Monday, February 23, 2015

The Number One Reason Why Americans Will Not Fight Back Against the New World Order

Dave Hodges
Our Congress has an all-time low 9% approval rating, and Obama’s overall popularity is in the toilet. It has been 12 years since I declared war upon the central bankers when they tried to steal my property and that of 300 of my neighbors without one dime being paid in compensation.
The Number One Reason Why Americans Will Not Fight Back Against the New World Order
In that time, I have watched and written about how 13 million homes have been illegally stolen by the MERS mortgage fraud. In Congressional hearings, we have all seen how the IRS harasses and intimidates thousands of enemies of Obama (i.e. the Tea Party) as well as AP reporters who do not report the news in a manner pleasing to the President. The American people have permitted the passage of the NDAA which allows government the right to secretly arrest people without due process of law and hold them indefinitely. We barely notice as Obama declared himself to be “King” as he passed Executive Order 13603 in which he can take everything you own as well as your freedom at the mere whim of this President. In today’s militarized society, people have an 8 times greater chance of mistakenly being killed by their local police than being killed by a terrorist and on ans on it goes as nobody does anything about it.
Even Most of the Awake Act Like Sheep
I have watched millions of our fellow countrymen show evidence that they are in various stages of waking up to the bankster inspired tyranny that is attacking every facet of our lives. The Independent Media has done a marvelous job of reaching the masses despite being ridiculed and shut out of the mainstream media. The Independent Media is being so effective that Congress has attempted, on several occasions, to declare us to “not be journalists” (e.g. courtesy of Dianne Feinstein and John McCain) in several bills that have narrowly failed in Congress.
It is my considered opinion that we have awakened enough people who are collectively capable of making substantial and fundamental differences. This begs the obvious question, then why don’t we see a massive uprising against the central bankers and their institutions of control? There is no simple answer which will explain all the fence-sitting we are witnessing in the country today. However, there is one social-psychological factor which explains why the majority of the people who are awake to the present level of tyranny are not sufficiently motivated to act and that factor is called bystander apathy.
Bystander Apathy READ MORE


Eugene said...

Wrong .
Bystander apathy .
Many as ONE are focusing light from the soul stars of the Minions,,,Higher Ups,swirling through their mental ,emotional fields,,personalities,,,so the soul will turn to the light ,,wwwportal2012com,,,,we see the change unfolding,,there are significant numbers of Us Light Warriors on and Off Planet,,,affecting a change,,You have to be able to see clearly not jaded by your own negative thought forms,,,,
Think,,speak,,write of that which you wish to see,,,,this what the true meaning of turn the other cheek is,,,,,what you think ,,speak,,,becomes your reality,,,,,choose wisely.

Anonymous said...

I just love articles like this, whats wrong with people, why don't they do something? To the person who wrote the article, what do you think we should be doing? Rioting on the streets, lock and load and head for Washington, burn our cities down, what do you want the people to do? The people of this nation are for the most part peace loving, yes some are lazy, some are not paying any attention to the issues as we see in videos where they are asked who the Vise President is or asked to sign a petition to feed their children soylent green for lunch. But for the most part people will not react until the problem is on their front porch. As long as they have food, clothing and a roof over their heads they'll sit back and wait for their luck to change. People in this country are not looking at the big picture, they figure things will get better, why, because we changed who's running things in the last election and the Republican's are going to fix the problems. Sure, if you're awake you know better, but if you're not you like in the two party matrix brought to you by the one party government. So some of us know better and we're looking for answers but the answers are not that simple and this is a large country better than 3,000 miles shore to shore, so coming together is a problem in it's self. So one more time, what do you suggest we do today?

Anonymous said...

In coordinating the take down of the global troublemakers, first, global military forces should be split up into groups that would guard the global controllers that should be kept in the re-purposed FEMA camps until their trials and dispositions.
Even if the 'Light' redirects their souls, they still must be held to account for the deaths of countless 'souls' at their previous personal directions.

Military groups should literally enter and close down every desk within the city of London, even if by extreme force.

Likewise with the Vatican and all their personnel.
They MUST be surrounded and contained.
The Vatican library and contents should be seized, along with everything else they have been guarding.

DC would have to be shut down also, continuing down to every local level.
It is the only way.
Short term chaos is a price worth paying to retake our country back to it's foundation, and improve it.

Let's not forget the IRS offices. They're not answering their telephones anyway.

We need to take over every corporate media office instantly, and shift reporting to new Disclosure/Education Forums,
that all channels will now be presenting truth and historical data about the causes of the current global financial meltdown, until saturation is accomplished.

I hope the order and format of delivery of all the excellent documentaries is ready to roll out.
With no other choices available, the masses will have to face the reality they may not have been aware of.

All military needs the truth information first, so they can better understand the life or death importance of their participation in this movement.

The next best part should include, live, 24/7 court/ tribunal coverage of proceedings of evidence against the guilty perpetrators of systematic wrongdoing.

There could be individual channels for each category:
world leaders
financial profiteers
religious fraudsters
all guilty royalty
big pharma and subset groups
scientists guarding secrets about extra-dimensional entities of both varieties, light and dark

Public showings of, at minimum, questions and answers to the global elite will help to diffuse the lynch mob mentality that will undoubtedly ensue if the populations are denied the satisfaction of participation in witnessing
the unravelling of the many problems created by those at the top for eons.

Of equal importance to above stated items,

An information channel should be solely devoted to GOLD;
its history, mysteries and movements down through the ages,
up to its present influence in our world.

The bystanders are not apathetic really, it's just that in their hearts they sense the 'problems' are huge, multi-layered and well embeded.

We all pray and hope that a just 'God' will intervene to assist us all in transforming this existence for the betterment of our entire humanity.