Monday, May 13, 2013

The Truth About the Income Tax

The Truth About the Income Tax

Here's How It Works:

FIRST Enough People Must Learn The Truth About The Tax, THEN Institutional Resistance To That Truth Will End

This IRS request for coerced testimony is the most dramatic possible admission that the government cannot prove a case against the facts presented in “Cracking the Code”.
                                         - Peter Hendrickson, author, “Cracking the Code”

I RECEIVED A LETTER LAST WEEK in which my correspondent said, in part, "As I read your material it
seems a great deal is written to validate your assertions. As far as I am concerned, you do not need to be validated. I believe you have it right! ... I find myself wishing I could edit all that [validation material] out and just concentrate on the nuts and bolts of it."

This gentle complaint prompted me to reflect on what I am impelled to write for these newsletters week after week, and why.

After all, my correspondent's question is a good one. Why DO I spend so much time pointing and adding to the already huge body of evidence proving that by any and every standard and authority, CtC is correct and complete? The accuracy of CtC as to the legal nature of the income tax, the manner in which the tax is routinely mis-administered to fall on earnings to which it doesn't apply, what should be done about that by the victim, and the concerted effort of state apparatchiks and "tax professionals" to evade and suppress this (to them inconvenient) truth has long been unmistakably clear to any open and honest mind.

Even the details of the assaults on me personally serve to prove the accuracy and importance of CtC.

Consider the following short "highlights" list:
  • the resort in the criminal assault against me to insisting that the jury not see the actual statutory definitions of what I was charged with believing myself to have received when I said I did not on my returns-- even after the jury itself asked to see them-- and denying me acce fill one out to your specifications if what you were "specifying" was true in the first place? If it was true, you would have no interest in, or need for, such a bogus device.

Insteadfont-size: 12pt; line-height: 150%;">All of these facts establish that CtC is dead-on accurate and complete. None of them have happened otherwise. Indeed, not only would none of these bizarre and obvious violations of the law have even been dreamed of were evasion of the truth not the order of the day, but anything remotely like any of them would be scrupulously avoided at all costs if ever an honest challenge of CtC were attempted, just because of what is plainly indicated by their appearance.

FOR INSTANCE, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DREAM OF ASKING A COURT TO order someone to rescind their return and fill one out to your specifications if what you were "specifying" was true in the first place? If it was true, you would have no interest in, or need for, such a bogus device.

Instead, you'd produce your own return attesting to what you claim to be true (just like the law REQUIRES the government to do in such a case, by the way-- see parts C and D of this motion currently pending before the court, the government's fraud-ridden response attempting to evade the law by frankly lying about case-law, and my reply detailing those evasions). If true, your allegations would be provable; you would prove them; and that would be that.

You'd win judgment based on your evidence. You'd assess the tax, and move on, with no interest in, or need for, coerced testimony from your opponent supporting your allegations. Indeed, you'd avoid any risk of tainting your victory with this kind of effort to game the system, skirt the law and evade your opponents' freely-made testimony with a ten-foot-pole, even if some nut-case brought the notion up for some reason.
Think about this! think about what's at stake...

>glaring admission.

That this request for coerced testimony WAS made is the most dramatic possible admission that the government cannot prove a case against CtC.

It is also evidence of how desperate the state is to slow the spread of this liberating information. Taking a chance on the public not thinking through what is really proven by this episode and it simply being overlooked by the non-presstitute "punditry" is risky. But the risk got taken anyway, and no surprise when you think about what's at stake...

THE OTHER EVASIONS IN MY LITTLE LIST are likewise plain and dramatic evidence of the truth. Securing an injunction prohibiting my wife and me from doing something we wouldn't do in any event, and never had, which is constructed and presented to look as though it is disputes what is said in CtC while carefully not actually doing so at all, is as frank an admission that what IS said in vast and comprehensive.

SO, OK, THE TRUTH IS OBVIOUS AND THOROUGHLY PROVEN. Why, then do I keep on presenting more and more "validation" evidence?

I can't think of any evidence that could make the truth more clear to any rational, Kool-Aid-free brain.

These are just three little examples of a large and elaborate body of evidence of the truth about the tax just arising out of corrupt statist efforts to suppress that truth. The evidence from outright formal concrete admissions is far greater and unending, and that from cited and deeply-researched authority and scholarship is also vast and comprehensive.

SO, OK, THE TRUTH IS OBVIOUS AND THOROUGHLY PROVEN. Why, then do I keep on presenting more and more "validation" evidence?

Well, for one thing, more and more keeps piling up. Mostly this is as a consequence of the staggeringly-admirable actions of noble American men and women who have risen to uphold the rule of law and enforce the Constitution, even in the face of the government's scary behavior in its attacks on me and its huge campaign over ten-years-time now to frighten people away from CtC.

I HAVE to honor those magnificent men and women and their outstanding upstandingness (if I can be forgiven for that little fillip). It wouldn't be right to not do so.

At a minimum, I'm not going to go to my grave, or dare to look my kids in the eye, knowing that I didn't do what I could to make it happen., I feel as though I have no choice but to keep presenting more evidence and explaining its import.

Trust me, I'm tired of this exercise, but until at least a few in the "pundit" class abandon their shameful fear of writing about real "strike-at-the-root" activism by which those scary statists actually feel threatened and take up some of the load of spreading the word I must continue as loudly as I can.


At a minimum, I'm not going to go to my grave, or dare to look my kids in the eye, knowing that I didn't do what I could to make it happen.

When enough other voices are hard at work sharing the truth and encouraging Americans to remember that:

1.) they are entitled to a law-abiding state, and

2.) the only way that happens is when each of us acts to make it happen.

I can then rest from this and focus on other tasks. But only then.

The disturbing fact is, we don't have an infinitely-wide window of opportunity in which to overcome all the misinformation and disinformation out there about the real nature of the tax or the intimately-connected real relationship between American men and women and the state as laid out in the fundamental law and as still faithfully-conformed-to by the federal statutory-structure. Those legal realities will avail us not at all once too large a portion of the population is incapable of learning, reasoning or even conceiving of the truth thanks to increasingly effective and unadulterated conditioning by an increasingly corrupt and unscrupulous state ever-more invested in public ignorance and apathy.

ALL RIGHT, SO THERE'S THE ANSWER to the first part of my correspondent's observation and concern. I constantly add to the "validation" because I can and because I must, both out of respect for those producing the ongoing river of evidence and because my going silent on this would be the effective strangling in its crib of this beautiful, liberating truth about the critically-important limits in the law on the income tax, understanding and actualization of which makes us a free people and without which we are merely serfs.

The other question implied by my correspondent's words is:

Why do I spend so [relatively] little time on the "nuts and bolts" of the tax?

Well, here it is: For most folks, there ARE no "nuts and bolts" needing explication!

The fact is, everything most folks need to know about the "nuts and bolts" consist of two simple Q & As:

1. What is “income” (and thus subject to the tax and needing to be reported or acknowledged as such)?

2. How does someone erroneously alleged to have received "income" correct the record and (if necessary) re-claim amounts withheld or paid-in against a tax which proves to never have been owed?

Both of these questions are thoroughly answered already, and have been since CtC first appeared in 2003.

The reason "nuts and bolts" SEEM to need further explication is the persistence of various forms of institutional resistance to the truth about those two Q & A subjects. This includes, for example, the persistent practice of non-"income" payers creating "information returns" (W-2s, 1099s, K-1s, and so forth).

Likewise, there's the persistent habit of many businesses of treating all relations with workers and customers as tax-relevant. Then there's the policy of some government actors to periodically attempt "We can't hear you...!" and "Evidence, we don't need any stinking evidence!!" pretenses in corrupt efforts to discourage, evade or intimidate Americans who have learned and invoked the truth.

All of these behaviors make it seem that the good guys must be missing a nuts and bolts "key"-- a "make everyone obey the law without a struggle" statute that is also the one statute among all the others that at least the official institutional resisters cannot resist. I'm afraid there is no such statute (and there has never been such an corruption-proof "silver bullet" in the history of the world).

Further, ONLY when enough people learn the truth about the tax will this resistance stop (or at least that's the only certain way to make it happen...).

The fact is, there are powerful, active corrupt interests that BENEFIT from this institutional resistance and vigorously encourage it. Those interests hope this resistance will discourage those who know the truth (or prompt them into casting about for some imaginary "missing piece of the puzzle" by which the resistance must be justified, and consequently making filings which are adulterated and compromised by some of the zillion "tax honesty" errors that are thick on the ground all over the internet).

Those beneficiary interests also hope those who DON'T already know the truth won't even start to seriously look. The idea is that those who don't already know the truth will be fooled by the superficial appearance of this kind of resistance into imagining that there is really nothing to find.

Those interests will keep that resistance alive and an active pain in the ass for everyone until too many people know the truth for that kind of defiance of the law to survive.

So, I WILL write regularly on "nuts and bolts" subjects (as I always have). But my focus is going to continue to be putting the truth in front of as many people as possible, and in the most unmistakable, you've-got-to-take-the-time-to-look-further fashion as possible.

Yours should be, too.

So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men."
– Voltarine de Cleyre

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