Thursday, January 2, 2014

feed masses now instead

John...instead of feeding into the
negative drama that is still trying
the "morphic field" of now -
"Together we intend to count the divine wealth that is here now." 
MILLIONS FOCUSED on this statement
is far more effective than posting the
negative blah blah blah!
TOGETHER -- forget what they have done
and focus on what is!
Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...


Anonymous said...

A thousand amens to that! The power of intention and our power to create! Lets create what we want on earth now! Lets attract more positive energies and envision the world as we would like it!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to just say stay positive, and love, love, love to no end but in the end you are really left with yourself and where the next meal and rent will come from. We have heard this type of message for decades now and the truth is that all are starting to loose hope, because it's also been decades that they have been trying to feed the world, literally by releasing the prosperity/rv funds. It does no good to preach positiveness all around because we need to make that step individually. It's better to teach people to start within themselves and their surroundings. More of that one on one is needed today. Someone that really makes a difference in ones life.

Anonymous said...

You obviously didn't read the ranting at the top of the page.This blog belongs to the Gurus.People that invested on the Dinar did so at their own risk. Now they are demanding the dinar be reevaluate it so they can become rich overnight. The Gurus have made a number of scenarios and blame a number of individuals responsible for getting it done, from Jack Lew to Christine Lagarde to Obama. they got people to believe there will be special 800 to make appointments to exchange dinar they created exchanging rates from 3-to 38 dollars per dinar.They report the RV was announced in several Countries several times They said people were exchanging in other Countries at different rates, I mean, the lies were coming hot and heavy all year long , of course none of it was true but no matter, as long as blogs like this give them a platform the Gurus will continue spreading their lies and false hope without accountability.