Sunday, January 19, 2014

Comments From a De Jure Citizen of a Nation State

Good Morning America,

For the last 50 years, many people and groups have been working on restoring the United States of America back it her founding roots.  We have met with delays several times and now we are on the verge of rebirthing the Republic form of Government once again. 
We continue to push forward with the return of the Republic form of Government.  This is the government our founding fathers wanted for us.  They warned when We THE People do not keep watch the possibility of our form of government could and would change to something that is not in our favor but in the hands of those with bad intents.
Your founding fathers government built for YOU and We THE People was based on the original organic Constitution circa 1789 which is the CONTRACT between the States and Federal Government.  This CONTRACT is how each party is to operate and respect one another.  Keep in mind, before we had a Federal Government, we are individual STATES who are for better reason known as Nation States or Countries.  We are 50 countries WHOM in cooperation form a UNION of States of cooperation and unite for the purpose of betterment for the owners of this Federal Government called United States of America. 
Who are the owners?  Each state has ownership in the Federal Government.  Each Person who is a citizen of a State is the real owner.  Not the President or Congress.  They are just public servants to the true government of YOU and ME.
Right now, it’s a little bit confusing.  The military has installed their own Republic officers President, Vice President to carry out the actions required to remove the current administration which is very De Facto.  De Facto simplest meaning is unlawfull.  Lawfull with two LL’s is old English for Law Full-filled.  At the same time, the Civilian Authority has raised up a De Jure government.  De Jure means Lawfull.  Lawfull in this case is under the organic documents Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791, … reseated the republic form of governments de jure congress who walked out on March 27 1861 since those seats were vacant and published in local, state, national and world wide publications about their actions, rights, authorities and authorities to exercises their rights.   No one other than this body of ordinary people just like you and me did this for our benefit.  Civilian Authority, this is you and me watching over the public servants and military so they do their jobs per the original documents and oath of office / duty.  You need to remember that Public Servants are basically the house keepers and butlers of the nation.  They do not own the house; they just run the day to day task.  We THE People own the house!  This De Jure body of people has sent and publishes many orders given to Military, Inspector General, Provost Marshal and JAG to act upon is waiting.
I know, what is wrong with the current administration you ask?  Plenty, first their private contractors or actors seating in seats that they are no authored to hold.  How do you know this?  We know this several point – research them yourself would be encourage.  1861 – Lincoln & South broke the contract between States and Federal with South walking out under “Sine Die”.  Second – Lincoln reinstated congress under Military Rule thus ignoring the Constitution.  Then a series of events some small like changing the lawfull definition of state to District of Columbia, Person to fictional meaning for future 14th Amendment, Act of 1871 which gives District of Columbia supreme rule over all the states which are now considered to be territories, Act of 1801 which is the mission statement for the US Corporation which replaced the people government into a corporation, and it continues to the point when an Federal Admin Judge ruled that all public seats at state and federal level are vacant and are held by Private Contractors or Actors.  So, with this fast summary, they are De Facto and by their own documents – Corpus Juris Secundum, when a De Jure stands up, De Jure has superior authority over De Facto.  Guess what, We THE People win!
Let us have some fun and break it down, Continent is America, North I grant you, but America.  We are 50 individual STATES operating independent and creating contracts between ourselves and other Countries located around the global doing trade and business.  Finally, we created a UNION of States under one REPRESENTATIVE system aka Republic for We THE People.  So when you say our name, United (All 50 States working together for common cause) States (individual Countries or Nations) of America (continent of which we live).  It is really that simple.
Our forefathers gave us the concept of Unalienable rights which means rights not privileges.  First Privilege is something as a Parent you give your child to improve their ability to function on their own.  You as a Parent can take this away at any time a privilege if the child does not obey the Parent.  Civil law is nothing more than privileges. Does this sound familiar to you! 
Ok, let us explore the word phrase Unalienable Rights.  You would pronoun this way Un-a-lien-able Rights.  OK, let us break this word down farther, in Latin, UN can mean NOT or NO.  Now let us look at the word LIEN which means a legal claim against something.  The word ABLE means having competent power or strength, bodily or mental; Able also means physical power sufficient to account something. Let us look at Rights which means accordant to the standard of truth and justice or the will of God.  So we can say our RIGHTS spoken and written down by our forefathers have the meaning NO LEGAL CLAIM can be place AGAINST OUR PHYSICAL Rights since they have given to us by GOD period or better said “Unalienable Rights cannot be taken away by man!”
And do not forget the Bill of Rights of 1791 which starts with 10 amendments focused on US the people and protects us to speak freely, bare arms, etc.  And remember the original 13th amendment stops people with entitlements or bar attorneys from holding public office.  Thanks to Lincoln who was attorney who cancelled the 13th amendment so he could stay in office, today most of congress is bar attorneys.  So what does that say about Lincoln and congress of today … not a good one!
So, with that said, let us start to focus on some of the hold up by retire President Bush Sr. and current members of congress Carl Levin.    
You should take the time to research the Bush family and you will find they are not royalty of America.  They were in positions of public office as public servants.   Go back to the Declaration of Independence and you will read in the first couple of paragraphs about We THE People given CONSENT and SOME AUTHORITY to act in OUR REPRESENTATION system on the daily task. 
We had a long train of abusive leadership in this country and Bush falls into this category.  When you look hard, Father Bush “Prescott” was in congress and he was no angel himself when you consider he was supporting Adolf Hitler and the 3rd Reich during World War II.  Continue your search farther back to see they changed their name when they moved from Germany over to USA.  Interesting? So the Bush family supports the concept of 1000 years of rule by “fascist totalitarian state” which controlled nearly all aspects of life under the 4th Reich.   Does this sound familiar to “Obama Care”, “Patriot Act”, “Department of Home Land Security”, TSA just to name a couple.  
It is all about the conversion of Rights to Privileges so they can be controlled.  I certainly understand they are just stone throw away from accomplishing this task but a whole bunch of us are saying, “Hell No”! 
Why Carl Levin, illegitimate Senator from Michigan.  He is a major supporter of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), birthed from the time of Eisenhower circa 1950’s. We see the first phase of this in action during what conflict “Vietnam”.  Wow, Bell Helicopter made tons of money with all the effort there.  I am not putting down Vets at all; my entire family is vets from before during and after Nam.  My focus is Military Industrial Complex and you need to know the starting points.
Carl Levin supports the MIC for the last 35 years as the House Arm Service Committee Chairman – runs the Military with the Secretary of Defense. OK, I have worked in this industry myself however it is time for the transformation of the current methods into more advanced version.  You must understand the world has designated the USA as the policeman for the world and I think that has to stop also.  The MIC need to transform into something that UNITES the planet countries together not at odds. 
We do not have conflicts with Iran or North Korea.  Hell, it has been said that Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney gave IRAN neutron bombs so they could start a war in the middle east.  Is that just nuts!  They continue to promote the middle east countries as enemies however if you listen to what is being said in the middle east, they just want everyone including us out! 
And North Korea is working with South Korea to unite again with the aid of other Asian countries.  Does this sound bad?  Nope, unless you are a Rockefeller or Rothschild, who will lose their strangle hold on the banking interest in those countries which makes themselves tons of money.  Remember wars or conflicts have been created for making profits for the bankers and corporations at the cost of the life’s of your sons and daughters!
Where should we be focusing our efforts?
What I loved the most about growing up is the early TV series that stimulated my mind with concepts that did not exist like Star Trek – space travel, medical bays and instruments, food replicators, hollow decks, warp drive, shielding, reseeding atmospheres, carving out the inside of a planet and making life for human living, making water save from any planet, and most of all meeting new alien races from this vast Universe.   So it time to take those concepts and apply them to our MIC to move us out of this archaic thinking of war – conflict  on this planet amongst ourselves to be more like the concept of space exploration.   Even if you do not believe there are other life forms, let us go out there and find out for ourselves.  So, MIC needs to be refocused into a new and bolder look.  Anyways, there is more money for space than another battleship or air craft carrier.
Plus the Military can now release all those years of technology they been holding under National Security and show off their Space Program they been hiding.  The world would like to move forward.   Why not YOU Mr. Levin and MIC?  Don’t you think it’s time???
We have the technology today to make any dirty water clean for drinking.  We have technology to end droughts.  We have technology to transform the family unit today from 100-200 year old technology into the cartoon concept of Jetson.  This opens up many new terrifying issues, called change for those large Industrial Companies … CHANGE.  They are spin doctors to tell you “oh more jobs will be lost if we change to this technology or that technology”.  Common, Mr. Levin, stop your negative chanting and let us start the process of transformation of our technologies and more. We know that your contributors to your campaigns might lose money and not support you.  Get real, migration to new technology will increase jobs in areas we have none considered today.  New and different education will be required which becomes leading edge development and deployment.   It is time Carl to step down!
Education in America is at the worst it has ever been.  It is time to drop the foundations recommendation of core curriculum which is trying to dumb down the students today even more.  Not to be able to read cursive writing, come on, how stupid is that!  Oh, if you do not want the future students to be able to read the founding documents which were in cursive writing, why not deploy that effort!  We have to change for the good of mankind and for the new technologies coming.
Look at today, sound science is picking up pace.  Sound science has been around a while but it is just getting out in main stream.  The new technology coming out will allow you to heal bone breaks in less than 10 days.  Let us give an example; your lungs operate at 72 hertz.  When you have congestion, your lungs are not operation at frequency 72 hertz.  Apply the technology at your lungs and restore to 72 hertz will remove the congestion.  The Pharmaceutical Companies will now fight us because that cuts directly into their profits and they cannot have that!  Once again, change to the better for our people of planet Earth.  Check out the movie Elysium “Med Beds” … we can have them right now!
So many groups, companies, individuals whom call themselves Elites or Cabal are resisting this return to republic form of government.  It got to happen to move us forward or we will just stop in our tracks and continue to have long train of abusive leadership, bad economy, more unemployment, higher rates of foreclosures, etc. if the cabal maintains.
The time is NOW!  The implementation of Basel III banking rules – asset based banking, global currency reset, release of Gold Certificate Lawsuits, release of global settlements, release of prosperity packages, release of humanitarian projects, the implementation of global reset – all country and personal debt forgiveness, release of moneys for infrastructure rebuild and more.  On a personal note, the Republic form of Government in United States of America which removes all those Private Contractors = Actors from our offices and replaced by We THE People.
We have lots of rebuilding beyond infrastructure – morals, ethics, education, medical, military, etc.  You will need to step up as political body as Civilian Authority.  Come and join us, it is coming this week.

From a De Jure Citizen of a Nation State


Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that the Nation States have their own President, there is no where in the Constitution that supports that, and also the Nations of the world are referred to as Nation States
.I believe the true Republic is born when the People come together and elect their officials for office ,and have true Common Law Grand Juries, not appointed by the Judge of their Counties, but elected, of ,by and for the People.
Then all the Counties in the United States elect their people for Congress, which is a Continental Congress, voted and elected in by the People,and any thing done any other way is not by "We the People".
The Hague, doesn't have jurisdiction over the true"We the People", it has to be done lawfully, not by appointment from some top down faction.
The true Republic, is totally run of, by and for the people, and under current laws, is the 4th branch of government, that will take it back to the genuine Republic eventually.
become a grand jurist in your local counties, and help restore the Genuine Republic,back to 1791

Anonymous said...

The true Republic is born, when at the county levels of every state, the people come together, an establish the true common law, and common law grand juries.They then come together across this nation,and vote in a Continental Congress,of people elected by them.
They establish their local leaders, and then their State leaders.The current states are part of the corporation and are llc's, so they are not even lawful to be running., unless they have suceded and reestablished the common law courts run by the people in every county of their State.This is the true form of the Republic coming together, it can not be given by executive orders, or Hague approval, or any other entity.
It has to come directly from the People, by the People, and for the People.
When this happens, then the States come together to re affirm their union of States, that are not corporate, or have at least succeded, but they have to be re acknowledged, by the people of the State, in every county to be in accordance with the law.
Currently we are recognized as the 4th branch of government, under defacto, but this too, is not the official Republic
.youtube Red Beckman to see how lawfully we can take the Republic back, one step at a time, but it has to be done lawfully.
The goal is 1791, but the people have to get it there, not a few who came together and signed documents and submitted them to a foreign entity.
If we are going to get this done, then do it right.
join National liberty alliance today, and start helping the [people of your counties to establish the true court system, of, by and for the people.
The Judge is not allowed to appoint the Grand Juries, he only referees, after the People have made their determinations, according to the laws the People have established.The Judge today can be fined 20 years federal offense for appointing a Grand Jury, also the Grand Juries are supposed to have rooms in the Court Houses, these are the People's Grand Juries, not the civilian Grand juries, they are part of the corporation.
Let's get it right People, and bring this Country out of chaos.
join at
and become a coordinator for your county, and help the people establish their courts, they are called Courts of Record, and are the highest Courts in the land.
Please do not think that what I am saying is coming against anyone, we are all trying to help save America, but let's get it done the right way.
We are "We the People", anyone holding office right now is not lawful to hold office until the people at the county levels are secured, and established, and helping with the elections at their County levels.
The sheriff, is the local law enforcement, and answers to the People that elected him at their County levels.
God Bless America, and all the People that love her, and want the truth established, so we can be once again that great Country,of, by, and for the people. I hope we can get-r-done.

Awake and MAD said...


Anonymous said...

when it dawns on the whole world and all of mankind, that the n.s.a. spying and other tactics used by the few elites who own the assets of the earth to own the earth's food supplys and all lands by a paper symbols of land deeds, bank contracts, liens of assets saying the bankters own for themselves untill the loans are paid in full (as if that EVER HAPPENS) FOR THE BANKS CONTROL ALL PRODUCTION AND WORK JOBS OPPORTUNITYS THAT DOES AFFECT WHEATER EACH PERSON AND ANY GOVERMENT IS ABLE TO PAY THE LOAN, LIEN, CONTRACT BACK TO THE INTERNATIONAL BANKSTERS WHO CREATE THE PROBLEMS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH, BAR NONE.
n.s.a. records SPYING ON ALL THE PEOPLE OF EARTH is for extortions and blackmailed theats to all the so called leaders of all the goverments of the world, to obey with silence as the few dictate the rules to stay alive.
there is no hiding when the few have found the dirty cloths of each gov. offical and knows how to pull strings of theats and shame on every person on this earth, humans are not perfect, however most of us are not OF THE GRADE OF a monster human animal who wantS to be the king with only kiss assing seavants to do the whipping the public just for fun and amusement of their greed and huge ego. create wars to destroy all assets down to the dirt of earth, then the banksters KNOW that the public will need another loan, lien, contract of ownership until the payment is fully paid, until the next escapade the banksters can come up with, to aqquire thu paper authority to own more of the mankinds hard earn posseion.

Anonymous said...

That fake republic was RUSA and Tim Turner. RUSA has since been dissolved. The DeJure republic that has been noticing the world over the last four years is not connected with this in any way.

Anonymous said...

I LIKE your attitude, De Jure Citizen of a Nation State! Keep up the good work. We will continue to work and pray with you on this Godly restoration of the Republican form of government of We THE People!

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Anonymous said...

Pftttt !!! Question for you Destinysmart11 ....... are you Lucifer's minion ?