Friday, June 20, 2014

TNT call 20-June-2014 Notes

TNT call 20-June-2014 Notes

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  Today is Friday, June 20th, 2014.  There was an update to Twitter and Skype yesterday, so if you didn’t get the tweets, re-register.  We never thought we’d be doing this call, and let’s hope it’s the last one of THESE calls.  It was an interesting day yesterday and today, and we will get in depth on what’s happened in the last 24 hours, much as we can, and let you know what you can look forward to. DC?

DC:  Good afternoon everybody.  First I want to cover some broad things, mentalities that I want people to think through as this draws to an end. There has been a lot of resentment at the last minute, but everyone wins in this thing. No hard feelings, we all get to move forward on this one. I want to acknowledge a senior statesman we cannot name who kept this moving forward – thank you very  much.

Tony:  Start with the tweet we sent out yesterday.

DC:  The tweet said that Iraq completed their processes and paperwork at the CBI and those have been sent to the US and GOI.  It’s been a complete rollercoaster. Imagine all the world leaders on this rollercoaster, switching positions, and each leader has a whole rollercoaster on top of them. Everyone has been going up and down, with issues affecting how they are moving inside their own rollercoaster as well. It is out belief that we are wrapping up this rollercoaster right now, and the sovereign country of Iraq is setting up it’s revaluation.  We don’t know the timeline on that; the bottom line is that there is a LOT of movement, circles within circles, and the process is competed at the CBI and it’s now sitting at the BIS.  IT’s their country and

Tony:  The paperwork was approved and accepted;  that’s done. They have set a time to do it, and that has not been done yet. They said it would be today, and they still have time to do it today.  Until it’s actually announced, something still could happen because it always does.

DC: A lot of people changed their minds at the last minute.  A lot of legal maneuvering back and forth, but Iraq is a sovereign country, they have done all their homework and notifications, and they can do it on their timelines. Some people are trying to influence that timeline according their own advantage, but it’s done, really.

Tony:  They submitted everything to all countries, and it’s going through whether the US wants it or notthe only question is WHEN if it goes through, within 24-48 hours.

DC: Many educated people have an opinion on the timeline, and we know their opinions, but we don’t’ want to be specific, because we don’t want to be an excuse for blocking this again.

We are going to walk everybody through from Wednesday to now.  If you don’t’ care about the details, stop listening for the next 10 minutes. Maliki made the announcement and we had a ton of confirmation that this happened.  A lot of the world said, “Can this guy really do this, seriously?”  And they were shown videos or pictures by their intelligence agencies.  Everywhere across the deal, they said, “we’re doing this on Friday and this is the rate.” Then the great roller-coaster ride began. Some wanting to delay this for political or personal beliefs, and the IMF heard all this (and the BIS, too).  Some said Iraq didn’t’ have all their work done, in the last 24 hours the CBI had to fix paperwork, etc.   It has nearly done several times in the last 24 hours;  they finally got everything together, and everyone agreed they had successfully completed all their paperwork and processes.

Then the real politics started, where people were saying that this is too early for their people. They have their own beliefs around that and they can make that decision for their own citizensOthers said this is a sovereign country, and they can do it whenever they wantSome countries went to support Iraq, and now everyone is saying that Iraq did all it is supposed to do, and they can choose the timeline – and that’s the timeline Iraq is operating under now.

Tony: DC told me to send that tweet out yesterday!

DC:  And that came out of Iraq, by the way. We got that from several sources, and that’s why we congratulated them..

Tony: We have their timeline, announcements and celebrations are scheduled, and that is what we are waiting for.  Up and down as it was last night, it still hasn’t happened.  However, the banks are preparing for it, and people are being put in position.  We are in a super-fantastic position, and the whole world is on standby now, waiting to see if this will happen.

DC:  Everybody wants this thing;  everyone gets so much out of this.  Be happy, and know that any last-minute hard feelings should just go under the bridge.  Be happy you are part of the biggest financial move in history!

Tony:  The conference line got disconnected because there are too many people, again. Let’s go ahead and talk to these guys, and they’ll have to listen to the recording.  We’ll keep going…

818 caller:  It’s still morning in California, and I have a couple of questions. During the last call,, you said that the announcement of the RV had a calming effect because they get what they want “unless it doesn’t happen on Friday”. What does that mean?

Tony:  I just told you that the dollar you have in your pocket is worth one dollar on Wednesday and ten dollars on Friday.  If you spend it, or you can save it for two days so that it is worth more… and then after starving for two days, they say “Nope, it’s not happening!” What would you do?

Caller:  I’d be really ticked.

Tony: That’s what we expect to happen, too, if it doesn’t happen today.

Caller:  Does that meant there will be an upsurge of discontent in Iraq?

DC: If they don’t do it within a period of time – remembering the Arab culture is not as exacting as the US culture in terms of time and timing – they have some cushion, but not much of one.  If things doesn’t get done as stated, there could be security issues.

Caller:  Then there was discussion about the US waiting rather than participating.

DC: That is a great question.  One aspect is that the US Treasury, and international banks doing international business. AS we have discussed many times in the past, Iraq has addressed all the big banks as all country do, and they want their citizens to have all the financial facilitiesIraq has said that when they revalue, it’s important to know the banks will accept it, and the banks wish to do so. That’s been said many times.  The US as a whole is a different question;  the government can do all sorts of things, but if they delay, it puts the banks in a very awkward situation because they stand between Iraq and the US.  That is why the banks get the big bucks, to solve those issues.

Caller:  the US may or may not want to participate from the get-go, but at some point they will participate…?

DC: It could be minute or a it could be a few days;  everyone will get over whatever, and they will be just fine in the end.

Tony: Worst case scenario? Best thing is that it could happen in the next 15 minutes.  Worst case it will be 1. July.  The US will still have to participate sooner or later because this is a global event.

Caller:   Assuming we get the 800 numbers, are we looking at a two-meeting procedure?  We would first go to an exchange center, and then take the receipt to the bank?

Tony:  So far as I know, you will go to the bank and when you leave the money will be in the bank account.  You might have a second meeting with a wealth manager or to deal with reserves.  That’s how I understand it, anyway.

828 caller:  [appreciation]  Are there any restrictions of NDA areas that would prohibit me from using funds from the first exchange to pay off layaway contracts?

Tony:  In the beginning we heard that was an issue.  We haven’t received the package, so we don’t know the latest on that.  Until we get that information, we can’t be sure.  We have talked about it before, and I’ve explained what I would do in that circumstance.  You always have the option of making your appointment.  You can always do an exchange with your dealer for enough to pay off your reserves, and then go to a second appointment.  Or you can exchange one note at the international rates and pay off your reserves. You need to listen;  we’ve put this on the site so you can be planning now. You need to go over all your plans NOW, not wait until we tweet the numbers or do the information call.  You are doing the right thing asking that question now, while we can still answer, before the NDA.

719 caller:  What is the result with Maliki?  Is he in;  is he out?  You said the other day that if M did A, B and C they would let him be PM, then we heard about Chalabi.  What’s up?

DC:  Maliki has done a deal with his political group:  If he gets the RV deal out and completed, then they will vote for him, and if not, they wont’.

Tony:  He was given a timeframe, and it was extended, but he still has to do it.

DC:  Talking is one thing, doing’s another.  His extended time is getting pretty narrow now.

Caller:  Other parties can drag this out so that he can’t do it, isn’t that right?

DC:  He has the ability to get this done.

Caller:  Several weeks ago, you said that if this didn’t happen when the government is seated, then it wouldn’t happen for quite a while.

DC:  The government was seated on Tuesday, and they gave M a few more days to get it done. Maliki said Friday, and we don’t know if that’s the US Friday.   They have a little extra cushion because of their culture.

Tony:  It may be 10am on SaturdayHowever, there was also a public announcement of the new government that is scheduled for Sunday.

Caller: We have people hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Why is the US delaying this until the 1. July?  They are killing their people with this.  You are looking at fifteen million people who have influence on the political process.  People are sick and tired of being strung along.

DC:  We’ve mentioned these reasons in the past.  You’re going to get over a lot of issues once you can pay your bills and get a few fun things for yourself.  Almost everybody will get over this. In the past, many issues have been cited, such as foreign banks and their account-holders, and all the reporting required for security and taxes.  There are bank guarantees that will change a bit and benefit the regulatory guys.  Others advance political reasons, some of it’s just personal willfulness;  others believe the banks need more time to get ready. Each of these reasons has weighed in over the last six months. Now Iraq has sovereign controleveryone is no close enough and we’ll all be fine.  I truly believe it will be settled before the 1st of July.

Caller:  [humorous anecdote about roosters – too fast for me to transcribe]  I hope that we are done, and I hope this flies well before 1. July.  People are so stressed.  On the forum they say “get on with your life”, and we do, but some of those lives are not doing too well.   I feel for the people of Iraq, with no food or power.

Tony:  this is not just about American citizens;  there are people all around the world who are waiting this to change their lives.  You know, I hate those commercials about people mistreating dogs, and they are lonely and skinny.  I also hate the commercials where people are hungry, and the stuff in their bowls looks like slop – it’s just nasty.  Last night, the guy was showing the sugar each person gets for a week, and it’s less than a teaspoon. We are waiting to be rich and drive fancy cars, and people can’t even eat.  I know a lot of this money is going towards getting food, water and shelter to people who don’t have those in foreign countries, and right here!  I was smoking my cigar last night, and at least ten people asked for a quarter. It’s just terrible.  I know people are trying to live their lives, and they can’t, and many others don’t even have this to look forward.  I know this will come in and solve your problems, but help solve other people’s problems.  Get involved in humanitarian projects.  This is not a ten-year event, this is a 50-year event that will affect the global economyThere is a group that has been consistently holding us back, and they need to let this go.

404 caller:  If the tweets aren’t working, you will put the 800 numbers in a blast?

Tony:  You think it’s funny that when we sent out that blast, Twitter didn’t cope well, and now the free conference link is having a problem?  I will write it in the forum, as a blast, as a tweet, and probably on the other sites.  We’ll do it over and over again if we need to, to get to all of the people.

Caller:  You said there might be a delay at Forex.

DC:  There might be a slight delay, because the traffic alone will crush that system.  You cannot really deal with that large a spike.  Everyone needs to be calm as this goes through.

Tony:  They will get a 30-minute notification, but it will take longer for them to change all their rates, and then people will want to cash in their reserves.   Remember a year ago we said something and that shut them down. They say they are  prepared, but we’ll see.  Don’t panic;  if you can’t get through, the other people around you can’t get through either.

636 caller:  I put all my faith in you and DC, but I do have a question.  With the enthusiasm and confidence with which you have told us are this close, and all about the Iraqi government and Maliki, and then I hear everything on the television telling us Iraq is burning down, etc.  Who is BSing whom here?

DC:  Bottom line is… there are bad things going on in Iraq right now, and there are many different causes, although there are two main issuesThere are issues and we are dealing with themWe are talking to folks throughout Iraq, even Mosul, and we are getting a significantly different take on it from our various sources through the country, doing different things.  We have about 18 people throughout Iraq, and we get a very different perspective on what’s going on.  Also, I’ve seen many pieces of footage before, so there is a lot of misreporting, and/or sensationalism.  They have 24 hours to fill up, so they take something is bad, and shine a magnifying glass on something that is not that significant.

Tony:  Look at cause and effect;   what could we have done to make this different?  What is really going on here, and what are they trying to achieve?  Our people on the ground are saying these are old clips, but there is a purpose behind it.  All of this could be gone in two minutes or 24 hours.  Some things didn’t get done in 2011 and they are now being done. Both sides are being blames for some things they should have done and didn’t do.  Malawi could have been in charge of Iraq, but Maliki is in charge of Iraq. We put him in there and there are agreements. There are other decisions to be made here, and we are caught up in it.

Caller:  The President said yesterday that they basically want to sit back and let Iraq sort it out…

DC:  I’m going to answer indirectly.  Maliki has been around for a long time.  He was a Shia who was tortured, his brother was killed and many of his family were tortured and killed by the Ba’ath partyIs he going to sit in a room with them and negotiate?  Probably not.  There are three main sects that have never worked together before.  M is in charge of this stuff, and we agreed to support him but only if he is more inclusive about sharing his power.  He agreed but somehow he never fulfilled his part of the deal.  It is as if the Democrats think all Republicans are morons and they tortured their families, and so on;  you wont’ want to talk to them.  Something similar happens on the Republican side.  So the major thing has been to get the three main groups to talk and work together.  That’s what the US is encouraging.  There are still those crazy ISIS guys around terrorizing the country, mainly because they believe they have been persecuted and blocked from being in the government. The US is encouraging everyone to talk with each other.  Yes, there are sectarian issues;  they are incredibly tribal AND religious compared to US folks, so it’s incredibly important to include the elders and religious leaders in this process.  Yes, there are still some guys who need to be policed up, and the US is helping.

Caller:  You are sufficiently confident that the government is seated and all that is left is for M to do what he said he would do on Friday?

Tony: We get our information days before other groups, and definitely ahead of the newspapers or television news.  Our calls are based on what we heard an hour ago, and it’s definitely better than what you’ll see on CNN.

Caller:  One oil guy says that his oil production is fine over there, working away…

Tony:  Exactly.  Hey, maybe CNN will give us a job!  We can tell them what’s really going on!

206 caller:  You’re a business man.  We have the Obama tax package coming out on 1. July, so why would this come out before the 1st?  The CBI also starts their new books on 1. July

Tony:  This is about Iraq and Maliki staying prime minister;  it’s about promises being made, and people being hungry in the streets.  It’s not about the books and US laws.  We are now at 57 times of ‘let’s do this’;  that’s more important than 1 July and doing the quarterly books!  The CBI wants to get this done!

352 caller:  If Maliki has made the promise that he can get the RV started and everything is signed, sealed and delivered, what could stop it at this point?  If he wants to keep his job…

Tony:  Don’t ask that question, because everyone will get over what happened last night.  Let’s hope they don’t do that again.

DC:  There are many things people can try, but what are they gaining by delaying a few hours or a day?  Just take the win.

Caller:  Did you see the program on the FBI and the IRS commissioner?  They asked how come the hard drives were not actually destroyed when it comes to our records, but were completely lost when it comes to the IRS people being investigated?   How many records have been lost?  [didn’t follow this]   I thought it was funny that they don’t lose our records, but they do lose their own!  Does President Obama have any way to stop Maliki from doing this?

DC:  President Obama is the president and he can do whatever he wants.  However, he has made it clear that he wants more inclusive government in Iraq, but it’s a sovereign country and he cannot put too much pressure on them.  We wouldn’t want Mexico telling us what to do.  Obama personally wants that and so do his advisors. That’s where he is putting on the pressure.

425: I wanted to know about the difference between that news is saying and what you are seeing.  [appreciation]

602 caller:  [appreciation]  I look forward to Las Vegas!

425 caller:  Washington is on the board today!  Have a wonderful weekend and I hope we are all blessed here today.   Take care!

650 caller:  We are just waiting on an announcement;  do you anticipate the procedures to be as you discussed last week?  Do you expect to have a call at this point?

DC:  I have gotten more conflicting informationWe would like to help with the process, but if someone else is doing it, we don’t have pride of ownership there, so long as they do a good job.  On the other side, we are told we have to sign NDAs right away and never talk again.

Caller;  Let’s say the RV happens in Iraq and other countries but not US;  can you tell us that?

Tony: If we are not under NDAs at that time, yes, we will announce it.  If it does happen and M has already made it public on their television and news… we are just waiting for the activation.  All the other countries have accepted it at that point, and if we can still talk, of course we will tell you. I  want you to be excited, and we are, too.  We don’t want to wait ten days for the 1st, but it would calm things down to know that, for some people.  For others, it will add to the stress and they might tell everyone they are going to be rich before the NDAs kick in.

Caller:  Will we see this on the CBI site?

DC:  That will be the last procedure.

Caller:  How do you see this relating to the GCR?

DC:  It will happen at the same time.  They could let it out in Iraq first, but delaying the GCR would cause a lot of problems and be very reckless.

301 caller:  You say the government has been seated;  does  that mean the ministers have been named?

DC: No, it means that they have all been sworn in, but the ministers have not been made public yet, and some are jockeying for position as we speak.

Caller:  will this delay  the RV?

DC:  No.

Caller:  Do the owners of the Fed also own part of the CBI?

Tony:  Probably. You can look that up on Google. This is what we have been hearing for years, that the owners of the banks are delaying this.  The guys own parts of ALL the CBIs, so they are making money either way, and afterwards they will make even more money, so why would they hold it up.

DC: The CBI is run by a fairly  independent guy, even though he was appointed by Maliki.  The CBI really wants to get this done. They have some part of their reserves in gold, about 100 billion, and that is an enormous amount of reserves.  They mainly got that by selling currency into this system, and the genius of this system is that speculators helped fund this.  Those reserves are mainly from selling currency that eventually gets sold to us.  Those speculating here have helped the CBI create its reserve values.  That’s the genius.

Caller:  My wife looked at the picture of you in the forum;  could you please put some clothes on?  The women are all looking at your package, and such.

DC:  Pam and my lovely assistant put that up;  I wish I looked like that!  The only thing we have in common is the glasses.  They’re having fun with it!

Tony:  You’re just breaking up homes left and right, aren’t you, DC?

785 caller:  I missed most of the call, so if you could recap..?

DC:  The rollercoaster is over, Iraq is a sovereign country, the CBI has done all the paperwork, and they can initiate the RV when they see fit.  We hope it happens today.

281 caller:  [Appreciation]  I hope this happens by the weekend.

Tony:  I’m hoping it happens by tonightIf we have to wait until tomorrow, that’s okay, but Friday night party is better than Saturday morning party!

407 caller:  I’m so excited I can’t stand myself!  [very bad line]   I heard you referring to the 25K note.  If there is a husband and wife involved, can each spouse cash in a 25K dinar note?

Tony:  We heard that you can take one note in, not limited to husband and wife. You can go to one bank and he can go to another bank, or go to where you have separate bank accounts.  When we get the instructions, that’s when we can give a definitive answer.

Caller:  When you get the word, can we expect to get on the line with you within an hour?

DC:  We have been told many, many times that we will be among the gurus chosen to explain the banking procedures.  We would be contacted, and talk to you as soon as possible, then give daily updates to explain issues and help you with your decisions. As of this week, another group (the left hand, as it were) says that we are not talking to anybody;  we’ll be under the NDA and we’re not giving information out to anyone.  This is not the best direction, because we are here to help you guys keep it smooth.  They think you can figure it out for yourself, but that is how the craziness and busses will occur. It is a scary situation, and people need to understand it.   Also, because if you know the issues and decisions, you will have a shorter appointment.

Tony:  If I’m not under and NDA, and I find out from any of our sources elsewhere, then I will absolutely tweet it, post it, and so on.  If I’m not under an NDA, I will give you as much info as I possibly can. If we are under an NDA, either we cannot talk or we will have all this training that will take time. This is such a bad idea, because people are already  asking me what to do!  If we don’t’ have direction, I’ll do what I always said I would do.

Caller:  Are the four currencies we’ve been discussing all part of the first basket?  Will any of them float?

Tony:  All are in the first basket, so far as we knowI’m not saying anything about floating rates. If it doesn’t go on Forex, it doesn’t have a way to floatWhen it does, that’s when you want to pay attentionEverybody is not going to get the high rate;  as time goes by, the rates will change.

Caller:  Would you call the rates right now ‘eye candy’?

Tony:  I gamble, I lose and I come back;  in my estimation, without advising you guys, it could be greater later, or it could change to the negative.  We don’t know.  Maliki told all his people that the RV is this Friday, today, and he told his people the rate.

Caller:  So this should be Christmas and Black Friday all rolled together!

678 caller:  When the RV is over and everyone has their money… China is famous for lowering the value of their currency;  will that be gone now?  Will everyone be valued at their actual rate rather than what they declare?

Tony:  This is a reset, not a correction.

Caller: Isn’t it the new deal that currency will now be based on a country’s actual assets?  If a country has a lot of value, can that country arbitrarily lower the value of their currency?

Tony:  Under Basel III, it’s supposed to be connected to the world, and change on the basis of changes in your country, not just because they want to. I don’t know about China, though.

DC:  The Global Currency Reset means that, say, five currencies are going from near worthless to much more money.  Everyone has a bunch of these currencies, and those countries will end up with assets. Because the value is across the world – hence GLOBAL currency reset then the amount of your dinar, dong, etc., will have established values. Then the market will indicate any changes.  The GCR is an attempt by extremely bright economists who say that because they are adding extreme value on this side, they have to make adjustments on the other side.   However, those adjustments will be gradual, and there will also be some monetary policies involved.  Some boats get raised a lot, and some just a little bit.

Caller:  I just saw China dropped in value to encourage exports, and that stinks if you have their currency.

DC:  A lot of people argue that politicians have been on a global devalue race for some time… and an easy, gradual devalue is better for everyone.

Caller: They say this will be a more fair, transparent system.  When everything settles, if the dong is worth two dollars, and then China drops it by 50 cents, that is not cool. Surely they should have to justify that.

DC:  Warren Buffett has consistently been against the devaluation of the dollar to strengthen exports.  We have always devalued our currency for many reasons.  However, that’s life and you have to make your own adjustments.

Tony:  Pam says that It’s time for us to go.

DC:  Things look exceptionally well.  We want to thank the person who we cannot name, the senior statesman who held this all together for us.  We also thanks all the unsung heroes in the UST, the CBI and those behind the scenes.  Everyone wins in this game, we’ll get over any resentments and we will all move down the road together.  It’s been phenomenal to be part of this largest financial deal ever, so let’s take the win.

Tony:  If this is the last call of this nature, this is to all the 27 countries on this call.  It’s been four long years, and I appreciate you guys being here.  Hopefully we have been able to help every person, every country, and every intel agency – I hope you give you enough for your morning briefingsThank you to our benefactor – thanks for helping us and going through this.  Even if we never meet face to face, the whole team wants to thank youThanks also to the DC crowd who gave us information and support, and also the foreign governments who helped us with information. It takes a village…

Thanks also to the intel team, and everyone on the forum and the calls. We don’t matter, but people do listen to us and make decisions based on the information we give you.  You do matter!  After it’s over, you’re going to matter even more, because you will be the new millionairesYou will be able to influence your town, county and state, and also create business opportunities and also donating to charities you support.  You will be jumpstarting the economy through your choices.  Others will succeed through your success.

I don’t know how long we will be here, or if we will be allowed to run the tntsuperfantastic sites to talk about making money afterwards.  I will be here to help as long as we can. I hope we will do a call later today, this evening, or tomorrow morning.  When we get the word, you get the word.  Pam would tell you to be kind to the mods and to each other.   Be smart with your money;  people are trying to take your money now, even before you get it, and they will double their efforts afterwards.  Ray would say Good-bye.  We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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