I just read the post re. the TRADER and his comments about the public. Evidently, he must have FAILED math since like Tony stated, there will be NO MONEY left for us! Please read below (part of what I sent to RayRen this a.m. since I do not have tony's email). - holistichealth
pls. feel free to repost
FYI - after Tony's CC on Friday, one of my business partners called me to share this story: A friend of his, who has a wealth manager, decided to call his wealth manager after hearing Tony
tell us what was happening. This is what he was told: "Yes, we will cash you out IF you have $5 million sitting in your account."
So, now lets do some math...
If it takes approximately $1,000 to buy $1 million dinar. How much would $5 million dollars buy in dinar? Then, how much would they make at the exchange of $32.
They just
took their millionaire clients and turned them into TRILLIONAIRES with a flick of the switch and without any pain.
There is nothing wrong with making money this way, for each and every dinarian would like this to happen for them now. The only wrong doing is how it was done and the why behind their choosing to do it this way!
When Tony kept saying they are getting filthy rich...he really should
have said, they have just created for themselves, a new upper-upper-upper class.
That is what just happened and was this by chance? NO.
Use your masterful powers
of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

"Insider trading" is against the law. Why isn't the law (if any still remain on the books!) being equally applied to all? Here again, that's a violation of the law. It seems to me that there should be some arrrests!!! Either that or we must accept the fact that we are nothing but a nation of outlaws. At least in the old days they organized posses and got rid of the criminals. I guess we need some modern posses driving SUVs instead of riding horses!
Let's say there are 1 Million People each with 1 Million Dinars, and NOT the Iraqis.
That is 1,000,000,000,000 (Trillion) Dinars that must be out there.
That is 32 Federal Reserve Notes per Dinar.
Then that is $32 Trillion Federal Reserve Notes that Iraq MUST have, or in Gold, Silver, and Oil!
Iraq does NOT have Twice the Amount of the US National Debt in FR NOTES!
Common Sense is Required for the RV, yet people in general assume Iraq has ALL the FR Notes or other currencies to hand over!
It appears this fellow is reading a little something extra into the situation.
......I didn't see where they had to USE $5 million, but that they could cash out if they had $5million in their account. ......Big Difference!
Time for you dinartards to go to for the latest info on the EPIC failure of any RV. When are you idiots gonna learn?
No one cashed out. This is more made up nonsense BS!
There is no $32 rate. More made up BS nonsense!
I have $20 million USD worth of Dinar. If anyone could cash out I would be one of them.
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