Saturday, February 21, 2015

Libya, Egypt and ISIS: Could World War III Start With a Video?


Excerpt: Dahboo77 video from article

EXPERT on Fox news admits ISIS video is a FAKE


The entire article here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wars are not just about guns and ammo.........Wars are also psychological Battlefields. I'm sure many remember this Lady: Trinh Thi Ngo - Hanoi Hannah........Does it work? You bet it does, especially on a fearful people.

Psychological Warfare is not a new concept, its very old:

Although often looked upon as a modern invention, psychological warfare is of ancient origin. Cyrus the Great employed it against Babylon, Xerxes against the Greeks, and Philip II of Macedon against Athens. The conquests of Genghis Khan were aided by expertly planted rumours about large numbers of ferocious Mongol horsemen in his army. Centuries later, in the American Revolution, Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” was but one of many pamphlets and leaflets used to strengthen the British-American colonists’ will to fight. With modern scientific advances in communications, however, such as high-speed printing and radio, together with important developments in the fields of public-opinion analysis and the prediction of mass behaviour, psychological warfare has become a more systematic and widespread technique in strategy and tactics, and a larger ingredient of warfare as a whole. ( excerpt from Brit Ency )

Who was it that said: Capture their Hearts and Minds, and their Souls will follow!

WW3 is not just about mind control, or the making of a video......... It is a result of Centuries of Mans accumulated Hatred for his brother, that will ultimately erupt, because He............will think an evil thought... ( Ez 38 vs 10 )