Sunday, January 26, 2014

How C.I.A. Hypnotizes Mass Shooters

    Part 1) How C.I.A. Hypnotizes Mass Shooters

Captain Gunther K. Russbacher was a 30-plus year veteran of the C.I.A.
and the Office of Naval Intelligence. The following link yields a brief outline of his career. Remember to access the link at the very end of this message to see photocopies of letters of commendation which Russbacher received from Adm. John Poindexter, Deputy Director of Pres. Reagan's National Security Council, William Casey, Director of Central Intelligence, Robert McFarlane, Reagan's National Security Advisor, and Vice-President George H.W. Bush. Here is the link outlining Russbacher's career and the grave conflicts he had when he revealed some of the secret crimes of the de facto Bush (Reagan's) White House:

          Navy Captain GUNTHER K. RUSSBACHER:
    "How the Hypnotically Controlled Subjects are Chosen"
"A preset group of our people (from the intelligence community) canvasses the county hospitals and immigration centers in order to find viable candidates. We locate and select people who have no close family or friends. Once they have been selected, they are put under heavy, Level One hypnosis. At this time a clear and definitive pattern of their usefulness is determined by our psychiatrists and field officers. If the candidate possesses a relatively high IQ, he will be filed in a category file, called "call file. "

   "Levels One and Two"
"If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, a "recall" command and an accompanying "trigger" word will be written into his personality during the Level One hypnosis session. This "trigger" will activate his recall program when we are ready for him. We then systematically do a background search and create a file for future reference.
If there are no relatives, to speak of, the subject will be "recalled" and taken to a location of our choice. Further tests for vulnerability will be conducted at this location. If he passes these tests, he is then brought to Level 2 hypnosis where specific instructions are "written" (placed through hypnotic commands and suggestions) into his personality and he is given diverse small orders."
 . . . . .
"If this horrendous, diabolic plan to disarm America is not exposed, we can expect to see many more killings like the ones at Columbine.
Each subsequent episode will be 100 times worse than the others.
In Columbine, the real people behind the killings were sending a subtle message to anyone who can decipher it: The bombs that were found were not intended to go off. They were merely there to let "key people" in Congress know what will happen the next time.
In other words, instead of 15 people being killed, hundreds, maybe even thousands will be killed."

  Photocopies of letters of commendation which Russbacher received
  from Adm. John Poindexter, Deputy Director of Pres. Reagan's
  National Security Council, William Casey, Director of Central Intelligence,
  Robert McFarlane, Reagan's National Security Advisor, and Vice-President
  George H.W. Bush.

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