Wednesday, June 25, 2014

CLARIFICATION REQUESTED: OOPS-OOPS!!!!! Obama, could he say it any more clearly?

CLARIFICATION REQUESTED: OOPS-OOPS!!!!! Obama, could he say it any more clearly? Obama erklärt in kürze die Neue Welt Ordnung 2014!!!

Posted on by Jean
I have been asked for clarification on Obama’s Brussel’s speech by a reader, D. Apparently, it has shown up on AmericanNationalMilitia as fact, which it most definitely is not. Back on May 28th, I did publish the actual post and very soon thereafter, I updated it with a clarification. I just couldn’t believe what Obama was saying, so I decided to listen to the entire speech . . . 
May 28, 2014, by ~Jean
OOPS-OOPS!!!!! As I’m listening to the full speech, I think the quote below was taken out of context . . . in other words it was published as propaganda . . . This doesn’t seem to be what Obama said at all! Please be careful about sharing this!!!! Nevertheless, IMO, what he says is also loaded with lies and propaganda — and it’s worth listening to. ~J
This speech was given in Brussels on March 26, 2014. I think we would all like to hear more of this one. The link at the bottom doesn’t work for me. This needs to go viral.  . . ~J
Published on May 27, 2014
Thanks to J.

So viel zur NWO-Verschwörung, Obama gehört jetzt auch dazu! - Die neue Weltordnung ist kein Mythos. Wir leben in einer Welt voller Lügen. US Präsident Obama erklärt, was die NWO für US-Bürger und die Menschen in der Welt bereit hält…
Bei diesem kurzen Video handelt es sich um einen Zusammenschnitt einer längeren Rede
von Obama in Brüssel.
I found the actual speech here. Somewhere towards the end of the third minute, Obama speaks the ‘real’ words . . . ~J

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"power is derived from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERN MENT " - did that to call your attention to the FACT that he did not say "the GOVERNED" but that he said 'THE GOVERNMENT" - DOES THAT NOT LITERALLY SCREAM AT YOU WHERE THIS GUY IS COMING FROM? AMERICA - WAKE UP!!!!!!!!