Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cobra Update with Rob Potter from June 17th, 2014

Cobra Update with Rob Potter from June 17th, 2014

This was a surprising interview in some ways, as Cobra shared a lot more information than I expected, and some of what he said in itself was unexpected.   ~ BP

To listen to the audio of this interview or watch the Youtube version go here:
Rob – Cobra, welcome to my show.
COBRA – Welcome everybody, thank you.
Rob – You are going on some conferences yourself and having some portal activations acting as the ground crew. Please share your web-site and your upcoming events so people can know where you’re going to be first off so people can look that over while they’re listening to the radio show.
COBRA – Yes, In about 24 hours I travel to Ibiza Spain, an island in the Mediterranean sea where we’ll have a cosmic goddess activation – at the solstice . It will be a very powerful event in which we will integrate the cosmic energies with the energies of the earth. Energetic merger of sky and earth, of heaven and earth. This is the first step towards the final integration of masculine/feminine principle on this planet. As you all know, and have been experienced in your life, there has been an artificial separation by the Archons, by the Cabal. This separation needs to be healed energetically so we can have better energetic conditions on this planet and to heal society as a whole. And then around the 12 – 13 of July we’re going to have the first Victory of the light Conference in Taiwan. Taiwan is a very special place. I would say, the main stronghold of the positive Dragon Societies. There is a very strong community of the light forces there and we’ll have a very special conference for that occasion. So everybody welcome to both places. You know my blog – portal2012 You can check the updates. There is going to be much intel revealed after the activation of June 21st which was not possible before. There will be some new intel revealed quite soon.
Rob – This is wonderful news Cobra. I’ve been receiving many, many wonderful questions from people. I want to thank everyone for sending in their questions. They are of a higher metaphysical order and a more intelligent genre than the average question because those people who value the information that comes from you Cobra, and as always you have unique new information which is not revealed which is in the nuts and bolts area of what is going on in the planet and of course. We always have a disclaimer that people use discernment in all information. We’ll go right into our questions trying to get all those we can. For all those that answer personal questions – he doesn’t know what happened to you when you were 15 and things like that. For those of you who’s questions weren’t answered last time we did have a bad connection. We lost about 20 min of questions for a Skype issues. We had to leave them on the cutting room floor. We have a wonderful new set-up thanks to Ricky Seraphico, our sound engineer and light worker and musician. We also have help from DaNell Glade, our wonderful financial team leader who will be doing the transcribing. And of course, the ever present, artistic creative talent of smally7 who is going to be doing the youtube on this and try to get it out much sooner this time than last time. It may not be out on my site until after the Ibiza conference. Cobra – question number 1. NASA announced that the sun has finished her pole shift. They say that there are 4 poles instead of two. This came from Jeff at the observatory. Is this true and how will this new sun affect us?
COBRA - It’s part of the process. The pole shift is a gradual process and when the polarity begins to shift there is a certain period of time that we have 4-fold situation. This generally happens just before the shift and just after the shift. It’s not a permanent situation so it doesn’t have any drastic influence on life on this planet. It’s just a part of usual procedure of pole reversal that happens every 11 years.
Rob – Thank you. Will that be the same case at some point when the earth has her pole shift.
COBRA - Yes, if the magnetic pole shifts or when it happens, it can be one phase of the process.
Rob – Another question someone has – do they have enough spokes people ready for the event, the initial phase at this point in time.
COBRA – Do you mean spokes persons on the surface of the planet (yes). That is a little bit of a problem because the surface population have been so programmed that that might be a problem in the initial phases. We might not have enough people trained enough or balanced enough to handle the situations. It will be a certain learning curve so there might be a little bit difficult period at first when the event happens but this will be balanced quite fast as the intel begins to come out. At the initial phase there is a shortage of people.
Rob – OK, so there may be a little bit of a 3 – ring circus on the release of the media intel.
COBRA – The intel will come out but not enough qualified people to distribute the intel.
Rob – Will they be taking over the TV stations and do they have certain information ready to release to the public.
COBRA – They have info packets to release to the public and they will be given to the surface populations who will be ready to go to TV stations and present this information to humanity.
Rob – Is there still too much influence on the etheric. You said last year that the event might happen before the non-physical planes are completely cleared. Is that still the plan?
COBRA – It is possible, but I would say that the etheric influence on humanity has not improved much. It’s a big issues and is still quite a problem. I will not comment at which moment they will decide to trigger things, or should I say, will be instructed to do those things.
Rob – Very good, thank you. A lot of people are wondering if you could make some concrete suggestions on planning for our material needs in the in term – at least until the prosperity funds are released. I’ve had repeated requests. You have asked us to take our money out of the banks, should we put it under our mattresses? Convert to silver or gold. Will the gold or silver go down? The stock market will collapse. What about socially responsible stock? Will you talk about the material needs. A lot of people are struggling in their finances. I have to say to those people – There are many other people around the world struggling much more strenuous conditions than some of us. So many don’t have roofs over their head so we have to count our blessings. What do we do until the funds are released. What do we do with our money, should they put it under their mattresses?
COBRA – If you have money in the bank, take it out. You can convert it into gold or silver or land or invest it into some project that will help the liberation of the planet. I would not suggest to put it in a stock market. I would not suggest keeping it in the bank because it to be confiscated at certain phase.
Rob – Someone said thank you Cobra for all that you and the RM is doing to help all of us. One thing I am uneasy about is the situation in Egypt. I find it difficult to I don’t see how sentencing over 600 people to death can be considered as a victory of the light nor can I see it as a liberal process. I think this was quickly glossed over in the last interview with Alexandra. She knows the Muslim brotherhood is manipulated by the Cabal.
COBRA - First, there was not 600 sentence to death or executed. It was the beginning of the process. Final numbers were much lower. Among those people there were some leaders who were part of the cabal and part of the dark forces. I would not completely agree that with the action of the Egyptian government in executing those people but I would say that it’s part of the human nature. And also, after the event happens, many members of the cabal might be executed because that will be the will of the people.
Rob – Yes, I understand. That’s before the RM and the GFL come in. I’m glad you made that point because that is my feeling as well. I responded to that person: Look basically that’s a human element. That’s not the resistance movement or the Galactic Federation.
COBRA - Exactly. That’s the human element in this. There will be a big need for forgiveness after the event happens. When the human masses realize what the cabal has done, they will be very angry. If there is a certain danger of projecting that anger to the wrong people w/o understanding what really happened. (yes) I suggest that everybody has a right for due process, even the members of the cabal. It can not be stopped, but I would not suggest which comes against anybody at this point.
Rob – Very good. I agree with that. That brings me to another question, I wasn’t going to ask but it kind of leads into that. One person that has made a statement that some Pleiadians have supposedly beamed up 11,000 minor cabal members who become cabal and are forced into that situation trough bribes, threats or things beyond their control and were afraid to get out of the cabal. Is there any truth to 11,000 lower cabal members being beamed up.
COBRA - I will not answer this question. (OK) There are some operations of the light forces and some members have been removed from the planet, I would not comment on the number or the means how this was done. I can only say, Yes there were some members of the Cabal that have been removed from the planet. That’s the only things I’m going to say.
Rob – So, you already mentioned that some cabal members have been removed from the planet and taken to mother ships and they look at their actions and results and they themselves choose to have their souls re-set to the central sun thus not violating . .
COBRA - They have an option. If they choose to accept the light, they are not taken to the central sun. They need to go through re-education process. They have to do everything they can to correct the consequence of their past actions . Some members of the cabal reject that option and don’t want to change over into the light and they are taken to the central sun.
Rob – May I ask you a question – have there been other cabal members that have wanted to be protected by the Resistance movement and the GFL and had their wishes granted. (against what) against Cabal members.
COBRA – Yes, it has happened in certain locations, but it’s a complex situation. Basically Archons do not allow anybody to be contacted by the light forces. It’s a quarantine situation. There are many members of the cabal that want to get out but are not allowed to get out. Not everybody is in there according to their free will.
Rob – Yes, I understand and these will have to be dealt with later. Another question I meant to ask last time and this is a very good point, and you and I have talked about this. Some people have claimed that you have denied that Chemtrails are being sprayed, but you make this clear.   Cobra in Syracuse NY, we get chemtrails every day, several times a day to the point that. We do not see clear sky, ever. Should I move my family someplace else to save their health. Are there countries that do not spray their people. Are there states in the USA that spray less. Please forgive me for being so persistent. Thank you for the amazing work you do.
COBRA – One questions at a time.yes – there are chemtrails. I am not denying their existence. I’m just saying, what most people are not seeing chemtrails they are seeing on contrails. There are chemtrails but they are far less than what people think. Yes it’s good to move out of the US as that is the country under most strong attack from the Cabal as far as chemtrails, food poisoning, scalar weapons and on and on. Anywhere else in the world would be better.
Rob – OK. Now one thing that nobody is talking about. It says that most of the beings are now infected with self replicating, semi-robotic, non organic nano fiber technologies coming from chemtrails, and of course probably supplemented with food and other things. These fibers cause pains and sickness and interfere with our rhythms . Do you know how these unnatural nano fibers can be cleared from all beings on this once beautiful planet.
COBRA – There is a partial solution that, a detoxification protocol that can remove that but basically this situation will be completely resolved after the event.
Rob – Yes, I felt the same way. I felt these advanced technologies can be removed.
You mentioned in the last interview that there were technologies to remove this. Can you please comment on this. Can we force the cabal to release them now. Are they available from our current scientific standard or will most of these technologies take place after the event through the GFL and the RM advanced technologies.
COBRA – Basically,the stardust technologies can be used to remove the source of chronic pain. It can be used to block the central nervous system which will be done at the event for the cabal members, but it can also be used to removed the source of chronic pain, it can repair organs, repair DNA cellular structure. If there is any type of structural damage to the physical body, it can be repaired in about 15 minutes with star-dust technology. It’s a pleiadian technology that will be available very shortly after the event. All case of chronic illness will be healed very shortly after the event with that technology.
Rob – Will this be released unbeknownst to them.
COBRA – No . it will be a very conscious and aware process. Of course people will have to change their way of thinking and behaving. Illness can be re-created with belief systems and emotional states. . But whatever has happened to the physical body that will be fixed. There needs to be a certain psychological adjustment that takes place. Most people will be healed.
Rob – Very well, thank you for that.   Another question here. How do the light forces clear the bases of aliens. Is this done with weapons or non-violently?
COBRA – OK – there were different phases of this process. When the RM was clearing those bases a decade ago or so, it was done through physical battles, unfortunately. In the last phase it will be done through star-dust technology which will block the central nervous system of the negative beings and they were taken to the mother ship and then they will have made a choice to accept the light or go to the central sun.
Rob – OK thank you. I’m going back to the implant question a little bit. In the last interview you mentioned that these implants still remain, these are the ones that are pushed into the body at birth and are invisible and beyond our technology. I have mentioned to people and you have mentioned to people about various technologies like the Pleiadians white laser device that I have on my site, tachyon energy which we have on our sites can increase the body’s vibratory field and this can push out some of the lower astral parasites but the main implant is always within the body. Is that correct and is there any way to make a complete removal of this implant pushed in at birth.
COBRA – You see there is an etheric aspect of this and plasma aspect of this. It’s quite complicated to explain. The Laser technology is the best we have at this moment on the surface of the planet to deal with those implants. The other problem is those implants are the main thing and the scalar technology, which is part of the Archon network. It’s actually maintained by rotating scalar field. That field is actually re-creating that implant again.
Rob – OK, That is what I thought and experienced because we were utilizing in the 1980‘s Fred Bell and Semjase some technology that utilize the sacred geometry and the crystals and the lasers. In fact we combined them with or own positive scalar field Pleiadian technology of pyramids, which are scalar waves and crystals and tesla coils that makes the white laser device even more powerful when used in conjunction. My experience from these devices actually confirms what you said. For a period of time the energy becomes very high and you’re able to obtain high states of realization. Once you’re away from these technologies these different types of feedback mechanisms kind of re-integrate themselves and we all are dealing with this human element aren’t we.
COBRA – It’s not just about human element, it’s about the technology, which exists on the etheric plan the plasma plane. It’s actually re-creating the structure.
Rob – Yea, the human condition on the earth plane due to the technology, that’s a very good point. Another questions. These mother ships and the federation members that Cobra talks about, what density and dimension are they in? 3rd 4th or next? what dimension are they in?
COBRA – They are 5th dimensional beings and above that but of course they can materialize in the physical in the 3rd dimension or 4th dimension if they choose, if they have a purpose to do that.
Rob – Another related question – if they’re not in our same dimension will we only be able to see them when we raise our vibration or can they use their technology to contact us.
COBRA – They can use technology to contact human beings in the 3rd dimension. Their energy presence is very intense. Human beings will have to do energy work to be able to maintain that presence and survive that presence because the energy field of an ascended being, a 5th dimension being is very strong. Human beings will not be able to survive a direct contact. The energy fields of the beings of light that will come will be adjusted to the human frequency, so the human beings will be able to interact and raise their frequencies slowly so they can interact more. It will be a gradual process.
Rob – Yes, thank you. That coincides with J J Hurtak information that there will be certain areas or islands of light which he calls the “arc of the chilicosm” where the beings from the 5th dimension and higher will be able to interact as well as within space ships themselves which actually provide inter dimensional areas where people from different densities and frequencies of creation can interact and this is an important part of the transition on earth. I’ve been in contact in Kauilapele ( who we all resonate as a good brother back in Hawaii and he has offered the following questions for you. Some of them are from his listeners. 1st question is: Can you first clarify who the 144,000 are and if these are star seeds.
COBRA – Yes, it’s actually i would say, a core group of star seeds, those that have chosen to come to earth to transform all darkness with their light. It’s a symbolic number which describes a very, I would say, a special task force which came to this planet through various phases of history of this planet. Most of them came here in Atlantis and kept incarnating in various key positions in key periods of history and now this group is here with a purpose of transforming and liberating the planet.
Rob – OK another question from Kauilapele which I’ve received a lot of similar one. This is a big one. We have all this talk of the Isis or terrorist groups in Iraq. Is this Cabal type operation to stir the pot? It seems beyond coincidence that the latest incarnations of the insurgent led revolt in Iraq has called Isis.
COBRA – Yes, the Archons have chosen that name on purpose. They take symbol that’s positive and try to associate it with something negative in the minds of human beings. Now this name is all over the mass media. If somebody from the street reads about Isis – in human mind their image of fanatics killing people instead of a Goddess of light. This is how association of the mind works. They have done the same thing, the Nazi’s have taken a very old symbol of the swastika – which means spiritual evolution, and turned it around into a symbol of evil. Same thing happened to pentagram and some other symbols in the past. This is what the illuminati are using for example All Seeing Eye, they have hijacked the symbol. It’s a symbol of the source and they have hijacked it and it represents an all seeing eye of the one world order. This is how the Archons work. Whenever people see to see symbols they associate it with something negative. And so the positive energy of the symbol can’t flow through. It’s an occult war that is taking place.
Rob – Yes, it’s a control for the attention of people. I’ve mentioned these facts many times. I feel exactly the same way. Another question from Kauilapele: Are the light forces doing anything to resolve the Ukraine situation and is Putin working with them.
COBRA – Yes they are doing many things to resolve the Ukraine situation but again we have human factor and human free will. There are many occasions when certain individuals have not followed the guidance in the Ukraine situation. The light forces have managed to decrease the number of casualties and the scale of the conflict but they were not able to completely remove it. And yes, Putin is supporting the agenda of the light forces but he also has his own agenda of creating strong Russia. I would say Putin is at this moment, is having a much more positive role than the cabal structure which wants to use Ukraine to promote their agenda.
Rob – Thank you. What is the current situation with Archons and Chimera group?
COBRA – Most of the Archons have lost a lot of power in the last half-year and also there has been a lot of improvement. There have been operations of the light forces to decrease the power of the chimera group. It has been successful to a great degree and I will be able to release some Intel soon.
Rob – OK. A lot of people have asked about the recent death of the Rockefeller. Is this the work of the light forces within the RM in taking out the Cabal at this point.
COBRA - I would just say, situation happened on Friday the 13th and Friday the 13th is the day when the templar leader was executed. (Hmmm interesting. OK) There will be more to this, but this is the only thing I will say at the moment.

Please see ThePromiseRevealed website with Rob Potter for the rest of the transcript.

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