Saturday, October 18, 2014

Prison for the Cabal and Taxes

Prison for the Cabal and Taxes
By Prof Jim

    Time after time those who call themselves patriots and well known patriot writers have written articles and comments wishing to put the cabal members in prison after cleaning house. One must question not only their motive but also their paymaster and/or their mental capability.
    Prison equals tax! Prisons are built, run and maintained by tax. Putting cabal members in prison requires taxing the population. A tax to house cabal members in prison is a theft tax as opposed to a contract tax. Theft is a crime. Agreeing to a theft tax is abating and abetting a crime.
    A contract tax is paying for a product or service of value to you. Quid pro quo. Something for something. A contract tax is little different than buying a loaf of bread at the store. The only difference is that a group of people agree to pay for the same service. A group of people do not buy a loaf of bread. An example: Envision a dead end street with a cul-de-sac housing ten families. The city plows the snow. The people of the cul-de-sac decide to jointly buy a snow blower and take care of their own snow plowing. They arrange a rotation for running the blower and buying gas. Perhaps there is an elderly couple that lacks the strength to run the snow blower. They may agree to buy extra gas. Remember that property lines go to the center of the street. The people of the cul-de-sac have every right to do this. By this act the property tax to these people must decrease by the amount of the snow plowing. These people also have a right to improve their snow plowing and do the task in the most efficient way possible.
    The main point of a contract tax is that those who pay the tax receive a benefit from that payment.
    We will call the other kind of tax “theft tax”. The key way to recognize a theft tax is; you pay the tax and receive no benefit therefrom.
    All prisons are built, run and maintained by theft taxes.
    So, follow the logic here, those who are saying, “Put the cabal in prison.” are by those very words, also saying, “Continue the government theft.” Those who profess prisons for the cabal are professing they commit the very same criminal act as the cabal they wish to imprison! The cliché for this is, “Out of the frying pan, into the fire.”
    Solution? Yes, a solution does exist. The solution was written several thousand years ago in Biblical law and later codified in common law. The solution is very simple and cost nothing. The solution consists of a stout tree branch, a strong rope, a horse and a riding crop, all applied immediately upon conviction. Hint: Use the riding crop to swat the horse on the ass. If you can’t figure out what happens next, you have no business reading this forum. No! Don’t build a gallows. A gallows cost money…more theft taxes.
    This writer has maintained for years that if we do gain our freedom, our one, most difficult task will be changing our mindset away from the lifetime of cabal propaganda and into freedom. “Prison for the cabal” is an example of that cabal propaganda mindset.
    Think about it.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of changing your mindset, the word is "when", when we gain our freedom, not "if we do". As for your article and the idea of whipping some poor horse numerous times to hang the trash in the breeze. I have a better idea, ask for donations of ammo, line these sorry, overly rich, bored, traitors against a wall and say, ready, aim, fire! No taxes required and I would bet you'll have plenty of ammo!
Frustrated in California

ProfJim said...

Anon 11:12 AM....Point