Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Trailer


Anonymous said...

John that video is from October 2009 ! heads up

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful endeavor! NOW ..... when will this same person, and the people, charge Daddy Bush, Clinton, and most of all Obama with the same thing ..???

Anonymous said...

I hope it happens and George, Bill, Soros, Chenney, Barrack, Bernake, Greenspan, Geithner, (All the people we want to see arrest, not some obscure Realtor in Milwaukee or some Dinar Scam Crew in Ohio )
The reason the USA invaded Iraq is to get control of their Central Bank, they didn't care about the oil it was the control of the MONEY they were after. Now,do you really think the Dinar is going to be re-evaluated? If you do, you are dreaming.