Stansberryresearch.com does an excellent job of predicting with accuracy
coming events good and bad in the American economy. They were exposing how
Obama's planned FATCA was to be enforced by the I.R.S. starting July 1, 2014
and stated that this could not be stopped, so plan how to survive under a
collapsed economy created by Obama's FATCA. We were collectively
apparently the only source in America who believed that it could be
stopped. All sources I had access to were resigned to that it could not be
stopped and so no use trying. Just plan to somehow survive with the collapsed
economy that stansberryresearch.com
and other sources were predicting for America that it would engineer. I don't
believe in surrendering to evil and those supporting me also think identically,
so we just formed an action committee and used some connections to get
the best angles to clobber FATCA with. In military intelligence and in
engineering, I learned to gather together positive thinking team players
and keep away negative players who believe that they can never win,
so why try to win? I saw the evidence that indicated that we could win on
something we aimed to do so collectively on behalf of my supporters as we are a
team committed to victory, I posted the report "Crimes Against
Humanity" With Obama's Law. Within a few hours after posting, our team for
victory including John at Nesara News won! On June 19, 2014 NESARA NEWS now had
the surprise news of what had just happened after posting of this legal
report on FATCA. Thursday, June 19, 2014 - Scoop.it - FATCA - The
Illegitimate Revenue Agency (IRS) has just announced that the Foreign Account
Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) has been postponed from July 1, 2014 until January
1, 2016. Investors Europe Stock Broker's insight: Open a trading account ... fatca.investorsamerica.eu
Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:14 AM .
Just before our report totally exposing FATCA on June 18, 2014, the I.R.S.
had been reported stating that they would severely threaten anyone resisting
FATCA in America with a 30% tax for resisting it. And all of a sudden the
I.R.S. collapsed and while not admitting the entire FATCA was totally illegal
under international law as established by the Nuremberg War Trials of 1945-6
and the international tribunal called this "Crimes Against Humanity"
and was to be punished by hanging from the gallows for leaders of governments
trying this tactic first used by Adolf Hitler against Jews of Germany. This
same tactic was later copied by Obama through FATCA which apparently he did not
know was a hanging offense under international law for him and anyone in the
government who voted for it in Congress, any federal official or employee of
any federal agency trying to enforce FATCA against the American people. It was
a basic copy of the Nazi law signed into law by Hermann Goering for Adolf
Hitler while Nazi Germany was at peace before the outbreak of war. The Nazi law
outlawed German Jews from depositing any money outside of Nazi Germany or
buying or owning any property outside of Nazi Germany unless permitted by the
Nazi Government of Germany. The Nuremberg War Trials followed the lead of the
Truman White House and declared this type law and policy tried by any
nation on earth against any people of any nation "Crimes Against
Humanity" and an automatic hanging offense under international law for
leaders and their personnel trying to do this type policy anywhere on earth.
Hermann Goering was to be hung for this offense but committed suicide just
before he was to be hung for this policy followed and pushed by Obama in FATCA.
report of June 18 also suggested for federal leaders, etc. to see as a
documentary movie as it was easier than reading the legal transcripts of
the Nuremberg War Trials on this subject the movie "Nuremberg"
starring excellent stars who did excellent performances in it such as Alex
Baldwin as the key American prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Trials
on behalf of the Truman White House. This movie aimed to be
factual and show the legal side of the Nuremberg War Trial and was praised for
its accurate legal presentation of the Nuremberg War Trial such as the trial of
Hermann Goering, successor to Adolf Hitler, who was charged and
convicted at Nuremberg and sentenced to death by hanging by the judges
representing America, etc. FATCA is the Americanized version of the Nazi law
labelled "Crimes Against Humanity" by the first of the
Nuremberg War Trials after World War II was over. For bringing
up this massive attempted violation of the genocide laws of nations ruled upon
at the Nuremberg War Trials and for other massive violations of law if the
IRS and Obama White House tried to follow through on FATCA, they slammed on the
brakes like lightning and by the following day we posted our
report exposing the total illegality of FATCA under international
genocide law, they already had abandoned it and I predict that Jan. 1,
2016 as the new date they would later try to enforce it will never happen in
American law. The changing of date and year was a way to wiggle out of the
legal jam they were suddenly in due to us knowing how to stop them and
this way they didn't have to admit that they were in massive violation of
international genocide law as ruled upon in Nuremberg in 1945-6 and
being violated anew in FATCA until we caught them and exposed them to
America and also people in other nations of the world saw our report of
June 18, 2014. Also, by unhinging FATSA as claimed law for
this year, we saved all those with dinars and dongs, etc. being held in
America for pending RV currency exchange from potentially losing all their
money increases through an RV because FATSA was designed to collapse the
American dollar and confiscate any potential profits from an RV of foreign
currencies for Americans!
We pulled together as a team and just gave to Obama the most damaging legal
defeat that he has suffered since entering the White House. Team members, we
won because we played as a team and were committed to victory, not defeat!
Thanks supporters! Without you, there would have been no victory against Obama.
He needed FATCA so he could potentially collapse the American economy and then
with a demoralzied people become a dictator like Maliki in
many American people have a bad approach to national problems which
is not practical in results when they do this. When they sit idle, the wrong
side wins in America! But when they pull together as a team, then they win
victories and shake the teeth in the jaws of the evil side. We pulled together
and just gave Obama a stunning legal defeat! The credit for the victory is
yours fellow team members forming our team for victory in America!
Obama sources were so scared that the people would back us against the
FATCA of Obama and also back us in pushing into law the Omni Law shown
on our national website, they crumbled on the FATCA law to be
enforced starting July 1, 2014. For Americans not figuring this out, we
just scored the biggest legal victory against Obama of any movement in
America. And we did it without heavy financial support available
then to stop FATCA from being treated as valid law in America. But we won
anyway because we had brains and a team for victory which is you who have
backed this movement into a cause to be reckoned with and respected in America.
We created such a lethal legal and military intelligence report opposing FATCA
that Obama sources crumbled before it and promptly retreated before they were
to be destroyed by our deadly lethal assault on FATCA. Our
team knew how to win when other national movements did not!
We believed that we could win against the Obama alliance which passed
and then wanted to enforce FATCA in America. We won because we as a team were
committed to victory! So this victory is yours who made this movement possible.
You are The True Patriots Of America!This is the biggest legal defeat Obama has
experienced since in the White House. As your spokesman, I attacked
FATCA with ferocity and in one day it fell and collapsed as a pending law for
now. We won because we stated the truth in effective style and justice was on
our side, not that of Obama and allies.
And passage of our proposed Omni Law is the only smart tactic to restore
control of the federal government in Wash., D.C. back to the American people.
In simple terms, the American people are given the legal power and authority
to hold national referendums by national votes when required to create or
cancel national laws and policies the American people want and Wash., D.C. in
rebellion against representative government in America refuse to carry out the
will of the American people as constitutional and representative government is
supposed to.
right leaders and the people join together in a common cause, then a national
movement exists and corrupt leaders are scared as they know they can lose their
control of the government now as the team of the people led by smart
leadership who know the answers how the people can win against bad
government now exists and is a power to be reckoned with in the
nation. This is what all evil leaders fear will stop them when
trying to create tyranny and evil through the government the evil
leaders control for the moment.
you all know the economy is tough but almost no one is so poor that they
cannot send in at least $10 (or more!) to put the Omni Law Drive into high
motion and quick passage in America. If we received from like one million
people sending in $10 each to advance the Omni Law Drive, that is $10 million
folks! With no more than that right now, we judge that we can have
the Omni Law passed even this year and so plan to have it passed this year!
This is by use of power tactics such as just won national victory to fatally
cripple and block FATCA for now in America. We pass the Omni Law and FATCA
becomes a forgotten law in the eyes of the corrupt and evil who hope we
won't follow through and finish the job by passing the Omni Law which restores
control of the federal government back to the American people.
I am not doing this to advance myself but the American people. I could sell my
Vatican endorsed trade secret food process to a number of foreign sources for a
lot of money, but that would not help America nor you the American people. I
intend to retain ownership and control of this family Vatican endorsed food
process and use major profits off of it to help advance the American people and
other people of the world. I keep the pending world food industry in America,
this has the potential to create millions of good jobs in America, improve
national health in America and the world, and might pour enough new money into
the American economy to even pay off the national debt which would then in that
case drastically reduce taxes in America. With greatly lowered taxes, that
would be like a pay raise with jobs across America and a higher profit margin
for businesses to realize by doing business in America! I can't take money with
me into the hereafter, so I intend to spend it on the American people and
other people to help improve life in society wherever people live on earth.
Also as some governments analyzed, this trade secret food process is world
leadership and power for the nation possessing it. Also, this would pump huge
new sums of money into the national economy to bless the people and businesses
of America. That is why the Vatican under Pope Pius XII endorsed it as
potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it
could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the
world. I want this Vatican endorsed trade secret food process backing
America. Then America has so much money backing it as to totally
straighten out the American economy and be a far nicer nation for the American
people to live in having solved so many usual problems of societies and nations
on earth.
American people back me now so I can give you soon this giant world food
industry that will bless you in finances, good health, and other ways as
a nation.
Our $10 button for support is America's Hope. It is below our book offer and
copy of the Omni Law on the front of the website. We are going to allow this to
be credited with 40% of the loan value of our $25 loan credit units in our Omni
Law Loan Program also on our website. This will carry the same benefits as go
with the $25 loan credit units.
Our national website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com
Our mailing address for those not using the website for orders and financial
support is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI
and tell what the payment is for whether a product or else financial support
through loan money for our Omni Law Drive. All finances raised help move the
Omni Law along to faster passage in America. With enough money available, we
frankly expect we can pass the Omni Law even in 2014.
Pass this report around. With that we outflank any attempt to try news
censorship by the other side to slow down our drive to national victory which
we think will be soon!
The full name of the Omni Law is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act
For America" but we abbreviated that as that would be harder to pronounce
repeatedly than just say Omni Law and people understand you! This is our
proposed Omni Law and nothing to do with any other proposed law by the same
generic name.
Show this report to elected members of Congress and
state legislatures and ask if they support us and passage of the
Omni Law or not. If not, ask them why! Honest leaders would want to back us!
Sad commentary but secretly paid off leaders would not want the government to
become honest in America by passage of the Omni Law! Simple logic but deadly!
army or political movement knows that with the right leadership they are going
to win so long as leaders and supporters work together as a united team
committed to win for the worthy cause at stake! We have been blessed and
already attracted many good and talented leaders who want us to win in America
because they believe in what this movement stands for. There are many fine
leaders who would be an asset to help America and some already joining with us
are making us a force to be reckoned with!
Wash., D.C. is so fascinated with police state concepts these days as could
create even Prison America as Wash., D.C. appears to no longer believe in the
God-given rights of the American people and has displayed too
little respect for the American people at this time.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the American
patriot who believes in the God-given rights of the American people which were
outlined in detail in "A Treatise On Natural Law" written by Professor
George Tucker of the University of Virginia around or in 1842. This was
the finest lawbook maybe ever written on the true legal concept of law America
was founded upon in 1776! If anyone has a copy of this book, let me know so the
American people can gain back their legal roots of 1776 taken away from
them in 2014 by corrupt Wash., D.C. I will reprint this book if I can find a
copy of it. I had it in my earlier library of first American books I had bought
from rare book sources which covered during and after the American Revolution
of 1776. However, Wash., D.C. destroyed that library along with rare
economic books left me by six of the top economists of the world I had
studied under! Reminded me of book burning by the Nazis in Germany to censor
the educational knowledge permitted available to the people!
And in case anyone can't figure it out, how much credit is owed to John at
Nesara News for posting this report of ours which threw the Obama
side into panic and forced them to suddenly drop support for current enforcement
of FATCA? John made freedom of the press possible through his blog for Obama to
be put into a colossal legal jam over FATCA! If Obama is defeated at some time
all the way, it will be due to a coalition of patriotic leaders and
patriotic citizens all pulling together as a team as no one person by himself
or herself can overcome the power of an evil cabal over America when too
many Americans stand silently on the sidelines instead of standing with
the patriots in America.)

[Option 1 $10.00 USD \/]

1 comment:
Coming to a theater near you: "WHITE HOUSE-GROWN TERRORISTS" starring Obaba Black Sheep (pulling the wool over our eyes) and Eric Wholedirt (always being backed up by Obaba). Surprise ending when they disappear ! (Reviewers are invited to Google "Revealed: The Destroyer of Obama's Tyranny.")
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