Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Convention of States Action

Laura Fennig <lfennig@cosaction.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 5:43 PM
RE:  Action ALERT!!!

Freedom is not for the faint of heart. Every day, the federal government establishes new regulations that infringe on our constitutional rights as Americans. Today, we must battle for the freedom that we hold most dear.

This afternoon, the North Dakota Senate voted on the Convention of States Resolution -- HCR 3014 -- to call for a Convention of States to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. This is the tool given to us by the founding fathers that allows the states to check the runaway power of the federal government, using Article V of the US Constitution. If HCR 3014 passed, North Dakota would become the fourth state in history to successfully pass the application.

In a matter of minutes, the measure was defeated 15-31 with absolutely zero discussion on the floor. This is unacceptable. Today, we must fight!

Tomorrow, HCR 3014 has the opportunity to be put up for a recall vote. We need your help to make it happen.

Please contact each of the Senators below who voted “NO” on HCR 3014, and ask them to move for a reconsideration vote, and to vote YES on HCR 3014, the only solution as big as the problem!

We encourage you to write your email in your own words, from your heart, kindly encouraging these legislators to support HCR 3014, and stand up for the entire nation.

SenatorTylerAxnesstaxness@nd.govDistrict 16
SenatorBradBekkedahlbbekkedahl@nd.govDistrict 01
SenatorRonCarlislercarlisle@nd.govDistrict 30
SenatorDwightCookdcook@nd.govDistrict 34
SenatorJimDotzenrodjdotzenrod@nd.govDistrict 26
SenatorRobertErbelererbele@nd.govDistrict 28
SenatorTimFlakolltflakoll@nd.govDistrict 44
SenatorJohnGrabingerjgrabinger@nd.govDistrict 12
SenatorJoanHeckamanjheckaman@nd.govDistrict 23
SenatorRayHolmbergrholmberg@nd.govDistrict 17
SenatorRalphKilzerrkilzer@nd.govDistrict 47
SenatorJerryKleinjklein@nd.govDistrict 14
SenatorKarenKrebsbachkkrebsbach@nd.govDistrict 40
SenatorJudyLeejlee@nd.govDistrict 13
SenatorGaryLeegalee@nd.govDistrict 22
SenatorRichardMarcellaisrmarcellais@nd.govDistrict 09
SenatorTimMatherntmathern@nd.govDistrict 11
SenatorPhilipMurphypmmurphy@nd.govDistrict 20
SenatorCarolynNelsoncnelson@nd.govDistrict 21
SenatorErinObaneoban@nd.govDistrict 35
SenatorDavidO'Connelldoconnell@nd.govDistrict 06
SenatorDaveOehlkedoehlke@nd.govDistrict 15
SenatorNicolePoolmannpoolman@nd.govDistrict 07
SenatorLarryRobinsonlrobinson@nd.govDistrict 24
SenatorDavidRustdrust@nd.govDistrict 02
SenatorMacSchneidermacschneider@nd.govDistrict 42
SenatorGeorgeSinnergeorgesinner@nd.govDistrict 46
SenatorConnieTriplettctriplett@nd.govDistrict 18
SenatorTerryWanzektmwanzek@nd.govDistrict 29
SenatorRichWardnerrwardner@nd.govDistrict 37
SenatorJohnWarnerjwarner@nd.govDistrict 04

Please email each of the Senators below who voted “YES” on HCR 3014, thank them, and ask for their continued support in a recall vote. Please BCC lfennig@cosaction.com.

SenateHowardAndersonhcanderson@nd.govDistrict 08
SenateKellyArmstrongkarmstrong@nd.govDistrict 36
SenateBillBowmanbbowman@nd.govDistrict 39
SenateRandallBurckhardraburckhard@nd.govDistrict 05
SenateJonathanCasperjcasper@nd.govDistrict 27
SenateKyleDavisonkdavison@nd.govDistrict 41
SenateDickDeverddever@nd.govDistrict 32
SenateDavidHoguedhogue@nd.govDistrict 38
SenateLonnieLaffenllaffen@nd.govDistrict 43
SenateOleyLarsenolarsen@nd.govDistrict 03
SenateLarryLuicklluick@nd.govDistrict 25
SenateJoeMillerjoetmiller@nd.govDistrict 10
SenateDonaldSchaibledgschaible@nd.govDistrict 31
SenateRonaldSorvaagrsorvaag@nd.govDistrict 45
SenateJessicaUnruhjkunruh@nd.govDistrict 33

Thank-you for fighting with us. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” 

I look forward to telling my grandchildren that our generation did everything we could to protect our nation’s most precious gift: liberty.

Yours in the fight,
Laura Fennig
Grassroots Director
Convention of States Action
Convention of States Action · 100 Congress Ave, Suite 2000, Austin, TX 78701, United States


Anonymous said...

Good I'm glad it failed. We all ready have the laws we need to lawfully crush these assholes in D.C. Lets get some balls and do what needs to be done. We don't need a con-con it would be a disaster if we start playing with the laws of the land now. Besides the same chicken shits that are not doing whats right now,wont do anything if we get new laws. The same legislators that are stupid enough to vote yes for a con. con. will be the stupid ones making new laws that they wont have the balls to enforce. I'm ready!! I just don't want to be the only in front of the tank.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. There is no check on what a con-con might do. It could totally rewrite the constitution. What good would an amendment do if the corp DC doesn't abide by the constitution or laws anyway.