Monday, May 13, 2013








     Having studied much history over the years, it is my observation that all nations in history always had a religious government and that included America in its start. It was solidly Christian as George Washington stated in his Farewell Address as President of America. To its damage and decline, it became the first secular government in human history and evil has so grown in it as it threatens to take down the whole human race with it in its pending national and world collapse. Religion took the barbarian tribes of Europe and made them civilized. With the decline of the churches and Christianity because they have not stood up for Christianity like early Christians did, mankind is rapidly descending back into barbarian races, brutal, and non-thinking in their actions. From this moral mess can be born the greatest tyranny or tyrannies seen in all of human history. Unless the American people stop this direction of Wash., D.C., it is aiming to become the greatest tyranny in human history and in its insane rage end up killing off the entire human race on earth. I will elaborate upon this theme.
      Among imminent dangers threatening America with potential death as a nation and race include the following:
      Wash., D.C. stole $525,000 from me in January, 2004. I have repeatedly demanded return of the federally stolen money. I have 4 witnesses to this federal theft of my $525,000. It becomes a national issue because of the effect this federal theft of my money triggers off. I was going to use a little of it to check on whether Russia moved an ultra-secret missile site from one location or not. This missile site was designed to totally annihilate America if used. I got information on it from a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies and from other foreign sources this defector did not know about who also confirmed the account of this missile site he turned over to me. If the Russians use this site, it will probably wipe out all North America meaning America, Canada and Mexico. Right now Moscow is very angry with Obama policies and is likely tempted to use it to silence Wash., D.C. forever in foreign affairs. If Russia or another nuclear power lucks out and hits a target I will not list for national security reasons, then North America blows up and maybe also kills off part of mankind elsewhere or else all of mankind on earth. I already got confirmation from two scientific experts tops in the world how deadly this could be to the entire human race if it happens. I was about three to four weeks away from buying technology which would have safeguarded America from this type continental damage when Wash., D.C. with its smart aleck criminal mentality mocked me over the internet what could I do to stop the feds from stealing this money. And if I tried to stop them, then they would murder me. They by mistake thought someone else was with my $525,000 fund and so threatened him also while stealing $25,000 from him and telling him secrets from federal intelligence files about him and me while stealing this $550,000 total from us. I don't know if I have any chance now to buy this technology that was available back in 2004 to me, but until the federally stolen money is returned to me, I cannot approach the source I had a deal with as they are very difficult to deal with if even available now. You see Wash., D.C. did not give the slightest "damn" about the American people is why they have not returned this federally stolen $525,000 to me.
      It may have been a main object of stealing this $525,000 from me was to block me as I was getting ready to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food discovery and industrial process in America. Pope Pius XII endorsed this as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world.  But unknown to Pope Pius XII who contacted all Catholic bishops in the world and many thousands of Catholic priests about this according to the Catholic Digest report on this at that time in their magazine, university tests in America had tested this food discovery of my father and concluded that the entire human race on earth will soon go extinct like the dinosaur if this great food discovery of my father is not added to the American and world diet before it is too late to save the human race on earth from extinction. But again Wash., D.C. did not give the slightest "damn" if this murdered people on this earth by suppressing this great Vatican endorsed food discovery from them. The number of humans murdered so far on earth by this secret Washington policy of "population control" (nice name for world genocide) is probably 2 1/2 billion to 3 1/2 billion humans murdered so far including millions of American who were killed off early by this secret Wash. policy. 
     Dr. Lorraine Day on national CBN TV a few years ago stated the American medical field predicted that by 2020 A.D., 100 Americans out of 100 Americans will have active Cancer or else have had cancer by then. I got a tumor on my left arm, a large tumor on my face, and advanced Colon Cancer for over one year. I go after the root cause of ailments like this instead of fighting the symptoms of cancer, etc. as the medical field does. I had a theory how to heal or cure this. I tried it on the tumor on my left arm. Gone in 4 days flat and left no scar. Large tumor on my face gone in 4 days flat and left no scar. And advanced Colon Cancer knocked out in 7 days flat and never returned with it maybe around 15 years ago by now. My father did not raise a dummy in natural health answers. I learned his answers and more later on. My tumors and advanced Colon Cancer were healed or cured for under $100 in supplies. Under federal law if I were to sell your the God-given natural ingredients that did this for me and said this was a Cancer cure, then under the Washington version of law, I am a criminal and should be sent to prison or else fined astronomically and ruined for life as my punishment for showing you how to save your own lives from Cancer. This is extreme federal tyranny to not allow you to be really cured of Cancer as well as for decades suppressing my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food discovery in order to murder billions of humans including Americans by secret federal policy where they laugh at you as they kill you off according to what I have heard from a number of circles watching them in the federal government. By the way, if my father's Vatican endorsed food process and food discovery had been on the market, I doubt if I ever would have gotten Cancer as it is caused by malnutrition. As my father used to comment, disease was normally caused by malnutrition in our daily diet. We may get some things we need for good health in our diet, but our diet of modern times does not supply us many other things we need also for good health.         
     The Surgeon General of the Continental Army under Gen. George Washington once commented that it would be a terrible mistake if not all forms of medical treatments and cures were allowed under the U.S. Constitution instead of just what the official medical field would allow as they would turn medicine into a tyranny if allowed to. He was a prophet but was not listened to by those writing the U.S. Constitution at that time.
      Charles Kettering, once head of research and development for General Motors and later President of General Motors shortly before he died saw a list of 920 inventive ideas of mine I had come up with in a two week period while in military school. He himself was rated then as one of the ten to twenty inventive geniuses in American history  and made the American auto industry the world industry it was then. He wrote back that he rated me the most original inventive genius that would likely be seen in American history up to then and he told me that I had independently duplicated the top secret guidance systems for American ICBM's which I did not know until he told me. I then kept my mouth shut on the concept to help protect national security on this concept. If Wash., D.C. were not such a totally asinine and criminal government by its very nature as they do not believe in the U.S. Bill of Rights nor the limited form of government required under the terms of the U.S. Constitution, then I probably would have given America already over 2,000 new national industries instead of being savagely fought by Wash., D.C. again and again when I was proposing inventive product concepts how to create new industries for America. I later published "The First Directory Of Inventor Organizations" and in the process interviewed inventors and inventor organizations across America. I got the damning testimony of how Wash., D.C. endlessly suppressed good quality inventor ideas which might have given America even up to 5,000 new industries for America. Wash., D.C. is a tyranny government at heart, despises freedom where it counts to build up the American economy, and loves to rule over the American people as their tyrant in powr instead of servant government out to serve their masters who are supposed to be the American people.
     I among many interviews talked with a branch of the Fish family which invented the Fish carburetor. It had many attractive features to it and could have helped the American economy in better gas mileage, etc. However, Wash., D.C. treated him like a criminal for daring to invent something which improved gas mileage and you could run your car off of more than gasoline if you wanted to. I met with two mechanics who in a national test held in Salt Lake City, Utah tripled gas mileage on their test car. Guest witnesses had flown in from across America. I was among them and next to me at the test was an editor for Motor Trend Magazine. Their system worked, so Wash., D.C. responded by threatening them with federal prison for many years if they dared accept money to set up manufacturing for this or if they put it on the national market by any means. To Americans naive about government, this is called tyranny according to the standards America was founded upon in 1776.
     The member of the Federal Reserve who handled the financing of World War II for Wash., D.C. at the end of the war wrote an article for the power elite of America, not the public. He said World War II proved the federal government could finance itself without federal income taxes, but they wanted federal income taxes to give them the excuse to spy on the American people in their private lives and control how much income they would allow the average Americans to earn in America. This was called tyranny back in 1776!
     I had two spies in the Federal Reserve System when I lived in the Wash., D.C. area. They were not part of the federal government, but a private banking corporation and were not to tell the American people who really owned the Federal Reserve. They kept two sets of accounting books - the real ones showing where the money really went to and the "cooked" accounting books in case they ever got legally investigated so this would not show where the money really went to. Their policy then was maintain around 5% unemployment in America. They would make it sound like unemployment was controlled by natural economic factors, not by them. They would push the unemployment high or down a bit to keep the illusion that natural forces controlled the national unemployment and not them. Their argument was if they allowed full employment in America, then American labor would end up getting too well paid. They would be able to buy cars with more cash instead of debt, pay more cash for their houses and less debt, welfare, and they would not have to go into debt like the Federal Reserve forced them to now. Now if labor got too well paid, then business would have too good of a national market to sell to. They would be able to stay in business without so many bank loans, expand with their cash instead of by debt, and they would get too prosperous in America for Federal Reserve standards. Then the federal government would become too prosperous and no longer have to support a big welfare state as people would now have good jobs instead of welfare to live off. So federal government and states would not have to get in the heavy debt they do now to banks. The banking industry estimated that they would make only 10% as much profit with commercial banking if they allowed full employment, so they maintained through the Federal Reserve 5% target unemployment to keep the nation in mass debt to them. As an old military intelligence operative, I knew how to find out the secrets of those who were not on the side of the American people.
       I can go technically into the older past of Wash., D.C., but to keep this report much shorter, just skirt over it. Patrick Henry told the South to not ratify the U.S. Constitution as someday it would be used to crush the South and Southern way of life. His speech was before the Virginia House at the time which I think still called themselves the House of Burgesses at that time. The South was not going to ratify the U.S. Constitution until key authors of the U.S. Constitution sent word to the South that they were creating a oral legal rider to the U.S. Constitution that if ratified by the South that it would never be used against the South to crush it or end states rights in the South. With that the South ratified the U.S. Constitution and was later betrayed by the Wash. government created by the U.S. Constitution.
      "America's God And Country Encyclopedia Of Quotations" by William J. Feder quotes first U.S. Supreme Court decisions that prayer and the Bible was legal and intended under the 2nd Bill of Rights. Wash., D.C. today including the U.S. Supreme Court has nearly zero legal integrity towards the original U.S. Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution as written in legal intent by its authors. I have a copy of the Boston "New England Primer" of 1690-1777 which was the main textbook used in American schools. 50% of its teachings were from the Bible and its students became the brilliant Founding Fathers of America. Today this book would be outlawed from our public schools because it mentions God and the Bible. And I have the textbook used across America originally written by the great American educator Noah Webster in 1783  the "Blue Back Speller" of 1824 from New York. Benjamin Franklin used this to teach his granddaughter how to read, spell, and pronounce words using "Old Blue Back." It taught moral lessons from the Bible as well as spelling, etc., These two textbooks are so fine, they would be better textbooks than much used in schools today. They taught moral values to the citizens of America. Today's public schools do not teach moral values nor form character in the future citizens of America nor teach them much how to think. This is what Thomas Edison denounced when he said schools should not be used to brainwash the children rather than teaching them how to think.
      Wash., D.C. is a tyranny so many ways. They lie about the real meaning of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights and then mass pass Communist style laws in America based upon their lies and cons upon the American people.
      Just today I heard a clever approach to deception which sounds like the truth from Wash., D.C. A spokesman apparently for the federal government said that the "global warming" positions of Wash., D.C. were being attacked unjustly. He gave as his example that 400 particles of carbon dioxide existed for every one million particles of the rest of air. Having studied engineering with an engineering school years ago, let's approach this with an engineering mentality. He said that these 400 particles threatened imminent global warming. Okay, learn from an engineering mind. Divide by ten. 100,000 particles of air are threatened by 40 particles of carbon dioxide. Divide by ten. 10,000 particles of air are greatly threatened by 4 particles of carbon dioxide. And divide by 4. 2,500 particles of air are mass threatened by one single particle of carbon dioxide. Unless you are totally dumb in engineering or science, you can visualize very easily in your mind that one single particle of carbon dioxide among 2,500 ordinary particles of air will make zero difference in blocking sunlight, capturing heat which is called "Global Warming," and so on. This is and has been all along a Communist con line dreamed up to con the naive, gullible public with with scientific nonsense, but the people don't figure out things in science or engineering. Under the name of "Global Warming," they are saying that they should bankrupt your economy with "Carbon Taxes" and confiscation of private land in the name of controlling the lethal threat of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Has everyone forgotten their biology classes? Carbon dioxide is a main food of plants including all your crops you raise for food all over the world. A 1987 report concluded if we lower our carbon dioxide a little more in the air, then your plants across the world will suffocate and as this includes food crops, this will create a worldwide famine and potentially end the human race on earth. 
      Also, The American Legion Magazine of April, 20122 had a very smart article on Algae Power. The technical name of the report was "Scum Power" by Jay Stuller. It was telling how algae oil could be the next big leap in America's energy evolution. Algae oils can be refined to such as diesel fuel, jet fuel and other products including as a form of gasoline. This is much smarter than using corn for ethanol for a additive to regular gasoline. Twice I think it is that the UN has issued threatened world famine reports that due to insufficient corn available for food, we might have a worldwide famine. Corn used for fuel instead of food is a dumb idea and only idiots from Wash., D.C. would come up with such a moron idea. Independent tests show that there is no improvement of gas mileage by using ethanol and actually increases the purchase of oil by America to compensate for the lower gas mileage created by ethanol. Also, we pollute the atmosphere more using ethanol than not using it in gasoline. This ethanol policy was set up to win farming votes, but is lousy policy. We can give farmers just as much market for their corn as selling it for food instead of selling it for ethanol production. I studied engineering. The lawyers elected to Congress as your representatives have no brains for engineering at all and should keep their mouths shut so they don't show how dumb they really are in engineering issues. 
      As I talked in an earlier report of backing additional answers for our energy and oil crisis in America, I respect algae power as a smart answer we can back if my clever tricks in other fuels we can create should cost more than it. Under the Omni Law, we will fast solve the Energy Crisis - Oil Crisis of America. Under the politicians of Wash., D.C., maybe never as if they are not smarter than what they say in their debates, I don't think they know a hill of beans about how to solve the Energy Crisis-Oil Crisis of America. They talk hot air but as experienced con artists, they make you think they know what they are talking about which apparently they do not!
      Just received another great comment from someone who just read my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America. He was overwhelmed by what all was in the book and apparently thinks this shows the answers that America needs today to give itself a future as well as get Christianity back on the track of real Apostolic Christianity as recorded in the first writings of historic Christianity before and after legalized in the old Roman Empire. My book can be ordered off of my website which also accepts PayPal. My email is 
      Americans don't know how to translate the American Declaration of Independence into modern terms. For example, when the tyrant King George flooded the Thirteen Colonies with massive regulations and bureaucrats to harass all the American people, that is what Wash., D.C. is doing to us today! And they called this "tyranny" back in 1776. Today they call this "Washington law." They in the American Declaration of Independence referred to "pretended legislation," this is the same as passing statute laws by Wash., D.C. contrary to what is allowed under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. Pretended legislation means they may call it law in Wash., D.C., but it is not law but fraud to claim it is law as no legal authority backs what they decree and try to shove down our throats  in 2013. In 1776 they called "pretended legislation" what Wash., D.C. claims is law today. In 1776, they called this "tyranny." Now they say, "Shut up you dumb little slaves and serfs and do what your masters in Wash. tell you too and don't ask questions!"
      Political movements need finances to win with. Hitler got big funds from Wall Street bankers to win national power in Germany with. Joseph Stalin robbed banks to supply the money to bring Communism to power in Russia. I prefer to be honorable under law and do it correctly. We have a loan program and we have already discussed how we judge we can pay back all loans paid to us now so we can pass the Omni Law and restore the American people to control over government which you are not in control of now. Buy our products on our website and you help finance the movement. Supply loan money such as through the NIFI $25 Certificates on our website and that helps to finance our drive for passage of our Omni Law. Of course if we were corrupt, we could take money under the counter from the power elite like Obama did, but we are not going to sell out the American people like Obama is trying to do. The early Americans had a clever idea. Elect godly men to office and the government would be honest. It seemed to work! America has no future without moral values. When you have no moral values, civilization stops in a nation and the nation slides back into early barbarian society and culture such as our crime ridden streets today tell how dangerous America is becoming as the youth are taught no moral values to govern society by. As Abraham Lincoln once commented, the philosophy taught in the schools one generation will be the governing philosophy of the nation the next generation. 
      For those wanting it, for financing the movement or ordering, you can also order from our postal address of NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and in your memo say for "Loan project" or name products you want from our website. A 1987 economic study concluded it cost American labor an estimated one trillion dollars in lower wages to have outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America. That also means that American business has a one trillion dollar smaller market to sell to. Sorry, enemies of God, it is not a free ride to try and outlaw God from America! Your economy will end up crashing in the process as you elect scoundrels to public office instead of honest leaders men and women you can trust to serve you instead of corrupt, evil leaders hidden behind the scenes. I lived in Wash., D.C. for years and know how they really operate!
     Pass this report around and let's restore America to the founding principles of 1776! By the way, for those who think there is no reason to believe in God, read our Miracles of God report on our website. The atheists do not know how to answer it and are stunned into silence once reading it! This will win the youth of America back to God once they see it. We use common examples people can relate to, not academic answers that people cannot understand why there is a God for real and not fiction, or legend, or myth!
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who was impressed when he read the early writings of America around 1776 and saw in them the birth of a great Christian nation on earth. As a famous French writer once said after visiting America, "America is great because America is Christian. If America ceases to be Christian, then it will cease to be great.")  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The French writer was Alexis de Tocqueville who said, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Here are some other great quotes from Tocqueville.....

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”

“Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”

“I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”

“Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannise but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

“There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle.”

“Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.”

“When I refuse to obey an unjust law, I do not contest the right of the majority to command, but I simply appeal from the sovereignty of the people to the sovereignty of mankind.”

"A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it."

"The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults."

Just a few of many. Now the question is, can We, as a People, be that great nation able to repair her faults. In Nehemiah 5, Nehemiah called for the nobles and officials (bankers, officials and judges) to stop committing usury against their own countrymen. Seems like a good place to start repairing some faults!

i appreciate all your hard work and information, thommy-lee