Wednesday, January 15, 2014

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony, DC

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony, DC
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 15-Jan-2014 17:19:27

Hi, Folks -
Intel Guru DC is "new" to dinarguru but has been a voice on TNT Tony's conference calls.
Found at :
1-15-2014 Intel Guru DC [new guru] This has been a very frustrating ride and the is reason no one has full control. Rules were constantly changed...many politicians, agencies all with different rules and different motivations. It's been a giant management nightmare. The whole world just wants to get it done already. We're in very, very good position and has been confirmed from 6 contacts of ours, they don't know each other, all saying the same thing, this thing is very ready to go & about to go any minute now.
1-15-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony The rates are superfantastic. They did change them yesterday, but you'll love everyone of them. Here's the deal on the call the 800# for the China contract rate, $32. The contract rate for vnn over $6 but only with China 800#. There is a reason for this. China needs oil credits, and the US needs USD's. This is a way for China to give us more USD. There is nothing stopping it, we can't see anything, just a timing issue. Let's see what happens, be on high could be anytime.

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