Friday, November 28, 2014

How Will Obama React to This CIA Whistle-Blower?

Dear reader,

Everyone knows Obama is not a big fan of whistle-blowers.

Just look at what happened with Edward Snowden.

He's been treated like a criminal ever since he leaked information about the National Security Agency's sweeping surveillance programs.

And now a new whistle-blower has emerged with shocking details about the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve.

This whistle-blower is on a first-name basis with some the biggest investors and traders on Wall Street, CEOs of major banks, even members of the Federal Reserve… and has connections all the way to the U.S. Treasury and the White House.

Now he's risking his profession, his income and his reputation to warn every single American of what's coming.

What you're about to see could disturb you and change everything you think you know about the Federal Reserve and our currency.

You're never going to believe what he's revealing.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

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