Sunday, February 8, 2015

South Wyoming - anyone know about this and can provide info???

Michael Janitch posted: "An odd event just appeared on the USGS earthquake feed. A 3.4 magnitude earthquake, showing at -3.0 km 'depth'.   Negative depth is an impossibility, other than being on the surface. Upon visual inspection of the area using google earth, clearly there"

New post on Dutchsinse

2/08/2015SURFACE ‘earthquake’ in South Wyoming directly at Chemical Factory + Coal plant — Possible large explosion ???

by Michael Janitch
An odd event just appeared on the USGS earthquake feed.
A 3.4 magnitude earthquake, showing at -3.0 km 'depth'.   Negative depth is an impossibility, other than being on the surface.
3.4m earthquake wyoming feb 8 2015
Upon visual inspection of the area using google earth, clearly there is a very large chemical factory, and coal processing plant of some kind.
Leading to logical speculation that this "surface earthquake" may have been an actual large blast of some kind at the chemical (or coal) factory.
large blast wyoming feb 8 2015

Listed chemcial company near this surface "earthquake":
FMC Industrial Chemicals Group
Highway 374, Green River, WY 82935 ‎
Unlisted coal plant, if you can find the name let me know!


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