Sunday, May 19, 2013

... words from my friend ... watch CLOSELY ...

Rumor suggests that the good guys ARE NOW moving military & equipment near some major cities AND apparently have personnel set up to place a Net around Washington, DC to prevent the rats from leaving.
Drake is waiting on a phone call......and believes he may receive it tonight as a SIGNAL that the take down has started.
Other comments were the IRS is OUT but parts of the Federal Reserve will remain in support of the United States Treasury.   
Certain DC folks like Hillary, Holder, Obama and Biden will definitely face trial for treason and Murder.
On a personal note:
I was told last month that something BIG was going to take place around May 25 or 26 but my sources could not say what that was.  Apparently this is what was being planned. 


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited I could cry. This is such good news, the bad guys will have their day in court and we will live in peace.

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, according to Cobra, May 25th is the day of the Portal opening (at the full moon), setting in motion the Event which finally triggers the reset. He feels the global reset will not occur before the Event.

This Portal opening may signify the first opportunity to arrest and adjudicate the dark ones for their crimes against humanity.

I'm thinking by June for financial blessings, but hope it's much sooner.

Cobra's Statement:

"Opening of the Portal will NOT trigger the global coastal event which Cliff High is predicting nor global financial reset. No massive catastrophic events will happen in the near future and the financial reset will only happen at the Event. The timing of the Event is not yet to be disclosed now, but the final victory of the Light is near."

See full post here:

Anonymous said...

If this was true why would you tell the World. (rofl)

Anonymous said...

YES!!! We the people deman a big time rat round up IMMEDIATELY, and include the media traitors in the rat round up

Anonymous said...

I also heard that there was a major portal opening on this planet on the 25th of May and that the negative ones in the PTB/W were doing everything they could, as in creating major chaos in our world in an attempt to try to hinder the portal opening.

Anonymous said...


Dan said...

Obama is President and was given the authority to commit the murder of any one of you by Congress thru the NDAA!
And since it appears you voted for him, he is President!
Now with the IRS, once these persons are arrested, will a notice be placed on the MASS MEDIA for ALL employers to HALT the Withholding of Taxes?
Will the employers hand back the taxes withheld this year as it has already been considered ILLEGAL?

Anonymous said...

trials should be public so all the people will know of the massives crimes committed in their name, and remember rogue off the books covert operation designated "hotel California' is a serial and continuing war crime activity, also reason and murder. Mke rat rounding a major sporting event, if a pay per view it will reduce the national debt very quickly, there will be no shortage of rats, and must include news media traotors also

Anonymous said...

Next time perhaps keep any mention of dates out of the conversation/posts in the a days when I see dates, I immediately think it is disinfo or lies.

Just look back at the last six months pertaining to dates and "events".

Anonymous said...

Good guys, shove the Bush nazi DHS out of the way flip the switch at Northern Command and tell the American people the full truth they can understand and handel the truth, they just need to know it, and arrest Chris Matthews as a traitor and paid professional liar just like his pal Obama

Anonymous said...

i hope it is in conjunction with the n.r.a. million armed man march that is to happen on memorial day, to the white house, and not the other agenda of forced martial law on the american people, veterans and solders and the red white and blue police patriots who love and have placed their lives on the line for our freedoms from any tyrant forgien or domestic.

Anonymous said...

we the people are praying for a full confirmation that the take down has started ASAP, and we know that there will be many more rats than the ines named the cash bribery list of George H W Bush is very long, just follow the money, do not foget homo guy Karl Rove, not his real name, and many others. Under u S law, no statute of limitation for treason or murder and under international law no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, a war crime among many other war crimes for these rats, praying for that take down start confirmation ASAP

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Praying for Confirmation, please post if Drake received the follow up confirming call, thank you

Anonymous said...

"definitely" a strong and unambiguous word, thank you Lord

Anonymous said...

If the IRS is OUT as once again reported in this article - then HOW is it that the IRS is reported to be currently conducting SWAT raids against and then picking up/rounding up Americans? And for WHAT REASON? Since WHEN is the IRS authorized to be a paramilitary bully against 'We the People?' Are not the crimes and treason already committed by the employees of this rogue NWO corporation against Americans not enough already? If indeed the IRS is OUT - then this needs to be STOPPED NOW, and those responsible for this treasonous action should be arrested, tried and appropriately dispensed with ASAP. The offended Americans should receive national televised apologies and be more than adequately reimbursed for the harassment and resulting improprieties by this rogue treasonous cabal.

Anonymous said...

Message to the referenced "good guys" please arrange to post a confirmation that the referenced 'take down has started, and please do not forget serial pedophile and CIA front slug Warren Buffett, and all of previously referenced CIA station Bangkok, including identified paid contractors there of, many dead bodies hidden under that slimy rock, thank you will praying for the requested confirmation

Anonymous said...

Watching closely as advised, please post a solid confirmation that the referenced take down has at least started. And flip the switch at Northern Command and broadcast the jack Lew announcements so We the people will know the truth, thank you

Anonymous said...

Please post a confirmation of the take down reference also please advance the refereference to arrest/detain of ex president from rumor to confirmed status and name the arrestee/detainee along with enforcement entity doing the arresting/detaining, thank you. watching closely as advised

Anonymous said...

Upon Obama's removal from office for treason all his executive actions must be declared NULL ans VOID as a matter of law, because he was never vested with any executive authority to issue Executive Orders, make appointments or nominations of any kind or sign any legislation, all such acts by Obama are null andd void as a matter of law

Anonymous said...

The reason its being broadcast is because theres no stopping it this time!

Anonymous said...

Did Drake not receive the expected follow up confirming call last night? And remember last week via front stooge, Bob woodward, the CIA already sent an open message to Obama that it is time to go. Woodward publicly stated that Benghazi reminds him of watergate, that was a confirmed message to Obama it is time to go. Still waiting for Drake to confirm that the take down has started, watching closely as advised. Message to the referenced "good guys:" The rat patrol will need lots of cuffs, obtain in bulk quanity. also when the George H W Bush cash bribery stream is cut off, there will be no loyalty, each arrested bribee will rat out Bush and others be prepared for a very long list, they will all try to rat pout each other, waiting for full solid confirmation, maybe later today or tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Logic and reasoning would suggest that the PTB would have the same response as you. Say this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, stay where they are, and ignore warnings.

This could be a very good strategy against those with big ego's who know it all. And believe all others are idiots.

Anonymous said...

How in the hell are employers supposed to hand back taxes???? WTF. I run businesses and I am forced to pay taxes on top of taxes. How about reimbursing ME! The fact is ALL taxes are taken out of checks and businesses pay on top of that. Go take a business class.. you need it.

Anonymous said...

understand WHY you think this, but who the hell wants to ACT like the old Roman empire that tortured Christians. We can do better than this.

Anonymous said...

Visit jeans latest post

Anonymous said...

I think he ment in general. IRS gives back and it rolls down. You get your reimbersment, and then give it back to employees. Not that the Employer has to do it all by themselves.

Anonymous said...

i pray for Poof and pray that the take down reference is real and not just another false alarm

Anonymous said...

about fking time arrest all the traitors not just the big names all of them no excuses

Dan said...

So the Employer holds for a quarterly payment and at least some of it has not gone to the IRS!
So the Employee is to try and get it back for which the Employer has paid the IRS, so the Employer gets the refund from the IRS as well, as the IRS is the next step.
Maybe the IRS will have a bogus Computer crash and fires in ALL Centers to VOID THE PEOPLE from getting any back, so therefore ALL IRS Employers GO TO PRISON, so let them know!

Dan said...

ALL IRS Employees. Correction.

Dan said...

So are the Dirty cops going to support the Cabal as the Cabal knows who many are?
Will over 1,000 Dirty Sheriffs going to support the Cabal and go after Drake's military officials going after the Cabal?
There could be a Major war here in the states if the Republic Military Officials do don it right!

Anonymous said...

A further clarification please. On the subheadline reference to the arrest and confession of the ex president and ex vice president and related confession. Who did the arresting? And was the confession on video tape? If on video tape please post on you tube ASAP< IMMEDIATELY!! the people need to know, also reference to complicity in "other crimes' does it include the crimes related to live American POWs? please post this additional clarifying information, thank you

Anonymous said...

We from Eastern Europe are waiting for this. too.

Anonymous said...

with the current sub headline reference to the confirmed confessions of the ex president and the ex vice president, the take down charges MUST BE treason, murder and war crimes. Make it so IMMEDIATELY, and tell all the people, blessings

Anonymous said...

The reeferenced "confirmed' confessions of ex president and ex vice president. Please post detailed info on this, such as what other crimes. Did the confirmed confessions include that rogue off the books covert operation designated :hotel California?' the people need more info in this particulare regard as to the confessions, thank you

Anonymous said...

Mass fish die offs. birds falling out of the sky. Volcanoes erupting world wide - some waking up from hundreds of years sleep. Earthquakes ramping up everywhere. The plates are pulling apart. Sinkholes everywhere - 5 dead recently bc of one. Meteors and fireballs. Extreme climate changes. x class solar flares within days of each other - unprecedented. But nothing to see here, folks cause some guy who cannot even use his real name says so. But Cliff High has been tracking this since 2003 - and his predictions have not wavered. He uses his real name - and does not hide behind a fake one.

Is he correct? He hopes not. But a lot of others have also pinpointed this particular time also. Time will tell. The window for this event is now thru June 1 -5.

Anonymous said...

Will logic and reason still apply when we start operating from the heart (awakened consciousness) which from what I understand is far more superior that operating from our limited minds? As far as seeing is beleiving goes, we only see .001% of the electromagnetic spectrum. In short, we are almost blind to what exists around us. The illusion of time which we have been conditioned to accept as the norm fades in the infinite now. Dates become meaningless. We are in for a major change in the way we think about realty because the current ways will soon not apply as they will be obsolete. Logic and reasoning are supplanted with infinite knowing the direct result of infinite consciousness and infinite possibility and everything exists now. Talk about a major adjustment and learning curve!

Anonymous said...

The Fed still operates, the Cabal is still reaping profits from wall street as it soars for another bubble. Nesara is a good concept and should be implemented but it will not as the balance has shifted way to far to the negative energy spectrum. Mankind is heading towards a apocalyptic date with materialism. The planet made its choice and missed the boat otherwise those of us who are supposedly "enlightened" would have ascended. Of courser you say some have and now they speak through you. This is called a convenient paradox. What we do as a species through these next 10 years will determine the fate of this planet on this material plane of existence. As a collective we have not focus our consciousnesses to change the reality around us.

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would stop this COBRA business. He is gleaning from others, has no contacts, and is jumping on the band wagon with EGO is his way. It's like needing to know complex computations, and from him, we get the basics...or what he takes from others without giving credit where it is due. Waste of time.

Anonymous said...

givem multiple source confirmation that the final R V process has been engaged. Now we need a status up date on the global settlements, the prosperity programs and the rest of the integrated whole NESARA program and when we will hear and see the public announcements that the full NESARa plan has been successfully implemented