Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Seal Team Six Murder

This short video is just the tip of a very big and dirty iceberg of what I know about this incident. We "ops guys" never travel more than 6-8 on a chopper and that chopper has be flown by combat hardened veterans and the choppers have to be armor plated and armed. This shot down chopper was an old non-armored Army reserve chopper flown by a non-combat hardened pilot...a flying aluminum school bus. This would have taken a Presidential order to fly all these special ops men on one aircraft. Yet there were plenty of armored choppers on the ground that could have been used. I can not remember a case of a black box ever being lost...and I am a graduate of the Cal Tech Aircraft Accident Investigation School. It takes an extremely high ranking officer or political entity (President??) to allow... by his direct order... for any aircraft to be flown without first checking the manifest ... especially with Special Ops people on board. 

This was a planned murder to silence the men who took part in the Bin Laden raid (Bin Laden had been dead for years of kidney failure)...but the Democrats needed the president to gain a higher the story was concocted of a successful raid and Bin Laden buried at sea....and then numerous people murdered to cover the real issues of the Seals assault and killing of all the people on the compound as well as the bin Laden 'double' and many others in the compound. The raid did not get but a small amount of data due to the crash of one of the Seal chopped at the compound. Thus there had to be more cover-up...just like the Benghazi affair that happened on 11 September 2012.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

.......And it's still business as usual.