC instead. All the benefits, discounts and non of the socialism.
Hey, hold on there young fella. We seniors like gay people. They're always happy and smilin', fun to be around, why would anyone be against that?
What? Not that kind of gay? You're kidding. They what???
Ah, never mind.
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