Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I am sure you will probably want to see this - CAI Magazine cover (2006) at the end of this email we spoke about.

You may want an accurate and truthful education from some of the nations real HOA, etc., experts, homeowners and advocates.
Please, don't be fooled.  In all fairness, many associations are governed by good people and homeowners who are not bully's; targeting, terrorizing, farming, combing, selectively discriminating, or are hostile, aggressive, malicious, greed driven, violent and/or criminal, but there are far too many HOA's, etc., that are absolutely despicable. These associations are the incubators and perpetrators of "The New Domestic Violence" (2003), "HOA Syndrome" (Solomon/Huhn), "Legal Abuse Syndrome" (Huffer) and more. Innocent people, families homes have been stolen and the victimization of these people in the courts, by these perpetrators and property predators needs to be addressed. There needs to be transparency and accountability across the boards in this industry.  Please, have a clear perspective on who is the real problem when it comes to homeowner, condominium, or property owner associations. The power in these groups needs to be returned to the homeowners and not vested in some who promote, educate, or encourage the victimization of any homeowner within these groups.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely!
How about some help for the vulnerable populations and other victims of these groups that are out of control? 

God Bless George Staropoli! | Ward Lucas & The HOA Hell Blog

Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 4:02 PM

Subject: CAI Magazine cover (2006) at the end of this email.

This appears to be a violent and hostile organization...yet, "they want to preserve property values.."  Sure!  I believe they want to create conflict, start knowing fraudulent, extortion lawsuits for money and to steal homes!  Some, want far too much control, because they are predators of the most vulnerable populations!

The entire article is eyeopening, but the magazine cover and "depictions" are violent and malicious...totally undeserved for innocent people who only want their rights upheld and treated fairly, not like someones property to buy and sell at will.  Or, punish, intentionally and unlawfully victimized (the court abuse) horribly, and costly, like in your case for their criminality.

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