Thursday, February 12, 2015

The US Military Plans to Decimate Washtington's Olympic Peninsula

The US military is a juggernaut of insanity that is completely out of control. Those in charge of the military do not care about the destruction they are wreaking around the globe, they never have. This includes the damage being done to our own country. How much human mortality and biosphere damage has the ongoing climate engineering insanity already inflicted? Then there is the nuclear bomb detonations, the entire planet has been contaminated to some degree by the over 2000 nuclear bomb "tests". I personally spoke to a US Navy PR person some years back about the Navy's use of depleted uranium ammunition for "practice" off the California coast. This person seemed to have no idea whatsoever about the dangers of this radioactive ammunition. Is the use of this ammunition one of the reasons marine life is dying all along the US West Coast? Now the military wants to continue their all out assault on the planet and our own country by setting their sites on one of the last remaining pristine wilderness areas left in the lower 48 states, the Olympic Peninsula. The 6 minute video below starts slowly, but then covers very compelling data in regard to the threat posed to the Olympic Peninsula.
Dane Wigington

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