Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ariel Sharon's Vile Ghastly Fiendish Words+ IN DEDICATION TO LARRY TAYLOR and all Moloch Israeli Lovers out there...

Dear brothers and sisters,

A message to the remnant, and an offense to the majority: may EVERY Jew and Christian Zionist with the blood of the victims of the Jews be held accountable on Judgment day for direct murder, endorsing or being indifferent(being accomplice) to the Jewish genocide of 60 million Russians and UKRAINANS killed by the Bolshevik Jewish controlled Russia and counterfeit modern Israel AND ECT, ECT, AND ECT murders they are continuing with their elite partners. MURDERER OR ACCOMPLICE, YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR MORTAL SINS, UNLESS YOU ADMIT THE TRUTH AND REPENT OF YOUR SINS IN GOD JESUS CHRIST'S NAME. If a stubbornness and ignorance keep you away from accepting the truth about the Jews and apostate Israel, May God Jesus Christ Have Mercy on you. These monstrosities called Zionist Jews, their filthy occupation, and their HISTORY OF CRIMES is obvious, and many Evangelicals have been brainwashed to accept and worship them and their atrocities, and look where the world is headed, and this left handed Jewish lead path is not a blessing as some Evangelicals claim, but a curse. It's time to wake up and save souls from believing the deceptions of the devil lead Jews. Man cannot worship two gods. It is either the false god Satan of the Jews and elite, or the REAL God Jesus Christ. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO LUKEWARMNESS. NO HYPOCRACY.

WHEN YOU NOTICE A CONTRADICTION, THEN THERE'S A PROBLEM. A HUGE contradiction is forcing Christianity to be compatible with the Satanic cult of Judaism, the mortal enemy of Christianity and all good men.

God Jesus Christ DID NOT Order humanity to fulfill Tribulations, God Jesus Christ Commanded us to love, forgive, and pray for and save souls. If a man comes out of a Church possessed with anger, then that isn't the Church of God Jesus Christ. If a man comes out of a Church PURIFIED and LOVING, then that is the REAL Church of God Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost is in that Church.

May God Jesus Christ Keep you.

Br. Oliver


Anonymous said...

Huh??? Love, forgive, pray? Practice what you preach! What a hate-filled diatribe this is!

Anonymous said...

Truth hurts. I just hope that it is the Christian Zionists that lose their heads first.