Thursday, November 27, 2014



...we had a guy buy airline ticket for 300 dinar, going out of the country, and that is the first time they took dinar for a plane ticket.  He did it on his MasterCard, left the country, and at the next airport, he could pull  $3,000 off that same MasterCard.  He did that last night, and we figured the rate at $3.58 and his card worked both inside and outside the country.  They told them the cards would be loaded by today [Wednesday], and that they would be adjusted internationally.  They are waiting for some announcement to get everyone on the same rate. They said the process began last Saturday and it will be completed by 1st December. They are making it happen, which is all good news for us! 

 The US wanted to do a slow rollout, paying the VIPs and groups, getting them through methodically.  They asked Iraq to do the same thing and even though they didn’t want to do it that way, that’s what seems to be happening.  They are doing it by levels right now.  However, we know more people who are exchanging today and Friday.  The system is working and sooner or later they will have to get to us.  This is coming!  The rates ranged from $3.58 (international) to mid-teens (contract rates) and also a few as high as $28.50.  The contract rate pool is still available. 

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