Friday, January 10, 2014

New dangers of laxatives and enemas

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New dangers of laxatives and enemas
Hi John
If you stroll through your local drug store or the medication section of your grocery store, most assuredly you will see entire aisles dedicated to pain relievers, acid reducers and of course the other biggie--laxatives
Laxative sales continue to total about $1 billion each year in the US. That includes both oral laxatives and rectal preparations (enemas).
Yes, indeed, there are a whole lot of people not getting called by Nature like they should.
And when over the course of several days your bathroom visits produce zero output, what many people do is…use a laxative!
It seems simple enough.  After all, once you take a laxative, Nature usually does call and you subsequently get relief.
For the time being, that is.
You see, the problem arises when being unable to go becomes increasingly common for you, and you find yourself relying on laxatives more and more.  That’s when you begin to open a Pandora’s Box of potential problems that can make your suffering a whole lot worse than just being blocked up.   
Here’s what I mean—let’s take a closer look at…
The growing dangers of laxatives
When you rely on laxatives to have bowel movements, things may seem fine at first...after all, Nature DOES eventually call after you use one.
But something else is happening that you're probably not aware of.
All the while that you use laxatives, you're weakening your intestinal muscles.  These muscles are vital to carry out the contractions (called peristalsis) that move your wastes along the intestinal tract and out your "back door."
So weakened intestinal muscles make constipation even WORSE.
It can get to the point where your intestinal tract is basically non-functioning and you're 100% dependent on laxatives...meaning you can't even have a bowel movement WITHOUT them!
Plus consistently having laxative-induced bowel movements can upset your intestinal flora balance to the point where the harmful bacteria may have the “upper hand.”  This too will worsen a constipation problem, as well as encourage a leaky gut wall and weaken your immune system.
In addition, if your gut wall is leaky and many of your bowel movements are medication-induced, that can affect your absorption of nutrients as well, to the point where you may suffer the consequences of deficiencies.
That may eventually include vitamin and mineral deficiencies and lead to low energy, anemia, osteoporosis and others.
The newest dangers
The dangers of laxatives continue to grow.
Recently the FDA issued serious warnings about sodium phosphate laxatives (one is commonly marketed as “Fleet” enemas).
All sodium phosphate laxatives are potentially associated with serious side effects, such as dehydration and/or abnormal levels of electrolytes in the blood that can lead to serious complications, such as kidney damage and sometimes death.
Apparently the FDA has recently identified 54 cases of serious side effects associated with the oral or rectal use of OTC sodium phosphate laxatives that were used to relieve constipation in adults and children. Thirteen of the cases were fatal, including one child and 12 adults.
The most serious effects occurred after consumers “overdosed” by taking either a single dose that was higher than recommended on the package instructions or took more than one dose in a day because Nature didn’t call after the first dose.
So although much of the danger appears to have come from not following the instructions for use, the fact remains that the potential danger is there, possibly even if they are used properly.
A better approach
Instead of relying on laxatives to take the place of Nature’s call, a far better approach is to look at what may be behind your constipation and then DO SOMETHING about it!
Here are some very likely culprits that may be causing your “decreased anal output” followed by suggestions on how you can help turn that around.
1- Medications
Constipation is a side effect of many medications including antacids, pain medicines and antidepressants, as well as supplements like calcium and iron.
If you suspect constipation due to medications you're taking, it's time to talk to your doctor about alternatives or explore natural remedies.
And if it's vitamin or mineral supplements blocking you up, consider natural dietary sources of what you're taking. 
For example, meat, poultry, fish, eggs and leafy vegetables are excellent sources of iron, and calcium is found in dairy products, broccoli and shellfish.
2- How dry I am
When you're dehydrated, your body has less fluid available to keep your stools soft and easy to pass.
And unfortunately, many people don't even come close to drinking the amount of water that they should be drinking. 
Here's a couple easy ways to tell--If your urine is deep, dark yellow at any time other than first thing in the morning, or you wait until you're DYING of thirst to drink water, chances are excellent you're dehydrated. 
You should aim to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, and watch your urine to see if it's clear or just slightly yellow--then you'll know you're on the right track.
Oh, and you'll probably be able to tell by your bowel movements too.  :-)
3- Lack of movement
Exercise helps prevent constipation by helping to move wastes through your colon and thus preventing it from becoming dry, hard and stuck.
In addition, aerobic exercise raises your breathing and heart rates, which helps to stimulate the peristalsis of your intestinal muscles which keeps things moving down there.
If it's been a while since you put on a pair of sneakers or did any exercise other than 12 oz. curls, you're putting out the welcome mat for constipation.
Time to get moving, my friend.
4- Stress
The brain and gut are connected through a series of nerve impulses called the brain-gut axis.  This is why you get butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous.
And it's also the reason why stress can lead to diarrhea or constipation.
Exercise can help relieve stress (yet another reason to get moving!) and so can counseling with a good therapist.
And here’s the biggie:
5- Poor digestion
Poor digestion is THE #1 most common cause of constipation.
You see, when your foods are completely broken down and digested like they SHOULD be, your bowel movements are also more like they SHOULD be--regular and easy, with no grunting or straining necessary.
But when your digestion is poor, your wastes become hard, sticky and mucus covered. They can adhere to your colon wall to the point where you practically need a chisel to get them off.
So to help overcome constipation, good digestion is where it's at.
And the good news is, it's also pretty easy to achieve with a three-part approach.
Part 1:  Better ingredients, better BMs
First and foremost, it's essential to structure your meals so they're naturally easy to digest, and I can make that a breeze for you.
In the Great Taste No Pain
And for gluten-sensitive people Great Taste No Gluten
health systems, I show you how to put together meals that are not only mouth-watering delicious, but are MUCH easier for your body to digest.
This helps things "move along" more like they Nature intended.
Part 2: Have the enzymes for the job
The second piece of efficient digestion is to give your body a boost when needed with digestive enzyme supplements.
 All of us need digestive enzyme help at one time or another.
The elderly, people who have taken acid reducers for a long time or junk food junkies can have a reduced ability to produce the enzymes adequate for digestion, so enzyme supplementation is essential.
Plus, many people will simply not eat easy to digest meals 100% of the time, so their bodies will need some help now and then.
That's where Digestizol Max can step in and help.
Digestizol Max's blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes will give your body an enzyme boost to break down proteins, fats, carbs, fiber and dairy, whatever you eat!
This will help enhance your digestion even more and help put an end to your days of being "blocked up!"
Part 3: Encourage a healthy intestinal flora balance
Not only does poor digestion make you bloated, gassy and miserable, but it leads to having waste accumulation along your intestinal wall.
The harmful bacteria in your "stuck on wastes" wreak havoc on your intestinal flora (and can also encourage a diverticulitis attack if you're susceptible to those, by the way).
This leads to a vicious cycle because, since the friendly bacteria in your intestines also help with digestion, when they're overcome by harmful bacteria they can't do their job. 
And your poor digestion and constipation can get even WORSE.
But taking a potent probiotic supplement like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula every day can help turn that around for you.
Super Shield's 13 strains of potent friendly bacteria can help rebuild your population of good guys, which will in turn help improve your digestion and even help strengthen your immune system. 
Many of our clients have said that they started taking Super Shield just to prevent colds and flu and were pleasantly shocked to all of a sudden become more "regular!"
Imagine how nice it would feel to be regular and never need potentially dangerous laxatives again!
Well, when you look at ALL the possible factors behind YOUR constipation, that's exactly what you can have.
Start now and feel the relief like Larry did below.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS:  Larry’s constipation has ended and he’s down 21 pounds to boot!

I've been following your Great Taste No Pain plan for about 45 days and cannot begin to tell all that has happened.
I had some difficulty at first as I have had sixty plus years of eating in the same way and while your method was not very difficult at all, for about two days I resisted the system a bit by mixing the wrong combinations.
After about two weeks, I began to follow it more closely and the results were amazing. My stomach pain and severe constipation ended and to date I have lost twenty-one pounds without trying and have quite a bit more energy.
My knees were painful and now I don't even take the narcotic pain pills the doctor prescribed. It has been the best money I ever spent and I strongly recommend it to anyone suffering. It was a real bargain!!
I found you in desperation by searching the Internet and I am a new person. I was just sitting and taking pills, now I do almost anything I want.
Thank you!

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Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is!  Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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