Wednesday, May 1, 2013




     Since the Communists love to have their "May Day Parade" in May each year to celebrate Communism, let's give them something to really celebrate about! The end of Communism in the world by the victory of free enterprise in the world! We will have our May Day Parade soon to celebrate the collapse of Communism in America and the world! And the coming victory of free enterprise we will symbolically say started on May 1, 2013. 
      Let us start this coming victory of free enterprise in America and the world by laying down the first foundations for it. In one of the early Christian writings and very scholarly work maybe about 300 A.D., the Christian writer does a very scholarly study how inventions back then improved the economy in the Roman Empire and raised the standard of living in the Roman Empire. For the Middle Ages, I could not find writings written in that time period telling of the importance of inventions to the economy in the Middle Ages. However, I did obtain a book collecting the inventions created during the Middle Ages and it is obvious that they helped the economy then and helped raise the standard of living for that time period. At the time of the American Revolution, the Continental Congress fighting the American Revolution considered inventions and technology highly important to the future economy of this new nation of America then being formed out of the prior Thirteen Colonies. John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, was called "the King of Smugglers" and while doing this had headed a movement to get industries started in America. They sold stock to raise the money to start the first textile industry in America. The selling of stock in this was totally illegal under British law for the Thirteen Colonies as London was committed to the Mercantile Policy of no industry for America so America would have to buy its textiles, etc. from Britain. When the stock was offered, they said this was inspired by Christianity so jobs would be created in America so people could support their families and not starve, etc. The British threw up to 50% of Americans out of work by outlawing Colonial Script at the request of English bankers and as Benjamin Franklin stated, this was the main reason for the American Revolution and not a tax on tea at Boston. But even conservative writers in America do not know that much of Colonial Script was Jesus Money and that is why nearly all Americans either owned their own businesses or their own farms. That is why indentured servants from England and later slaves from Africa had to be brought to America so there would be some common labor in America to do more ordinary jobs. Also, why so many people emigrated from Europe to the Thirteen Colonies is that the colonists were more prosperous under Jesus Money than any of the races in Europe. All this is highly censored history. If you know how to be free under economics, then why be a slave under economics? Ignorance of the knowledge you need keeps you a slave whether in America, Europe, or elsewhere in the world.
      John Hancock was made the President of the Continental Congress because he had the most honorable of professions in America after the British Government crashed the American Thirteen Colonies by outlawing of Colonial Script which was locally issued money in North America. Basically 50% of the American economy was smuggling such as rum illegally produced in America and then sold abroad by smugglers from America of which John Hancock was the biggest in the Thirteen Colonies and called "The King of Smugglers." During this time even George Washington had his plantation use alcohol as a substitute for money to pay people with. John Hancock did for America what first he did for Massachusetts, etc. by trying to get ahold of the textile technology of England and other answers so Americans would know how to set up native industries in America and not be forced to buy from Britain all the goods that the Americans needed. The Continental Congress under John Hancock gave away for free books on technology so Americans would know how to set up factories in America during the American Revolution. When some or all states tried to license, regulate, or forbid people to sell stocks or bonds to get these new industries started in America, the Continental Congress under John Hancock told them to ignore the state governments as the people had the God-given right of property and contract which state governments could not forbid nor regulate so long as they were based upon the legal teachings of the Bible. Stocks and bonds are financial contracts and the American Revolution was fought so that they could never be licensed, regulated, or registered so long as they practiced the legal concepts in the Bible called "Natural Law" and "Common Law" which was Bible teachings turned into ruled law by legal precedent court decisions, etc. in common law courts. If the contracts were not kept or criminal fraud was later believed to have been involved in the issuance and sell of stocks or bonds, then legal actions could be filed in common law courts and trial by jury would normally decide if the contract had been kept in terms, criminal fraud had been  committed, or the contracts had been upheld in terms and no fraud involved so no reason to stop the business offer represented by the stock or bond (contract) offer. People could not lose their money, property, etc. except ruled against by a trial by jury of their peers. Back then peers meant that people in your area were the jurors and either knew you or else knew of you and could therefore judge correctly whether you were guilty or else innocent of the charges raised in a common law court.
      Early in the game the Founding Fathers of America recognized the importance of inventions to create new industries in America, mass jobs for the people and good pay on jobs. They loved the practical in law. Americans today love nonsense in law and have nearly no respect for the practical side of issues of law. Once America was independent as a nation, Alexander Hamilton made a practical suggestion which America accepted. Create protective tariffs if needed when you wanted to make successful a new industry launched in America. An example suggested was use this policy to get a textile industry strongly established in America. President George Washington agreed and America rapidly grew into an industrial giant until our latter day socialists took over Wash., D.C. and have thrown out the window all the smart ideas that America was founded upon. As Thomas Jefferson when President pushed that the Bible and Christian Watts Hymnal be the two required textbooks used in all schools of America and in our age the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed prayer and the Bible from our public schools, the U.S. Supreme Court had to lie through their teeth to create such a legal ruling in the name of Thomas Jefferson. Earlier U.S. Supreme Court rulings even encouraged to have the Bible and prayer in all the public schools of America and cited the Founding Fathers of America why they ruled this way. well, does this issue really matter to national economics? A national economic study around 1987 concluded that it cost American labor an estimated one trillion dollars in lost wages annually to have outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. And this created a one trillion dollars smaller market for American business to sell to. It is not a free ride to outlaw God and moral values from the national economy. Maybe nearly 100% of all Americans could own their own homes today if prayer and the Bible had not been outlawed from the public schools instead of only 65% of Americans now own their own homes as the rest cannot afford to buy their own home. A national economy with no moral values throughout history sinks until finally it collapses and the nation disappears from history! Is America next?
      Your American history is so heavily censored that you do not know that President Herbert Hoover financed the engineering answer to the later oil and energy crisis of America so it would never have to happen in America. Wash., D.C. massively lies to you about your history, your laws, your economy, and much more. The Wall Street bankers crashed the economy under Pres. Hoover. Hoover did not crash the American economy, but was the patsy set up by the Wall Street bankers as his weakness was not good enough knowledge of the sophisticated side of national economics. He had many good ideas, but was not the match for the cunning of Wall Street bankers who wanted to get American assets for even 10% to 15% of its real value and so engineered the Great Depression of the 'thirties. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and know the tricks the Wall Street bankers used to crash the American economy to create the Great Depression of the 'Thirties" including drawing out of circulation much of the money of the nation and then blaming it on the stock market when the bankers withdrew the money, not the stock market, from the American economy. The stock market was the main competitor to the central bankers of America to finance the American economy, so the bankers crashed the American economy and then blamed the stock market for this. With this propaganda front to trick the American people, they then created the S.E.C. to make sure that the stock market would not later replace the central bankers as the key financiers to the American economy. These are power tactics and have held America back where your economy is maybe only as 20% as big as it would have been with a truly free economy under free enterprise backed by Wash., D.C. which today instead backs socialism, not serious free enterprise in America.
     Even Adolf Hitler in his book "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle) made a smart comment about America. He said that America had allowed their inventors to get proper education to develop their God-given talents and the freedom to set up the new industries that were growing the American economy faster than other nations on earth. He wanted Nazi Germany to follow the American example. But under socialism enforced by Wash., D.C., it is the most criminal class in America to be an inventor and Wash., D.C. anxious to destroy the inventors in America loves to smash their drives to create new industries for America and create millions of good, new jobs for the American people. 
     Pass the Omni Law and all the good things in national economics start again in America. The inventors are backed by the national government instead of crushed and smashed by the national government which savagely hates them and wants them eliminated at all costs if possible. Socialists and other Communists do not like booming economies! Interferes with selling Communism to the people when the economy is too prosperous and no reason to accept radical economic answers for the nation in that case. Let common law court standards once again run the American economy and with people having the freedom to make free enterprise work in America, the genius of the people will be released and America will soar into national prosperity again. Used in moderation and not with stupid policies, tariffs on a limited basis can be used to build up your national industries you want to encourage growing in your nation. Build your national economy so it can function fine without much international trade and then encourage international trade but upon terms that bless your national economy, not hurt it in the process.  I strongly believe in free enterprise. If capitalism means domination of the government and economy by the big central bankers, I believe that banking must serve the national interests of America, not have America serves the international domination goals of the secret and more public central bankers of America and abroad. I believe in free enterprise and with banks that serve free enterprise, not those that try to destroy free enterprise in America and the world. I am a very practical economist and no fool in how this world is really run behind the scenes! I have seen one Black economist I think is very sound and so I would welcome him to my economic team formed under the Omni Law. I refer to William E. Williams of George Mason University of Virginia. I would also have other economists from various backgrounds to join with the economic council formed under the Omni Law once passed. But I want only smart, practical economists with this economic council.
     I will try to keep this short and simple as I know being too technical is not how to get the people interested in your field. My pet formula which expands into hundreds of formulas and based upon studies of 84 recorded economic systems in human history is: T = MPV. In shorthand, total purchasing power in circulation in a nation or society for a given period of time equals units of money or equivalent substitutes for money in circulation times purchasing power per unit of money or equivalents times velocity factor of money (spending rate for a given period of time for a basic figure of population). That formula tells how to boom any economy on earth willing to use sound economic principles to base its economy upon.
       All the economics I stand for is all that which has worked in history already and not based upon unproven theory. Hidden in that formula is Jesus Money which is the most spectacular monetary success in human history but censored from you as it was too successful and the power elite don't want you to understand how to become colossally prosperous in a society where no poor are left and all well off or else outright rich in life! The power elite suck your financial blood up all your life with never a stop by keeping you in financial crisis all your life. Too much prosperity for you does not make them happy! They don't like for the businesses to be too prosperous! They don't like governments being too prosperous! They don't like churches being too prosperous and we could go down an endless list here!
      It takes action to turn a dream or a plan into reality. I will supply the action to make everything happen! I just need your support so I can act with moral  force and cause everything to happen now! With our three "April Reports" now as a package deal to send to state legislators, members of Congress, and people all over America, we have got the hand to win America now. These three reports are the three we last posted this April on Nesara News and effectively expose how Wash., D.C. is not seriously loyal to the American people and America as a nation at this time. They played into our hands and we have exposed what they did! Now public opinion will swing to our side! We used the moral force concept of Gandhi of India and Wash., D.C. has played a blind a game with us as Britain did against Gandhi of India who drove the British out of India without having to fire a shot! Moral force is that which Sir Winston Churchill commented in the 1930's was the most deadly force to mount against a national government so it had to change its policies and laws regardless if it wanted to or not. Wash., D.C. has lost the battle for moral credibility versus us, and so now we will win America! Send an email and ask for our "Three April Reports." Send this combined report of the three reports all over America and watch national opinion swing to our side now! 
      Our national website is  Our national email is  Our national mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . If sending checks, etc., make them out to NIFI and say for "Loan Project." This means it is for Omni Law drive  which is included in the three report package report and which will end up giving America likely the biggest world industry seen in human history and based upon our trade secret Vatican endorsed food process Pope Pius XII indicated was potentially the biggest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. By the way, the NIFI Certificates on the website can be used to join our loan drive. You get $25 credit or multiples of that depending on how far you back the loan project per terms listed in the three April reports. 
      Well, I have said enough! Pass this report all over America so Americans will know that we can boom the American economy anytime we decide to pass the Omni Law and stop the voodoo economics from deepest Africa type policy we get from Wash., D.C. which is blocking the American economy from booming today and recreating the countless millions of jobs lost in America today. 
      Allow a little time for some responses from emails, etc. as our staff is growing as national support grows now!
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. The original Christian scholar with this name stood for the reform of Christianity, not the division or destruction of Christianity in the world! That is why I took his name to symbolize where I stood also!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I checked the search engine, and the economist from George Mason University is Walter E. Williams. I think this is who was meant in the above post.