Monday, January 27, 2014

Thoughts by CHIP about Tony's Twitter

Posted by Chip   January 23, 2014 Just so you guys know Tony’s twitter followers have gone up from 10K to 52K in one night. So I checked They take about 10,000 followers and audit them to see if they’re fake or not…The results I received were that only 29% of his followers were real.  My point being Renfrow is using his time to make people think he has a huge following when in reality it’s mostly just a fraud, much like everything else tony has to offer. Also, I found ...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the scoop, people found out that they could sign up with their phone, and email, and then another email ( you get the picture here) So if you have 9 email addresses, and one phone, one can sign up on twitter that many times. You are dealing with a man that wears a badge of honor that he has a " handler" , and he " said everything they told me to say". He has delusions of grandeur about his self importance, when we all know that he and his brother has cut a deal ( He said on 01/28/2014 that he had immunity) .Wake up people!

Tony "TonyTNT" Renfrow

Dan "Checkmate" Atkinson
Dan Atkinson (AKA Chekmate or Check) and Tony Renfrow (Tony TNT) - Dan is a snake oil salesman who quite literally sold snakes. This douchebag and his former MLM partner Tony Renfrow have been dishing out BS intel for a modest fee ($14.95/mo) to gullible investors for months now since leaving People's Dinar. Dan's strong point is talking, and talk he does. He has probably done more conference calls than anybody in the dinar world, and has yet to prove that he knows anything about this investment except how to make money off of investors. Dan has been saying since August of 2010 that the new lower denoms (which are needed in the event of either an RV or an RD or "re-denomination") have been loaded into ATMs in Iraq. He started saying "RV next week" every week in October of 2010 until recently when it finally occurred to him that doing so might cost him some credibility when there's no RV. Tony is still at it though, so Dan and Tony have a sort of good cop/bad cop thing going on. It might be entertaining but there is nothing substantive in anything that either one of them has to say.
Dan Atkinson Crimes
Tony Renfrow gives secrets of his success in MLM