[Papajack] Our Father just showed me the neatest thing I
would like to share with you about the times we live in.
Remember when Moses led Israel out of Eygpt they came out
with a great wealth transfer, they were released from slavery and the devils
kids couldn't throw gold at them fast enough.
All of us here were born into slavery caused by the devils
kids in 1871 when some corrupt politicians were bought out and started the US
Corporation which has been fraudulently acting as the Republic. They then
formed the Federal Reserve in 1913 and started issuing birth certificates in
capital letters and selling us all to England as slaves so they could extort
taxes from us against the Constitution.
The contract with the Cabal (Federal Reserve) expired last
year and the corruption is being exposed as we speak. So we like Israel are
being delivered from slavery.
So like Israel we will be coming out of slavery with a great
wealth transfer. We are returning to the Constitutional Republic.
We are going back to Common Law and the British Maritime
fraudulent system is going away. Thus the reason for your birth certificates
being in capital letters making us all mini corporations so they could make
their statutes apply to us. But now they are being exposed. OH I LOVE THAT
Now the delays are making sense, had we got paid in the old
system the bad guys would just have stole it again. But we are getting paid in
a whole new more honest asset backed currency and the bad guys are being
exposed for the thieves they are. That is why the fight has been so hard. But
we should see that jet any time now.
So lets learn from the past and not take the wealth and
wonder around in the wilderness with our shoes not wearing out. But lets use
the transferred wealth and be about our Fathers business.
His GLORY shall be revealed in us. What an honor WHOO
From the prison to the Palace just like Joseph, another
wealth transfer.
What a time to be alive and on the winning team. WHOO
Now watch as our enemies are smitten before our face, the
enemy is exposed at every turn, it's our turn now!!!!
[Papajack] Have a Blessed day and I'm being told lots of
good stuff is going on behind the scenes on our behalf. This should be a great
Mom calls it the prophesied 7th blessing; i call it Jubilee, & 'tis overdue (according to many), but actually "just in time"-- His time, of course.
Encourage you to check out www.ComingOfHisGlory.com prophecy, Heaven on Earth Here & Now, and His Appearing.... blessings abound ... Halleluyah!! :D freemom7
Recent Prophecy from www.ComingOfHisGlory.com - 6/4/14 "Oh, believe... Me for the wildest, craziest, most outrageous things, for I will cause it to happen. Miracles and healings and deliverances you will see .Signs and wonders. Believe with Me, hope with Me, expect with Me, and see it be so."
A Time for Celebration May 3, 2014
"I am coming.... Rejoice with Me ... Arise and shine! for I am arising ... shining in you.
Oh arise, people of God.... dwell...with Me in the high places. Kings and priests ... Holy ones ... Anointed ones ... Precious to Me you are,... My life... be with Me in My presence that our joy may be full. A time of exul-tation and celebration is come. Let us now rejoice together"
4/24/14 "The Season Has Changed. Now Change Your Thinking -... transition from the refining fire is over...Now change your attitude and your thinking to participate in this new season of blessing. ...meditating on My goodness. Make a blessing list. Train your soul to trust without shadow of fear. I mean it: Change. I need you ready ..." =============================
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