Rep. Patrick McHenry accuses feds of assaulting bill of rights
Paul Joseph Watson
March 17, 2015

Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) has introduced legislation that will prohibit future ATF ammunition bans as the fight over attempts to restrict the second amendment intensifies.
The Ammunition and Firearms Protection Act would “prevent the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) from classifying M855 ammunition as armor-piercing and from instituting any ban on the sale and manufacture of ammunition that is intended, marketed, and sold for rifle use.”
McHenry accused the feds of launching an “assault on our Constitution and Bill of Rights,” adding that his bill is designed to “put an end to this attack on our Second Amendment.”
The move comes hot on the heels of a new bill introduced by four Democrats that would ban the sale of “green tip” bullets commonly used on the AR-15 rifle for sporting purposes.
After introducing the Armor Piercing Bullets Act, Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) asserted, “these rounds can easily be loaded into concealed pistols and other short guns, making them particularly dangerous to police officers.”
Last month, the ATF announced a “proposal” to ban green tipped bullets under a new regulatory framework that would remove the ammo from a list of exemptions under the justification that the bullets are “armor piercing” and are being used against law enforcement officers.
The federal agency backed down on the ban after a huge backlash from second amendment activists and gun groups, but indicated that it would attempt to resurrect the issue in future, with ATF Director B. Todd Jones saying the agency was “figuring out how we do this rationally”.
The prospect of the bullets being banned has prompted a run on supplies across the country, with gun stores reporting huge demand from customers eager to stock up.
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1 comment:
The funny thing here is that no matter what legislation, or bill, or whatever they do, it it is contrary to the Constitution it is for naught anyway. Legislation is subordinate to the Constitution. It isn't a "Big print gives it to you, little print takes it away" deal, either. The second amendment contains the words ". . .shall not be infringed. . ." It don't get much clearer than that, people. If they ban ammunition for your gun (I won't say firearm, because the definition of firearm is very explicit, and does *NOT* include AR15 or most other guns) they have clearly violated the Constitution by infringement of a second amendment right. But, truth be told, even the Constitution is subordinate to Common Law so even if they somehow got around the Constitution and tried to apply a ban (infringement of s second amendment guaranteed right) Common Law would still allow it. People just need to realize that we are the "Governed" but we agree to be governed "by Consent". If we don't consent, they can't govern.
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