Thursday, January 9, 2014

"KISS" Principle: Keep in Silver Stupid!

From: Bix Weir
Date: Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 12:26 PM
Subject: "KISS" Principle: Keep in Silver Stupid!

That "KISS Principle" has always cracked me up...

Keep it Simple, Stupid!

I never know if it's an insult or just a wake up call that people are THINKING TOO MUCH!

The Silver Story has not changed. It is the most undervalued asset in the history of the world and will continue to be so until the market rigging ends.

Jack Lew can sit on the price for as long as he wants...WE KNOW it will not stay down forever and we have positioned ourselves for the end of manipulation.

Physical Silver in your own possession is the way to go.

So can KISS my silver plated ass if you think I'm gonna let you lull me into thinking about selling my silver for ANYTHING else more exciting!

Keep in Silver, Stupid!

On that happy note: I have posted the latest Friday Road Trip for Private Road Members here:

Topics this week include:

- New Offering: Bix Weir's "Roadside Chats"
- The Silver Rigging Numbers are In...and They Continue to Amaze!
- The Man Who Exposed the Massive "Fake Stock Certificate Con" will Send Bitcoin to the Moon
- This "Solution" Will Destroy the Dollar
- More Subscriber Questions
- AMERICA: It Doesn't Have to Be This Way

If the beginning of this year has put you to sleep you are not alone. Everything I watch is on lock down.

But that's about to change so return to your seats and fasten those seat belts!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More Bix Weir bullshit! He hasn't been right on anything yet. Gold and silver will be down bigtime this year. Look for $900 gold and $12 silver by the end of this year. Just sit on what you have now and start buying when it bottoms out. However it will take years to get back to the $1900 high and $40 high they reached about 2 years ago. The dollar will remain king irregardless of any global reset. Bix has an agenda and that's to make money off his bullshit newsletter.