Monday, May 13, 2013

We removed all doubt of being dumb-asses
" We Americans are so tired of being thought of as dumb-asses by the rest of
the world that we went to the polls last November and removed all doubt."

--Clint Eastwood

IF the election process was not rigged
in specific areas of the country thanks
to George Soros.....


Anonymous said...

KOOL!! and what you are going to elect? a Republican? more of the same SHIT!!! stupid

Anonymous said...

No, just the left-wing are dumbasses. That's why the old Soviet Union referred to liberals in the USA as "Useful Idiots" during the Cold War. Right on target.

Time to clean up the country, mainly the left-wing nutjobs.

Anonymous said...

You must be an illiterate liberal. This is embarrassing to read.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that believes a political party (right or left) will "fix" anything is the real dumbass. Political parties divide the people with differing ideologies that lead to the same outcomes. Wake Up!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, most of the losers at the grassroots level migrate to the left-wing in this country. FACT.

It's always someone on the left who tries to convince people that there is no difference between the right-wing and left-wing. What a joke.